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2021 Allen County Posts

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Beginning Farmer

Beginning Farmer

Interested in starting a farm but unsure of how to get started or where you can find help? Are you already a farmer but eager to enhance and...

Indiana Small Farm Conference

Indiana Small Farm Conference

Registration is open for the 2022 Indiana Small Farm Conference – Indiana’s premier annual event for the state’s small and...

Purdue Extension.

Grow with Purdue Extension's programs in Allen County

Give yourself or someone you know the gift of education Upcoming Educational Programs in Winter/Spring 2022 for farmers, growers, and gardeners...

Want to Become an Extension Master Gardener?

Want to Become an Extension Master Gardener?

Spring 2022 offers a Statewide Virtual Purdue EMG Basic Training from Tuesdays, February 1 – May 3, 2022. Many counties have come together to...

ServSafe Training Events

ServSafe Training Events

Purdue Extension.

Allen County 4-H Livestock Auction

Who Can Bid/Buy? Any business or family can participate in the Auction by registering and obtaining a Buyers' Number. Buyers may combine to...

Purdue Extension.

ServSafe® Food Protection Manager Training & Exam

ServSafe® Food Protection Manager Training & Exam

Purdue Extension.

2021 Plant Sales and Garden Walk

Purdue Extension.

4-H Horse & Pony Project

The 4−H Horse and Pony Project provides youth a fun and hands-on learning experience that develops life skills, as well as teaches valuable...

Purdue Extension.

Allen County Fair

The Allen County Fair dates are July 26-31, 2016 is held at the Allen County Fairgrounds, 2726 Carroll Road, Fort Wayne, Indiana. 4-H members have...

Purdue Extension.

4-H Calendar, Newsletters, Activities & Current Sign up Sheets

The Allen County Fair dates are July 26-31, 2016 is held at the Allen County Fairgrounds, 2726 Carroll Road, Fort Wayne, Indiana. 4-H members have...

Purdue Extension.

4-H Newsletter

The Allen County 4-H Newsletter is a great resource for 4-H members, families and volunteers.

Purdue Extension.

4-H Consumer Clothing

Educational materials are designed to teach clothing selection, wardrobe planning, care of clothing, and personal grooming. Included are activities...

Purdue Extension.

4-H Sewing

This is a series on how to sew. Participants sew garments of increasing difficulty as they progress. The garments range from simple items to a...

Purdue Extension.


The 4-H Llama project (Llama & Alpacas) provides youth a fun and hands-on learning experience that develops life skills, as well as teaches...

Purdue Extension.

Allen County Extension Homemakers Events & Activities

Allen County Extension Homemakers Events & Activities

Purdue Extension.


The 4-H Cat Project provides youth a fun and hands-on learning experience that develops life skills, as well as teaches valuable information about...

Purdue Extension.

4-H Sheep Project

The educational 4-H Sheep program and related activities (such as workshops and tours) provide youth with a fun and hands-on learning experience...

Purdue Extension.

4-H Goat - Dairy and Meat

The 4-H Goat educational program and related activities (such as workshops, tours) provide youth a fun and hands-on learning experience which...

Purdue Extension.

4-H Dairy

The educational 4-H dairy program and related activities (such as workshops and tours) provide youth a fun and hands-on learning experience which...

Purdue Extension.

4-H Poultry Project

The 4-H Poultry Project provides youth a fun and hands-on learning experience that develops life skills, as well as teaches valuable information...

Purdue Extension.

4-H Rabbit Project

The 4-H Rabbit Project provides youth a fun and hands-on learning experience that develops life skills, as well as teaches valuable information...

Purdue Extension.

4-H Swine Project

The educational 4−H swine program and related activities (such as workshops and tours) provide youth with a fun and hands-on learning...

Purdue Extension.

4-H Dog Obedience & Poster

The 4-H Dog Project provides youth a fun and hands-on learning experience that develops life skills, as well as teaches valuable information about...

Purdue Extension.

4-H Beef Project

The educational 4-H Beef program and related activities (such as workshops and tours) provide youth with a fun and hands-on learning experience...

Purdue Extension.

4-H Dairy Beef

The educational 4-H Dairy Beef program and related activities (such as workshops and tours) provide youth a fun and hands-on learning experience...

Purdue Extension.

