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2020 Lake County Posts

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Purdue Extension.

2021 Winter Seed Sowing Virtual Workshop

Winter Sowing is a method of starting seeds outdoors, in the winter! It is best for seeds that need to be stratified (a short cold period) in order...

Purdue Extension.

2021 Lake County 4-H Handbook

See the link below for a downloadable .pdf file of the current Lake County 4-H Handbook. Hard copies are available from your club leader (one per...

Purdue Extension.

4-H Project Records & Resources

Many resources are available online. Printed manuals (workbooks) may be purchased from the Extension Office. For your convenience, we also have...

Purdue Extension.

4-H Dairy Project

The educational 4-H dairy program and related activities (such as workshops and tours) provide youth a fun and hands-on learning experience which...

Purdue Extension.

Annie's Project - Level 1 VIRTUAL Offering

This six-week course is a discussion-based workshop bringing women in ag together to learn from experts in production, financial management, human...

Purdue Extension.

My Record of Achievement

4-H members in grades 3-12 are asked to complete a "My Record of 4-H Achievement" form each year by October 1. This is a way for you to...

Purdue Extension.

PARP End of Year Reminders

For PARP renewal - PARP online is available on the BrightSpace online learning platform. Refer to...

Purdue Extension.

Get Growing With Purdue Extension

Looking for that perfect gift for a gardening loved one? Or perhaps you'd like to treat yourself! The online series will be conducted live...

Purdue Extension.

Webinar Series on Greenhouse and Indoor Production of Specialty Crops

Indoor (Vertical) Farming December 9, 2020 from 11 am to noon (Eastern), 10 am to 11 am (Central). Registration link:...

Purdue Extension.

Watermelon and Melon Meeting November 30, 2020

A virtual meeting to discuss watermelon, cantaloupe, and specialty melon variety trials conducted at the Southwest Purdue Ag Center will take place...

Purdue Extension.

2020 Great Lakes Fruit, Vegetable & Farm Market EXPO

Registration for the 2020 Great Lakes Fruit, Vegetable & Farm Market EXPO is now officially open! Registration fees for general attendees is...

Purdue Extension.

Enhancing Your Land Lease Webinar

Take a look at additional leasing options that might interest land owners including how to incorporate conservation into a lease, pasture leases,...

Purdue Extension.

Lake County Master Gardeners Association 2021 Grant Application

Lake County Master Gardeners Association 2021 Grant Application March 1, 2021 Deadline for Grant Applications for Gardening...

Purdue Extension.

Virtual Mental Health First Aid

Curt Emanuel and Kelly Heckaman will be co-teaching a virtual offering of Mental Health First Aid (Adult) on November 17. This course will include...

Purdue Extension.

Livestock Risk Management Webinar

The national Extension Risk Management Education Program and the United States Department of Agriculture are collaborating to deliver a webinar for...

Purdue Extension.

2020-2021 Safe Produce IN Produce Safety Trainings

Fruit and vegetable growers and others interested in learning about produce safety, the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule,...

Purdue Extension.

Indiana State Hemp Plan

USDA approves Indiana State Hemp Plan for commercially growing and processing hemp. The Office of the Indiana State Chemist (OISC) regulates the...

Purdue Extension.

Wildlife and Hurricane Indemnity Program

USDA Announces Oct. 30 Deadline to Submit Wildlife, Hurricane Disaster Assistance Applications Final Opportunity for 2018 and 2019 Disaster...

Purdue Extension.

4-H Junior Leaders

Members assist with local club activities, 4-H projects, and county events. Recent service projects include preparing backpacks for Operation:...

Purdue Extension.

More Than A Handshake

Anthony Crowell will discuss the legal side of having an effective land lease. Enhance your ability to negotiate an equitable lease. Understand...

Purdue Extension.

2021 IBCA Annual Convention

Come join us for a day of collaboration, fellowship, education, and fantastic meals! January 23, 2021 To be held at the Hendricks County...

Purdue Extension.

2021 IBCA-Purdue Extension Area Beef Meeting

IBCA-IBC Updates, Update from Indiana State Board of Animal Health, NCBA Public Policy Update, Update on Black Vulture Predation from USDA APHIS...

Purdue Extension.

Northwest Indiana Invasive Species Program

Northwest Indiana Invasive Species Program

Purdue Extension.

Lake County Leader Resources

Lake County Leader Resources

Purdue Extension.

Tick Tock - A Timely Update on Ticks, Diseases and Prevention

Worried about ticks and the diseases they carry? Join us this Thursdays at 11:00 AM ET to learn what you need to know! Timothy McDermott of the...

Purdue Extension.

