Junior Leaders

junior  leader logo
The Junior Leader project allows 4-H members in grades 7-12 the opportunity to provide their Adult 4-H Volunteers with additional assistance in their 4-H Clubs and related activities. Jr. Leaders also serve as mentors and role models to the younger 4-H members by sharing their experiences with them. Many counties offer county-wide opportunities for Jr. Leaders to meet and serve the community.

College Majors

  • Human Services
  • Law and Society
  • Organizational Leadership and Supervision
  • Political Science
  • Prelaw
  • Public Relations and Strategic Communications
  • Management


  • ​​Community Service
  • Law
  • Politics and Public Speaking

Project Resources

The #Adulting 101 resources have been developed for use with Indiana 4-H Junior Leaders. These lessons provide information on some basic skills that youth will need as they enter adulthood. The lessons can be completed as a group or individually. The lessons are numbered, but may be completed in any order.

Click here for a link to the December 2020 Webinar for Jr. Leader Advisors and Jr. Leader Officers.

Click here for a recording of a session designed to introduce the new Jr. Leader resources.

Table of Contents Cover Page

Lesson 1: Wheels, Deals, and Automobiles

Lesson 2: Why Credit Matters
Lesson 3: Rock the Vote! Lesson 4: Tackling Your Laundry Pile
Lesson 5: Schemes, Scams, & Ploys
Lesson 6: Medicine 101
Lesson 7: Understanding Taxes
Lesson 8: Become the Iron Chef in Your Kitchen

A number of Citizenship Resources have been compiled to help teens talk about issues we are experiencing in the world today. 

Resources for Advisors who work with 4-H Junior Leader programs are provided here. These resources are designed to help you effectively organize and advise the youth participating in the program.

Officer Retreat Guide Introduction and Table of Contents

Link to December 2022 Webinar to introduce these resources

  1. How to Use This Guide (Visual Map)
  2. Agenda Template
  3. Club Contact Info Worksheet
  4. Club Calendar Worksheet
  5. Team Building
    1. 10 Minute Leadership Lessons
    2. Big Picture
    3. Spoon Float
    4. Helium Hoop
  6. Personality and Values Discovery
    1. 4 Hs Personality Assessment
      1. 4 Hs of You Lesson Plan
      2. 4 Hs of You Handout
    2. Values Lottery
    3. Leadership Styles
  7. Advisor/Officer Responsibilities
    1. See list of Advisor and Officer Role Descriptions under the "Advisor Resources" heading on the Jr. Leader Project page.
  8. Goal Setting
    1. Planning for Your Club Worksheet
    2. Teen Leadership in 20 - Breaking Down Goals Lesson
  9. Planning 4-H Meetings
    1. 4-H Meetings Everyone Will Love Lesson
  10. Diversity Equity and Inclusion
    1. Increasing Our Awareness and Worldview
    2. Introduction to Gender & Leadership in 4-H
    3. How Diverse is Your Universe?
    4. DEI in Action - Michigan State Extension
    5. Be SAFE - Michigan State Extension
    6. Texans Building Character - Texas A&M University
    7. DEI Digital Library - Eastern Michigan University
    8. Practicing Inclusion: Icebreakers/Team Builders for Diversity - Stonehill College
    9. Implicit Bias Videos - UCLA Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
  11. Resources and Curriculum Ideas
    1. Curriculum Ideas for Your Jr. Leader Year
    2. Overcoming Obstacles - High School Complete Curriculum
  12. Facilitation Guide - Debriefing Tips

QR Code for Junior Leader Webpage

Resources to provide a consistent brand to the Indiana 4-H Junior Leader Program are provided here. Included are graphics that can be used in conjunction with the Purdue/Extension/4-H co-branding graphics.