News and Stories

Capital Comments

Capital Comments: Scrooge and Malthus

It’s a strange line, though. There’s a “surplus population”? Great Britain’s population in 1840 was 18.5 million....

Capital Comments

Capital Comments: Policies to Cut Homeowner Property Taxes

Suppose we want to cut property taxes for homeowners. How could we do that? Probably we should start with another question: Why would we want to...

Capital Comments

Capital Comments: The Federal Reserve Makes Its Move

The Federal Reserve’s press release from Sept. 18 said it would “lower the target range for the federal funds rate by 1/2 percentage...

Capital Comments

Capital Comments: How Do We Know If a Recession Has Started?

How do we know if a recession has started? Sometimes it’s obvious. In March 2020 during the pandemic emergency, weekly applications for...

Capital Comments

Capital Comments: Balances Cover Shortfalls in Indiana’s State Budget

In fiscal 2024, revenues were 1.4 percent higher than in 2023. That’s much slower growth than the 9.3 percent annual average from the past...

Capital Comments

Capital Comments: Fifty Years of Indiana Property Tax Policy

Indiana voters elected Otis Bowen as Governor in 1972 on a pledge of “visible, lasting and substantial” property tax relief. The slogan...

Capital Comments

Capital Comments: What Will Happen When the Social Security Trust Fund Runs Out?

Social Security trustees just published their annual report about the program’s finances. They predict that the combined $2.8 trillion...

Capital Comments

Capital Comments: The Envelope from the County Treasurer

It was printed in bold letters on the front of the envelope. “Open Immediately. Property Tax Notice Enclosed.” It was the annual...

Capital Comments

Capital Comments: A Simple View of the Economy Helps Us Understand Growth

People use tools to make goods and services, which other people buy. Gross domestic product is our measure of the value of goods and services. It...

Capital Comments

Capital Comments: How Much Will Homeowner Property Tax Bills Rise in 2024?

Last year Indiana homeowners were hit with property tax bill increases averaging 17 percent, an extraordinary increase. Will it happen again in...

Capital Comments

Capital Comments: Farmland Property Taxes May Keep Increasing

The memo was posted at the end of December, on the Indiana Department of Local Government Finance website. It announced the base rate for farmland...

Capital Comments

Capital Comments: Taking Inflation Apart

Since then inflation has come down a lot. As of November 2023, prices were 3.1 percent higher than a year before. That’s good news. 

Capital Comments

Capital Comments: How Much Will Homeowner Property Taxes Rise in 2024?

The second installment for 2023 property taxes was due earlier this month. If you’re a homeowner, either you sent a check to your county...

Capital Comments

Capital Comments: How Can a Homeowner Calculate the Cost of a School Referendum?

Election Day is coming up, and 12 Indiana school districts have put property tax referendums on the ballot. Voters who own homes will want to know,...

Capital Comments

How Do States Manage Without Individual Income Taxes?

Indiana has an individual income tax to help pay for state services. Indiana raises about $8 billion a year from its state income tax, which is 36%...

Capital Comments

Capital Comments: Supply Chain Pressure is Easing, and so is Inflation

The 12-month inflation rate began to rise in early 2021 and peaked at 8.9 percent in June 2022. Since then it’s fallen to 3.3 percent. Not so...

Capital Comments

Capital Comments: Indiana State Balances and the Pension Stabilization Fund

The Indiana fiscal new year is upon us, having begun on July 1. The big New Year’s celebration happened on July 13, with the...

Capital Comments

Capital Comments: Will the Inflation Rate Keep Falling?

Inflation is coming down. The Bureau of Labor Statistics, which measures the Consumer Price Index, reported the 12-month inflation rate for May at...

Capital Comments

Capital Comments: The General Assembly Delivers Some Property Tax Relief

Indiana homeowner tax bills increased 17 percent on average this year, the largest increase in years. Other property owners saw big increases too....

Capital Comments

Capital Comments: An Extra Billion and a Half in State Revenue

The state revenue forecast upped its prediction of revenues for the rest of this fiscal year and the coming biennium, 2023-25, by $1.5 billion over...

Capital Comments

Capital Comments: Property Tax Bills are Increasing a Lot in 2023

Indiana county treasurers soon will mail property tax bills to owners of homes, rental housing, farmland, and businesses. Most will see big...

Capital Comments

Capital Comments: Solar Energy Projects and Property Taxes

Utilities are building a lot of solar energy projects in Indiana. Fields of solar panels will become a common part of our landscape. This may help...

Capital Comments

Capital Comments: Farmland Property Tax Misery Has Company

Farmland assessments for property taxes are going up.  So are home, rental housing and business assessments. Property tax misery has a lot of...