Hydroponics 101

Please join us for the Webinar series on greenhouse and indoor production of specialty crops, Hydroponics 101, October 28th at 11 am (Eastern), 10...

Purdue Extension.

Private Applicators of Restricted Pesticides

Private Applicators of Restricted Pesticides (PARP) Updates

Purdue Extension.

NOSB Fall 2020 Meeting

Farmers interested in organic farming can participate at the NOSB fall 2020 meeting, held online beginning Oct. 20. More information about the...

Purdue Extension.

Become a Certified UAV Pilot

Become a Certified UAV Pilot Do you want to become a certified UAV pilot? This class can help you with that! It will cover preparation for the...

Purdue Extension.

86th IBEP Bull Sale

The news release is available regarding the conclusion of the 2020 IBEP performance bull test along with details regarding the 86th IBEP Bull Sale...

Purdue Extension.

Fall Webinar Series: Digging into the Data Pipeline

Join experts in data science and digital agriculture at Purdue University for a series of digital agriculture webinars each Thursday, starting Oct....

Purdue Extension.

Lake County Master Gardener Association 2021-22 Academic Year Scholarship Program

Lake County Master Gardener Association 2021-22 Academic Year Scholarship Program

Purdue Extension.

Llama and Alpaca Fiber Lunch and Learn

Llama and Alpaca Fiber Lunch and Learn

Purdue Extension.

Put Your Smartphone to Work Webinar Thursday Oct 1 at 11:30 am Central

Did you know if you have a smartphone, you have an IoT device? Learn how to use apps like Trello, Google Sheets and Google Docs to help manage your...

Purdue Extension.

Identify Nutrient Deficiencies in Greenhouse and Indoor Grown Crops Sept. 30, 2020

Identify Nutrient Deficiencies in Greenhouse and Indoor Grown Crops September 30, 2020 (11:00 a.m. to noon) Eastern, (10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.)...

Purdue Extension.

Eastern Equine Encephalitis 2020 EEE BULLETIN

Learn about the Eastern Equine Encephalitis Outbreak. Eastern Equine Encephalitis 2020 EEE BULLETIN Northern Indiana September 21, 2020

Purdue Extension.

NCR-SARE Farmer Rancher Grant Webinar

North Central Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (NCR-SARE) will host a Farmer Rancher Grant Program grant webinar on Tuesday,...

Purdue Extension.

Purdue University's Winter Cluster: Lunch and Learn Series for Beekeepers and Bee Enthusiasts

Purdue University's Winter Cluster: Lunch and Learn Series for Beekeepers and Bee Enthusiasts

Purdue Extension.

Virtual Purdue Rainscaping Education Program

The Purdue Rainscaping Education Program team is offering a virtual Purdue Rainscaping Education Program workshop as a series, September 21, 23,...

Purdue Extension.

Pollinator Day Sept. 19, 2020

Pollinator Day 2020 September 19, 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. (Eastern), 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m (Central) at

Purdue Extension.

Apple Crunch Time has Arrived

The Great Lakes Apple Crunch will be celebrated throughout the Midwest in October and we hope you will join us. Over 1.8 million students,...

Purdue Extension.

Autumn Climate Outlook

Meteorological Autumn has begun, with the autumnal equinox following later this month. The National Weather Service and Climate Prediction Center...

Purdue Extension.

Lawn & Garden Lunch N' Learn

Join us Tuesday August 11, 18, 25 and September 1 from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm to chat about hot topics of gardening and lawn care! LAWN &...

Purdue Extension.

Greenhouse and Indoor Production of Specialty Crops Webinar Series

Greenhouse and Indoor Production of Specialty Crops Webinar Series

Purdue Extension.

Using Cover Crops in the Home Garden

Using Cover Crops in the Home Garden

Purdue Extension.

Virtual Agronomy Series

Virtual Agronomy Series

Purdue Extension.

Pesticide Applicator Core Training Programs Available

Pesticide Applicator Core Training Programs Available

Purdue Extension.

Farm Journal Virtual Field Days Aug. 25-27

Farm Journal Virtual Field Days Aug. 25-27

Purdue Extension.

Wheat: A Gateway Crop to Soil Health, Resilience & More

Wheat: A Gateway Crop to Soil Health, Resilience & More

Purdue Extension.

Statewide Virtual Purdue Extension Master Gardener (EMG) Basic Training

Statewide Virtual Purdue Extension Master Gardener (EMG) Basic Training

Purdue Extension.

On-Farm Readiness

The Indiana State Department of Health has partnered with Purdue University Extension and the Indiana State Department of Agriculture to provide...

Purdue Extension.

2020 Master Gardener Updates

2020 Master Gardener Updates

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