
Signature Programs

Strong communities have many capable leaders and an actively engaged group of residents. Extension’s leadership programs help emerging leaders develop the knowledge, skills, and vision needed to lead effectively in 21st-century communities. In addition, its cultural competence programs expand the capacity of community practitioners to work effectively across diverse communities.

Beginner's Guide to Grant Writing

Beginner’s Guide to Grant Writing

For more than 20 years, the award-winning Beginner’s Guide to Grant Writing program has been helping Hoosiers improve their communities by leveraging grants of all sizes. Participants of the Beginner’s Guide to Grant Writing workshop draft and polish a grant proposal and learn how to navigate the grant process. Both beginners and experienced grant writers learn to develop ideas into winning proposals, identify and build relationships with potential funders, and speak and write confidently about how their proposal will make an impact.

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people at a table in an office

Board Development

Purdue Extension can provide customized training and facilitation for nonprofit and local government boards and the staff who work with them.

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coming together for racial understanding

Coming Together for Racial Understanding

Coming Together for Racial Understanding is a national Cooperative Extension initiative focused on bringing people together across race and ethnicity to increase understanding about issues related to race and racism, as well as working together for meaningful change.

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Community Coaching

Community coaches work with local groups to support asset-based community development. Coaches empower community groups to reach their goals, connect the community with resources or expertise, provide opportunities for reflection, and build capacity for community work. Community coaches often work as an intermediary between funders or service providers and the community, helping them to navigate these relationships. Community coaches employ a variety of skills to guide their groups including facilitation, conflict management, relationship building, and project planning. They also rely on a deep understanding of human and group dynamics and the community change process.

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 Community Leadership Program 

Confident, skilled and knowledgeable leaders are needed to inspire, lead and foster dynamic and viable organizations and communities in Indiana. Purdue Extension’s Community Leadership Program is a locally hosted leadership development course for adults who want to make a difference in their communities. Through this series of interactive modules, participants develop their own leadership capacity and learn about the people, organizations and institutions that make up their communities and how they can engage in serving their communities more deeply.

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Facilitation is the art and science of helping groups achieve a goal by organizing and managing the process. Facilitative leaders have the skills, tools, and awareness to draw out ideas, encourage effective discussion, and guide groups to make inclusive decisions and actionable plans. The Facilitative Leadership workshop teaches facilitation tools and techniques in a supportive “learning-lab” environment.

Are you someone who would like to help groups to make collective decisions, discuss complex issues, or plan events, projects or programs effectively?

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picture of team

Navigating Difference

Navigating Difference is a cultural competency training for professionals who serve the general public and want to work more effectively across cultural differences. This intensive three-day workshop helps participants deepen their knowledge, build their skills, and grow their appreciation for connecting across diversity with clientele, co-workers, and community members.

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