Community projects are a component of many of the Purdue Extension Community Leadership Programs across the state. The Leadership Daviess County Class of 2018 addressed active living through their project to install 25 bike racks throughout the city of Washington, Indiana. The bike racks were designed to meet one of the goals of the Active Living Workshop, held in November of 2017.
The Active Living Workshop, hosted by Purdue Extension & facilitated by Health By Design & the Indiana State Department of Health, provided education on best practices and identified ways to modify the built environment to improve the ability for citizens to be active in their daily lives.
The participants identified six areas of opportunity for the City of Washington, with “becoming a bike-friendly community” set as one of the top goals. Many community members bike as their only mode of transportation, with other community members utilizing bikes as a mode of exercise. This project is a piece of a larger master plan to promote active living in Washington.
The goal of the project is to encourage daily active living, provide a visually appealing solution to secure bikes and move forward toward the overall goal of becoming a bike-friendly community.
Cindy Barber is a Purdue Extension Community Development educator in Daviess County. She can be reached at