Capital Comments

Capital Comments: State Revenue Growth Will Return to Normal

Thursday, December 15, was a much-anticipated day at the Indiana Statehouse. It was Revenue Forecast Day, when the General Assembly heard the...

Capital Comments

Capital Comments: Holiday Inflation Cheer

The holidays are here. Time for good cheer and happy thoughts, even if candy canes and sugar plums cost 7.8 percent more this year than last.

Capital Comments

Capital Comments: Cost of Living Adjustments

Inflation has been so low for so long that we hardly noticed them. Now inflation is the highest it’s been in 40 years, and COLAs are in the...

group of people

Purdue Extension Educators Share Facilitation Skills with Faculty from Andhra University

On September 20, Regional Community Development Educators Tanya Hall and Steve Yoder led a daylong workshop on verbal facilitation skills for a...

Capital Comments, Indiana state capital in background

Capital Comments: The Housing Market is Cooling Off

The Federal Reserve is serious about battling inflation. They’ve raised their policy interest rate from near zero in February to an average...

Capital Comments, Indiana state capital in background

Capital Comments: Is this a Recession?

Is this a recession? Real gross domestic product has dropped for two straight quarters. Real GDP is our measure of goods and services produced,...

Capital Comments

Capital Comments: $6 Billion in Balances

Mid-July is number-cruncher nirvana if you follow the Indiana state budget. That’s when the State Budget Agency releases its closeout for the...

Capital Comments, Indiana state capital in background

Inflation and Indiana School District Budgets

The inflation rate in May was 8.6 percent, the highest since the bad old days of the Great Inflation 40 years ago. We’re all paying higher...

Capital Comments

Capital Comments: Shocked and Not Shocked by Home Assessments

Every year about this time homeowners receive a Form 11 from their county assessor. It’s the notice of assessment of land and structures, and...

Capital Comments

Capital Comments: The Residential Share of Property Taxes is on the Rise

Here’s one way to think about property taxes: The local government sets its budget, subtracts all other tax revenue, and raises the remainder...

Capital Comments

Capital Comments: What Will Happen to Inflation?

The inflation rate was 7.5 percent from January 2021 to January 2022, the highest inflation in 40 years. It arrived suddenly and unexpectedly. A...

Capital Comments

Capital Comments: Farmland Assessments will Increase for Taxes in 2023

Farmland property taxes have been falling. Total property taxes paid by agricultural property owners fell 2.3 percent per year from 2017 to 2021,...

Capital Comments

Capital Comments: What Happens to Property Taxes During Inflation?

The property tax is the biggest source of tax revenue for most Indiana local governments, and they were worried about the effect of the COVID...

Capital Comments

Capital Comments: We Finally Know How the Recession Will Affect Property Taxes

What will be the effect of the COVID recession on the property taxes that fund Indiana local governments? I’ve been thinking and writing...

Capital Comments

Capital Comments: Birth Rates Have Been Falling for a Long Time

Purdue Extension.

Community Development Can Help Build Cultural Competence

How effective am I at working across cultural differences? Do others see me as culturally competent? One of the key frameworks of the Navigating...

Capital Comments

Capital Comments: What Three Forecasts Say About Our Economic Future

Where is our economy going? Let’s ask some folks whose job it is to forecast the future of the U.S. economy. How about looking at three...

Capital Comments

Capital Comments: Last Year’s Recession Hits Indiana Local Governments Next Year

The National Bureau of Economic Research is our quasi-official umpire of recessions and expansions. Last year it marked the peak of the last...

Capital Comments

Capital Comments: Reasons to Celebrate the Indiana Fiscal New Year

Happy belated New Year, everyone! I mean the Indiana Fiscal New Year 2022, which started on July 1. The State Budget Agency celebrates the event...

Purdue Extension.

The Value of Good Facilitation

Do you help lead groups to accomplish complex tasks and make participatory decisions? Whether you are leading a visioning process, supporting a...

Capital Comments

Capital Comments: What Kind of Inflation Problem Do We Have?

In May the consumer price index was 4.9% higher than it was 12 months before. The last time we saw an inflation rate that high was July 2008. The...

Purdue Extension.

Registration Open! Community Coaching Learning Circle

Purdue Extension Community Development is offering a professional development opportunity for individuals interested in honing their community...

Capital Comments

Capital Comments: A State Revenue Forecast for the Ages

On April 15, toward the end of the 2021 session of the Indiana General Assembly, the State Budget Committee heard the revised revenue forecast. It...

Capital Comments

Capital Comments: Pent-Up Demand, Then and Now

What can history teach us about the demand for goods and services post-pandemic? Larry Deboer knows.

Purdue Extension.