Caring for Our Community

According to the USDA, food security is having enough to eat for a lifestyle that is healthy and active. Distribution is a major problem. According...

Purdue Extension.

4-H Complete Rule Book

The Complete Rule Book contains all rules and regulations pertaining to participation in Allen County 4-H program and the various projects and...

Purdue Extension.

Which Trees Matter?

There are tens of thousands of wondrous trees in Allen County. Many are magnificent structures of shade and beauty. They are cleansers of the air,...

Purdue Extension.

The Mother's Day Peony

As the days get longer and warmer, I find myself eager for Mother’s Day to arrive. While the Old Farmer’s Almanac may claim our last...

Purdue Extension.

4-H Shooting Sports

This project teaches safe operation of firearms and archery equipment. The disciplines offered in Allen County are: .22 rifle, air pistol, air...

Purdue Extension.

Why Trees Matter

Allen County is filled with good people. Neighbors who support each other and work toward the common good are vital for developing a...

Purdue Extension.

AgrAbility Makes Horticulture Accessible

This time of year, the weather slows down the average Indiana Master Gardener. Energy that might be spent digging out dandelions or planting...

Purdue Extension.

Homemade Ice Cream 4-H Project

Homemade Ice Cream will be a new 4-H projects in 2021 Judging Monday, July 19. check in 5-6 pm and Judging starts at 6 pm

Purdue Extension.

4-H Home Environment Project

Educational materials applying principles of design to home design and decoration as well as information about care of home furnishings.

Purdue Extension.

4-H Microwave

This project contains exciting activities that focus on using the microwave to prepare everything from simple snacks to complete meals. Each...

Purdue Extension.

4-H Potato Project

Introduces youth to growing potatoes. Youth will learn about planting, fertilizing, pests, harvesting, and storage.

Purdue Extension.

4-H Recycling Project

Provides an opportunity for youth to learn more about recycling and/or to use their creative talents in designing/making an item to use at home or...

Purdue Extension.

4-H Weather & Climate Science

Youth will learn basic information about weather, including what causes variations in weather and why we have different seasons and climates on the...

Purdue Extension.

4-H Small Animals Project

This project and related activities provide youth a fun and hands-on learning experience directly related to animal care, feeding, housing, and...

Purdue Extension.

4-H Wildflowers

Youth will collect, observe and identify wildflowers common to the USA. They will learn about habitat, families, gardening with wildflowers, exotic...

Purdue Extension.

4-H Wildlife

Observing and studying wildlife can provide a lifetime of enjoyment. This project will help youth learn to identify wildlife, basic wildlife needs,...

Purdue Extension.

4-H Veterinary Science Project

This project provides youth a fun and hands-on learning experience that helps them learn more about the Veterinary Science profession and...

Purdue Extension.

4-H Small Engine Project

This project provides youth with educational information on small engines; how engines work; working with small engines and making small engines...

Purdue Extension.

4-H Geology Project

This project introduces youth to the fascinating hobby of "rock hunting." Geology involves studying the earth's crust, its layers,...

Purdue Extension.

4-H Scrapbooking Project

This creative project provides youth with opportunities to learn how to scrapbook. It allows youth to preserve their memories and those of their...

Purdue Extension.

4-H Pet Rabbit Project

This project and related activities provide youth with fun and hands-on learning experiences directly related to animal care, feeding, housing, and...

Purdue Extension.

4-H Woodworking Project

This project provides youth with educational information about wood and how it can be used to construct items. The wood science project develops...

Purdue Extension.

4-H Foods

The foods project is designed to help youth have fun in the kitchen as they prepare different foods, do fun experiments, and go on fact finding...

Purdue Extension.

4-H Arts & Crafts

This project is divided into Fine Arts, Models, Needlecraft and Basic Crafts. Participants learn about their particular craft, and develop skills...

Purdue Extension.

4-H Beekeeping

This project will help you learn about bees and beekeeping. You will learn about the types of bees, the honey and wax they produce, the plants that...

Purdue Extension.

4-H Bicycle Project

The 4-H Bicycle program provides youth with educational information about bicycles and biking that develops project skills (i.e., bicycle...

Purdue Extension.

4-H Child Development

Uses instructional materials that deal with young children at different ages (i.e., infants, toddlers, and preschool) and babysitting....

Purdue Extension.

