About the 4-H Leadership Project
Learn how to be an effective leader, both of yourself and in groups. Set goals for leadership development and then participate in hands-on activities designed to help you meet them. Junior Leaders is one specific program for youth in grades 7-12 to practice becoming a leader. Junior Leaders serve their communities by assisting adult 4-H volunteers with their clubs and activities and serving as mentors and role models to younger 4-H members.
Contact the Marion County 4-H office:
Leadership Project Resources
Select a project mentor to assist you with your project and set goals for what you want to accomplish. Then select activities from the project manuals you want to complete:
- Step Up 1 - My Leadership Workbook
- Step Up 2 - My Leadership Journal
- Step Up 3 - My Leadership Portfolio
- Leadership Mentor Guide 1 (Grades 3-5)
- Leadership Mentor Guide 2 (Grades 6-12)
Project manuals may also be available to purchase at the Marion County Extension office, and older editions of manuals (if available) are free. Contact us to ask about availability!
Contact Linda Bauknecht if you are interested in joining Marion County Junior Leaders.
Showcasing What You’ve Learned
You can create a project exhibit poster or notebook to showcase what you learned while working on your project. Project exhibits are submitted for judging at the annual Marion County 4-H Showcase.
Exhibit Guidelines
- Leadership exhibit guidelines for 4-H members grades 3-12
- A reference list must be included with your poster.
- Marion County 4-H poster exhibit guidelines and tips
- Junior Leader Resume: Submit a life skills resume to highlight what you have learned through 4-H. The life skills resume is the format you will need to fill out when applying for state scholarships and other awards. Your resume should be placed in a folder or report cover with your exhibit tag placed on the lower right corner of the outside cover.
Score Cards
Advancing to the State Fair
- No, leadership is a county-only project and only eligible for exhibition at the Marion County Showcase.
Cloverbuds (Grades K-2)
- Create a poster with photos and descriptions of how you have learned about and practiced leadership. A reference list must be included with your poster.
- Cloverbud projects are for exhibition only (not judged), so there are no score cards, and exhibits are not eligible to advance to the State Fair.
More Leadership Project Resources
- See the Indiana 4-H leadership project page and Junior Leaders page for more resources.