Rural Indiana Stats Website

When you’re looking to make data-driven decisions for local government financing, don’t overlook a great tool from the Purdue Center...

Capital Comments

Capital Comments: It's Tax Season. Where Do Your Local Taxes Go?

Tax season is coming up. Federal income taxes are due on May 17th this year. The due date for Indiana’s state and local income taxes remains...

Purdue Extension.

Visit the Intercultural Learning Hub

The Intercultural Learning Hub (HubICL), powered by HUBzero® [1], is an online collaborative space for researchers, educators, and...

Purdue Extension.

Capital Comments: Okun, Phillips and Our Economy

If you want to be remembered in economics, get yourself a curve. There’s the Lorenz curve, the Laffer curve, the Kuznets curve, and, probably...

Purdue Extension.

Orange County Program Graduates 14 Community Leaders

Purdue Extension.

A Legacy of Leadership

As I write this brief column, I do so with some sadness since I will be officially retiring from Purdue on Feb. 1, 2021. When I came to Purdue in...

Purdue Extension.

Capital Comments: The State Revenue Forecast: We Might be OK

Can it be, is it possible, that 2021 won’t be terrible? The state revenue forecast was released on December 16 to provide a starting point...

Purdue Extension.

Identify the Professional, Business and Organizational Skills You Need to Thrive in 2021

Purdue Extension.

Capital Comments: A Tale of Two Recessions

The Great Recession began after the economy peaked in December 2007, and then continued for 18 months through June 2009. It was the longest...

Purdue Extension.

What are you most thankful for?

Purdue Extension.

Capital Comments: COVID Recession Makes Farmland Tax Predictions Harder

Purdue Extension.

Capital Comments: Don’t get spun: What’s happening in our economy, right now?

Forecasts? Don’t talk about forecasts. You kidding me? I just want to know what’s happening now!

Purdue Extension.

Capital Comments: Rents, Telecommuting and Harry Potter

The wizards in Harry Potter’s Britain use many forms of transportation. Brooms, but also floo powder, portkeys, flying vehicles, the Night...

Purdue Extension.

Fall 2020 Registration for American Citizen Planner Now Open

Purdue Extension and Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant have opened enrollment in American Citizen Planner – Indiana, an online training course for...

Purdue Extension.

A Graphic Reflection Tool

As any great leader knows, in order to lead effectively you must first meet people where they are. Every person’s experiences are different,...

Purdue Extension.

Capital Comments: Trouble for Indiana’s State Budget

Revenues fell 8 percent below forecast for the year, 23 percent from March through June. We used $850 million in balances to cover that shortfall,...

Purdue Extension.

Local Leaders Explore Property Tax System in Purdue Extension Workshop

Purdue Extension provided a free workshop for local leaders to learn about Indiana’s property tax system and explore trends in local and...

Purdue Extension.

Local Government Leadership Workshop Explains Election Process Requirements

Lake County Extension collaborated with the Lake County Clerk’s office and the Board of Elections & Registration to present the...

Purdue Extension.

Purdue Extension Land Use Team Launches American Citizen Planner Program in Indiana

The American Citizen Planner program, which provides training in core competencies for public planning officials, is now being offered in Indiana...

Purdue Extension.

Tracking 21st Century Diversity in Indiana Counties

As globalization continues to chug along and the digital age continues to take hold, communities in Indiana need to adapt in order to remain...

Purdue Extension.

Fostering Economic Stability – Communities Working Together to Drive Progress

So often my travels leave me weaving alongside desolate country roads that are sparsely populated and towns that are blighted with empty, dusty...

Purdue Extension.

Purdue Extension Community Development Responds to Needs in Your Community

Purdue Extension has offices in all ninety-two counties in Indiana. Through these offices, our educators are able to spend their workdays (and live...

Purdue Extension.

Running for Local Office Seminar Gets Future Local Candidates Ready to Campaign

On September 24, 2019, Purdue Extension Community Development educator, Amanda Galloway, and Tippecanoe County Clerk, Julie Roush, presented to...

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Extension Invests in Preparing the Next Generation of Community Leaders

In the last ten years, Indianapolis has embarked on a positive economic path with initiatives such as the “quality of life” plans,...

Purdue Extension.

Promoting Shared Prosperity and Improved Economic Outcomes in Indianapolis

Inclusive growth and the future of work were recent topics at the Community & Economics Leadership Program (CELP), led by George Okantey,...


Purdue Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Team Selected to Apply for $5,000 Grant

DEI Indy earned the second highest team, out of a total of 28 teams, for the North Central region at the Impact Collaborative summit in Atlanta. As...

Purdue Extension.