4-H Collections

This project provides youth with the opportunity to display their current collection and add to it over time. Participants will develop record...

Purdue Extension.

4-H Computers Project

This project provides a combination of interactive CD and web based activities that are challenging and fun. Youth will learn how to interact with...

Purdue Extension.

4-H Construction Sets

This project allows youth to use their building skills and imaginations to complete construction set exhibits. Some popular construction sets...

Purdue Extension.

4-H Creative Writing Project

Purdue Extension.

4-H Field Crops

Youth develop forage crop subject skills and life skills through fun hands-on experiences. You can learn forage crop identification, plant growth,...

Purdue Extension.

4-H Flowers/Floriculture

Youth will learn basic information and skills needed to grow healthy plants and flowers. They will have the opportunity to design and make flower...

Purdue Extension.

4-H Aerospace/Rocketry Project

The 4-H Aerospace program provides youth with educational information about aerospace that develops project skills (i.e., principles of flight,...

Purdue Extension.

4-H Aquatic Science Project

This project helps youth learn about raising aquarium fish. You’ll learn the basics of aquarium setup and maintenance and how to select fish...

Purdue Extension.

4-H Cake Decorating

How-to information for making and using icing as decoration for cakes, cookies, etc. This activity, which can be enjoyed by families and friends,...

Purdue Extension.

4-H Digital Art Project

Exhibits will be judged according to grade level

Purdue Extension.

4-H Electric

The 4-H electricity/electronics program provides youth with educational information about electricity and how it can be used to benefit the human...

Purdue Extension.

4-H Tractor Project

The Tractor program provides youth with educational information about agricultural tractors and garden tractors and machinery that develops project...

Purdue Extension.

4-H Sports Project

This project allows youth to explore their interests in a variety of different sports. They may research information on a sport of interest to them...

Purdue Extension.

4-H Sportfishing

Sportfishing can be a hobby and a source of study for your entire lifetime. The 4−H sportfishing project will introduce you to fish, fishing,...

Purdue Extension.

4-H Soil & Water Conservation Project

The soil and water conservation project teaches youth about soil, water, and environmental stewardship. Learn about soil and water quality, how...

Purdue Extension.

4-H Photography Project

Educational materials with "How to" information on taking quality photographs with a camera. Has good basic information on camera use.

Purdue Extension.

4-H Reading Program

Youth who enjoy reading are able to continue this hobby and make an exhibit showing something that they have learned. Others may develop a new...

Purdue Extension.

4-H Outdoor Cooking

Youth learn how to Outdoor Cook. They cover safety, selection of a grill, selection of entree, and develop a menu around the grilled entree....

Purdue Extension.

4-H Do Your Own Thing

This project allows for great creativity! Youth may make a display on anything of interest to them that does not fit in any of the other project...

Purdue Extension.

4-H Mini Program - Grades K-1-2

This program provides 28 different projects for youth in Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grade to select from. It is designed o introduce youth to the...

Purdue Extension.

4-H Forestry

This project provides youth with the opportunity to recognize the importance of trees and forests. They will learn how to identify different types...

Purdue Extension.

4-H Gift Wrapping

This project allows for great creativity. Youth will learn how to gift wrap assorted sizes of boxes and other items using purchased wrapping paper....

Purdue Extension.

4-H Berries

In this project youth have the opportunity to learn about, care for, and grow their own berry plants. Any berry may be selected-strawberry,...

Purdue Extension.

4-H Gingerbread House Project

This project allows participants to learn and construct a Gingerbread House to exhibit at the County Fair. Exhibits will be judged according to...

Purdue Extension.


4-H Marketing - This project will help youth practice life skills while having fun and learning.

Purdue Extension.

4-H Resume

4-H Resume Project - This project will help youth practice life skills while having fun and learning.

Purdue Extension.

4-H Garden

The gardening project introduces youth to vegetable gardening. You will learn about planning a vegetable garden, planting, fertilizing, different...

Purdue Extension.

4-H Genealogy

Educational materials with "How to" information on documenting one's heritage through ancestral listing. The project can be done as...

Purdue Extension.

4-H Health

This project will assist youth in making informed lifestyles choices. It uses six wellness factors: physical, social, intellectual, emotional,...

Purdue Extension.

4-H Entomology

There are more kinds of insects in the world than all other organisms combined. They live on the earth's surface, in the soil, and in water....

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