Tracking 21st Century Diversity in Indiana Counties
As globalization continues to chug along and the digital age continues to take hold, communities in Indiana need to adapt in order to remain...
As globalization continues to chug along and the digital age continues to take hold, communities in Indiana need to adapt in order to remain...
November is the month that our neighbors and friends engaged in row crop agriculture are usually finishing their harvest. In a similar fashion, our...
Purdue Extension Community Development (CD) and the Purdue Center for Regional Development (PCRD) is ecstatic to announce the release of our...
This is the season when many of us commune together as colleagues at work and family members at home. In the best of circumstances, we trade...
Workforce development – a commonly tossed around buzz word – but what exactly is it and what does it look like here in Indiana? For...
As 2019 comes to a close, the Extension Community Development team wishes you a new year filled with health, happiness and spectacular success....
Earlier this year, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Technology Engagement Center published a report commissioned by Amazon looking at the digital...
So often my travels leave me weaving alongside desolate country roads that are sparsely populated and towns that are blighted with empty, dusty...
Purdue Extension has offices in all ninety-two counties in Indiana. Through these offices, our educators are able to spend their workdays (and live...
On September 24, 2019, Purdue Extension Community Development educator, Amanda Galloway, and Tippecanoe County Clerk, Julie Roush, presented to...
We have all heard the old saying, “Change is the only constant in life.” Spoken 2,500 years ago in Greek as “Panta Rhei...
In the last ten years, Indianapolis has embarked on a positive economic path with initiatives such as the “quality of life” plans,...
This September is National Preparedness Month (NPM). The Extension Disaster Education Network (EDEN) has committed to participate in NPM to...
This is my first full week serving as the Assistant Director and Program Leader for Community Development with Purdue Extension. I am excited about...
FEMA defines localized flooding as “smaller scale flooding that can occur anywhere in a community.” Localized flooding is most common...
Urban forestry is a program that invests in the future of the community. Your final plan should consider the biological, management and community...
Agritourism as a business model is growing in popularity as Indiana farmers recognize a need to diversify operations and supplement farm incomes....
More than 60% of Indiana’s land is devoted to agriculture production via 56,800 farms and 14.7 million acres. Today, most farms are not...
This section focuses on how a comprehensive plan can be used to provide opportunities for active living through deliberate planning policies and...
This section provides an introduction to basic concepts of economic development and how they are related to land use planning. These include...
Purdue Extension and the Indiana Land Resources Council collaboratively developed this guidance document to support plan commission members as well...
Inclusive growth and the future of work were recent topics at the Community & Economics Leadership Program (CELP), led by George Okantey,...
DEI Indy earned the second highest team, out of a total of 28 teams, for the North Central region at the Impact Collaborative summit in Atlanta. As...
Eighteen staff from Purdue Extension and the College of Agriculture met at the Wright Forestry Center from May 21-22 to participate in a...
Raise your hand if you have attended any business meeting that you roll your eyes and think that the meeting is too long? So often, the agenda and...
Three different areas of emphasis are being developed into a comprehensive plan to help make central Connersville a place where healthier choices...
In a world where we are constantly asked to have more things completed, assigned more tasks and given more responsibilities, it seems there is a...
Conversations move life forward. They can also stop things from moving forward. Relationships begin and end on conversations. Teams are formed and...
WASHINGTON, Feb. 11, 2019 – Assistant to the Secretary for Rural Development Anne Hazlett today announced that USDA and four of its partners...
The Town of Cumberland, Indiana, has launched a new civic organization dedicated to engaging the public through art and improving the aesthetics of...
George Okantey, Purdue Extension Community Development educator in Marion County, was recently named a recipient of the Robert O. Zdenek Staff...