Coming Together for Racial Understanding

Eighteen staff from Purdue Extension and the College of Agriculture met at the Wright Forestry Center from May 21-22 to participate in a...

Purdue Extension.

Effective Business Meetings – Reducing the Stress and Increasing Productivity

Raise your hand if you have attended any business meeting that you roll your eyes and think that the meeting is too long? So often, the agenda and...

Purdue Extension.

The Key to Being More Productive? Try Slowing Down

In a world where we are constantly asked to have more things completed, assigned more tasks and given more responsibilities, it seems there is a...

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Learning Essential Skills to Engage Difficult Conversation

Conversations move life forward. They can also stop things from moving forward. Relationships begin and end on conversations. Teams are formed and...

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Community Development Educator Honored

George Okantey, Purdue Extension Community Development educator in Marion County, was recently named a recipient of the Robert O. Zdenek Staff...

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CELP Graduates Making Local and National Impacts

Three graduates of the Community Economics and Leadership Program (CELP) recently utilized the education they received through the four-month...

Purdue Extension.

Leadership Daviess County Class of 2018

Community projects are a component of many of the Purdue Extension Community Leadership Programs across the state. The Leadership Daviess County...

Purdue Extension.

With Social Media, Markets are Reaching Much Farther

In the scope of society, we have multiple branches of communication. The facets we see depend on our generation, tastes and preferences and where...

Purdue Extension.

A Look at Confined Feeding Operations in Indiana

Confined Feeding Operations (CFOs) offer an efficient system to feed and house animals through specialization, increased facility size and close...

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Community Economics and Leadership Program (CELP) Graduates Receive Congressional Recognition

Nineteen middle managers and millennials from four community organizations, four city government agencies and three nonprofit agencies recently...

Purdue Extension.

Generational titles — why do we even need them?

Educate, validate, and elevate our employees so they can be the best version of themselves, help them in this regard to identify opportunities for...


Winners Named for National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals Awards

Purdue Extension’s Beginner’s Guide to Grant Writing was recently recognized as a national award winner by the National Association of...

Purdue Extension.

Attitudes Influence Change

How do communities change? The answer is quite easy. Change is implemented through attitude. Although the answer is easy, getting to that answer is...

Purdue Extension.

Internet Sales Tax

Last week, the Supreme Court ruled internet retailers can be required to collect sales taxes, even in areas where they have no physical presence....

Purdue Extension.

Huntington County Leadership Academy Graduates Class of 2018

Huntington County Leadership Academy congratulates 17 graduates from the 2018 Purdue Extension Community Leadership class. The group has been...

Purdue Extension.

Leadership Jasper County Graduates Class of 2017-18

Leadership Jasper County graduated the 2017-18 class this week. The Community Leadership Program works to create a network of willing,...

Purdue Extension.

Assistant Program Leader Presents to Community Economics and Leadership Program (CELP) Participants

Michael Wilcox, Assistant Program Leader for Purdue Extension Community Development, was the May 10 guest speaker for the Community Economics and...

Purdue Extension.

Reaching Successful Economic Development in the Community

The building goes dark, the manager locks the door for the last time, brown paper cascades down windows that once held signs of sales and...

Purdue Extension.

Understanding Indiana’s Local Tax Systems

Local government finance is complex and has become even more so since the implementation of the property tax caps in 2008. In 2016, taxpayers...

Purdue Extension.

Leadership Vigo County Graduates a Network of Residents Committed to Serve and Lead

Congratulations to the 2018 class of Leadership Vigo County, a program provided by Purdue Extension Vigo County, who graduated last month! The...


New Beginner’s Guide to Grant Writing Reaps Rewards for Indiana Communities

Competitive grant proposals are an increasing key revenue source for nonprofits, educational institutions and local governments. One indicator of...

Purdue Extension.

Effective Leadership – Where Did It Go?

‘Leader’ is defined as a person to guide a way by going in advance. Leadership is an important function of management, which helps to...

Purdue Extension.

Gallardo’s Broadband Study Cited

In a globally connected world, access to the internet can link people to a variety of resources that can be of value in their daily living, such as...

Purdue Extension.

Cultivating Diversity and Differences

Hiring employees from various backgrounds, cultures and experiences leads to workplace diversity. The vast majority of employers view diversity as...

Purdue Extension.

Turning Bad Meetings Into Great Ones Takes Leadership

No one likes to sit through a bad meeting. Many of us can point to things we don’t like about the meetings we attend that are not productive:

Purdue Extension.

Book Club: A Good Tax, Chapter 4

This post is a part of our Local Government book club series. Join us in reading A Good Tax: Legal and Policy Issues for the Property Tax in the...

Purdue Extension.

Leadership Vigo County Graduates A Network of Residents Committed to Serve and Lead