What is ANR?

Purdue Extension's Ag and Natural Resources (ANR) Educators serve as a research based, unbiased information source for county and state constituents on a variety of topic including: crops, ag business, livestock, natural resource, horticulture, small farms, urban ag, pesticide use, and land conservation. In partnership with Purdue University subject matter experts, ANR Extension Educators can provide relevant and proven best management practices to address many client's situational needs.

The Purdue Extension Monroe County Agriculture & Natural Resources program works hard to provide the needed resources and education to our county's producers and citizens interested in agriculture topics. If your pursuits are in livestock, forages, crops, horticulture, natural resources or any of the other many important facets connected to agriculture, this program area offers a wide array of assistance. Reach out to learn more about what our office and the ANR Educator can do to help you!sustainable-development-ecology-environment-protection-260nw-1265834131.jpg



Contact Us

Purdue Extension Monroe County

3400 S Walniut St

Bloomington, IN 47401

