Purdue Collegiate 4-H is a student-run organization that serves the local community, promotes leadership development, and assists the Indiana 4-H program. We also give students the opportunity to socialize with people of similar backgrounds and upbringings. We are the 4-H members you grew up with. It is basically all the fun of traditional 4-H without the projects.

We are excited about all of the activities that are being planned in Collegiate 4-H this year and hope you'll join us whenever your schedule allows! 


2022-2023 Officer Team

President: Madison Powell

Vice President: Shelby Whitaker

Secretary: Joe Tuttle

Treasurer: Rachel Kittle

Service: Hannah Kerkhof and Rowan Tinker

Ag Council: Julia Hamblen

Social:  Cassidy Colbert and Amanda Deutsch

Outreach: Riley Eder

Advisor: Steve McKinley

Purdue Collegiate 4-H meets on Thursdays at 6:00 pm., according to the schedule below. Meetings will be held in Whistler (WSLR), Room 116, unless otherwise noted.

Fall 2022 Meetings


Collegiate 4-H judges

Interested in judging 4-H projects or events in Indiana Counties? Each fall, Collegiate 4-H members are invited to indicate their interest in judging 4-H projects and events around the state of Indiana. The next opportunity will be available September 2023.


Bi-weekly meetings are held at Murdock Elementary School - we hope to start supporting these again soon. We depart campus at 3:00 for the program from 3:30-4 p.m. Interested in helping the elementary students learn more about 4-H? Contact Hannah or Rowan for more information.



Every year Purdue Collegiate 4-H Members train 4-H Club Officers in several Indiana Counties on how to effectively complete their roles as Officers. Practical examples and suggestions are included in the training - either in person or virtual. Contact Hannah or Rowan for more information.



Corn Maze, Ice skating, bowling, pizza, house parties, Holiday parties.



Boo at the Zoo, Campus clean-up, Reverse Trick-or-Treating at local nursing home.

Collegiate 4-H AWARDS

Matthew E. Lee Award Winners

Purdue Collegiate 4-H gives an annual award in memory of Matthew E. Lee. Matthew was a Collegiate 4-H President from 1996-1998 who was in a fatal car crash. In honor of Matthew's leadership and dedication to the club, one Purdue Collegiate 4-H member is awarded the Matthew E. Lee 110% award. 

Executive Council Dedication Award Winners

The Executive Council Dedication Award will be given to an officer who has demonstrated the highest level of achievement as determined by the executive council and chaired by the Social Director.

Outstanding Service Award Winners

The Outstanding Service Award is given out to the member with the most outstanding level of service in the Purdue Collegiate 4-H Club as determined by the executive council and chaired by the Social Director. 

Outstanding New Member Award Winners

The Outstanding New Member Award will be given to the top 10% of the active members as determined by the executive council and chaired by the Social Director. 

Purdue Collegiate 4-H Past Presidents

Purdue Collegiate 4-H Officer Team 2021 - 2022