Welcome to Benton County 4-H
The 4-H program strives to gives youth opportunities to complete hands on projects in healthy leaving, science, agriculture, and civic engagement. Through these projects and programs, youth are able to gain valuable life skills, engage in discovery learning, develop social and leadership skills, engage in competition, and most importantly have fun while doing it! Youth can get involved in 4-H through local county clubs, after-school programs, in-school programs, state-wide groups and conferences, and many other opportunities.
The 4-H program is an inclusive and welcoming environment that wants to aid in the success of as many youths in the community as possible. The 4-H program has curriculum, activities, and opportunities covering a vast range of possible interests. That means that if a child has an interest, there is a chance for them to pursue that interest through 4-H! Student success is our goal and we are willing to go to whatever means necessary to encourage our youth and give them the resources they need to reach their fullest potential. We believe youth are our best vessels for future innovations and at 4-H we aim to “make the best better.”
4-H Information
I pledge
My head to clearer thinking.
My heart to greater loyalty.
My hands to larger service, and
My health to better living.
For my club, my community
My country, and my world.