Tipton County 4-H Youth Development

4-H began over 100 years ago, and has since grown into the largest youth development program in the nation. 4-H prepares young people to be leaders in their community and around the world through hands-on experiences alongside their peers and caring adults. Backed by a network of more than 6 million youth, 540,000 adult volunteers, 3,500 professionals, and more than 60 million alumni; 4-H delivers research-based programming around positive youth development. 4-H is delivered through America's 109 land-grant universities and the Cooperative Extension Service reaching every corner of our nation.
Information regarding membership, 4-H Clover Leaf Newsletter, county and state projects is below.


Would you like information about enrolling in 4-H? Target enrollment for the 2024-2025 4-H year is October 1, 2024- January 15, 2025, but there is no hard deadline. Enroll NOW to stay up to date on meeting notices, important announcements, and information on workshops, camps, and the 4-H Fair!

Would you like to learn more about volunteering for 4-H and/or Purdue Extension? Click here!

Juntos 4-H

We are looking for qualified individuals to work with Latinx youth in Tipton County in the new Juntos 4-H program. There are currently two part time staff positions seeking applicants. Please read the position descriptions and submit information to Brian Howell at howellbm@purdue.edu today!

Juntos 4-H Site Coordinator position description

Juntos 4-H Success Coach position description

Contact Us

Purdue Extension Tipton County
1200 S. Main St.
Tipton, IN 46072
(765) 675-1177

 Like us on Facebook:

Tipton County 4-H

Purdue Extension-Tipton County

4-H Program Information

4-H can be found in communities across Indiana including urban neighborhoods, suburban schoolyards, and rural communities. 4-H is open to all youth in grades 3-12 (Mini 4-H is offered to grades K-2 in most counties) without regard to race, religion, color, sex, national origin, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation, or disability. 4-H is for everyone!


We encourage you to sign up through 4-H Online between October 1st and January 15th of each year to get the most out of your 4-H experience.

Sign-up Now!

4-H Online enrollment help:

Family Resources

Summer Camp and Workshop Information


Scholarship Information




Members have the opportunity to learn more about a subject matter that they choose to study through completing hands on activities. We refer to these as projects. In order to enroll in a project, members must sign up for them at the time of enrolling in 4-H. Each project has a manual that guides the youth through the learning process as well as a set of guidelines that helps them meet the project requirements. We provide adult volunteers and staff who are knowledgeable on that particular subject who will often times provide workshops to allow th​e youth to learn about that topic in a social environment. Each project has a beginner, intermediate, and advanced level-this allows youth to build on their knowledge each year and continue to challenge their skills. Projects are meant to be worked on over time, providing an educational opportunity for youth outside of the classroom setting. Often times, youth will exhibit and display their project at a local county​ fair in order to show the community what they have learned.



2024 FairEntry instructions for pre-fair project entry (Available between June 13 and June 29)

2024 Tipton County 4-H FairEntry website

Please use the county record sheets found on these pages for your project. Livestock exhibitors are not required to turn in the more extensive Livestock Record Sheet found on the state livestock project pages.