Tagging Dates & Schedule
Steer Weigh-in: February 25, 2024 at Springville Feeder Auction
*All beef steers and dairy steers born before January 1 are required to attend. Other cattle are welcome if you prefer to come this day instead of May Tagging day.
- 1:00-2:00pm- Beef Cattle
- 2:00-3:00pm- Dairy Cattle
*Note: if you have both, you can come at any time with all of your cattle.
Important: Animals required to attend this day must have their animals identified on 4-HOnline by May 15.
General Tagging Day-Tuesday, April 30, 2024: 5-7pm at the fairgrounds
If you wish to participate in Rate of Gain, those animals must attend Saturday, May 11. Weights will not be taken on April 30.
Animal ID Day & Weigh-in: Saturday, May 11, 2024 at the Fairgrounds
The schedule for each species is as follows:
- 8am to 11am -- All Swine will arrive between those hours to the show arena
- 8:30am to 10:00 -- Beef Heifers at the beef barn (end near sheep barn)
- 10:00am to Dairy steers born after Jan. 1 and Dairy Females start at 9:30am (beef barn following beef heifers)
- Goats at 9:00am to 10am in the Sheep barn
- Sheep at 9:30am to 11:00am in the Sheep barn
Reminder that all of the animal ID information MUST be entered in 4HOnline by midnight May 15. We will have computers available at the Community Building for those who want to take advantage of the opportunity to get your information entered immediately following tagging so you are assured it is in by the deadline.
**Be sure to know your Premise ID number as you WILL NEED TO ADD it to your Animal ID Worksheets as well as 4HOnline when identifying your animals.
This will be a busy day at the fairgrounds. Please watch for pedestrians and follow signs directing traffic to the appropriate routes to each location.
Animal Species Details
Lawrence County 4-H Livestock follows the same guidelines as those provided by the Indiana State Fair. Those Guidelines can be found here.
Additional County Guidelines can be found below AND in the Handbook.
All Steers are required to attend the February tagging/weigh-in. Steer must have an RFID tag and a 5 digit county tag. They will be weighed for Rate of Gain.
- If you intend on showing a Beef Heifer and it did not come to the Springville Weigh-in, must be brought for tagging on May 11.
- No need to bring Cow/Calf pairs. They will still need identified on FairEntry.
- Tags are $5 each. Those requiring an RFID tag and a 5 digit county tag will need two tags per animal (for example: steers and crossbred heifers).
- Potential State Fair cattle will be given DNA envelopes that must be turned into the Extension office by May 15.
- No cat should attend either day.
- See the Cat Project page for all details on requirements.
- All steers born before January 1 are required to attend the February tagging/weigh-in if tags are needed or if they plan to participate in Rate of Gain.
- They MUST have an RFID tag and a 5 digit county tag.
- All Dairy Females that do not have an RFID tag will need to attend the May ID/tagging day.
- All Dairy Feeder steers born after January 1 are required to attend May ID/tagging day.
- There will be a June Tagging for steer calves that are too young or not born by May tagging.
- Potential State Fair cattle will be given DNA envelopes that must be returned to the Extension Office by May 15.
4HOnline Animal ID Instructions
- No dogs need to attend either date.
- Be sure you have a completed Vaccination form to the Extension Office.
Visit the Dogs 101 4-H Club page for more information concerning the dog project.
- All Goats need to attend the May ID/Tagging Day if they:
- Need a tag (Check the handbook for proper identification information)
- Will be participating in Rate-of-Gain (wethers)
- Potential State Fair animals will be given DNA envelopes that must be returned to the Extension Office by May 15.
*Note: No tattoos will be done at ID/tagging Day. If you do not have proper tattoo identification in your animal, a tag will be inserted.
4Honline Animal ID Instructions
- No horses need to attend either date.
- Be sure your animals are identified in 4HOnline by May 15.
- All Lease agreements & 2024 Vaccination Forms are due to the Extension Office by May 15.
Find out more information about Horse & Pony Club by visiting their page.
Vaccination & Lease agreement forms:
- No poultry/waterfowl/game should attend either date.
- Mandatory Blood Testing will be June 7th, 5-8pm & 8th, 10am-5pm at the Poultry Barn
- All ownership papers will be completed at blood testing.
- It is helpful to bring started ownership paper to blood testing. Ownership papers can be found here, of by visiting the 4-H Poultry Club page.
- All rabbits who have not been tattooed should plan to attend the May ID/Tagging day.
- Animal Identification information must be added to 4HOnline by May 15.
- Rabbit class selection will take place in FairEntry when it opens, in late May.
Check back in at the 4-H Rabbit Club page for information.
- All lambs must plan to attend the May ID/Tagging & Weigh-in day.
- You must declare at weigh-in if your ewe lamb will be shown as a market lamb or breeding stock.
- Ewes previously shown at our 4-H fair do not need to attend, but will need identified on ownership papers and added to 4-HOnline by May 15.
- Tags are $5 each.
- Potential State Fair animals will be given DNA envelopes that must be returned to the Extension Office by May 15.
4HOnline Animal ID Instructions
- All swine are required to attend the May ID/Tagging day.
- Tags are $5 each.
- Club will cover the cost of up to six tags per member.
- Potential State Fair animals will be given DNA envelopes that must be returned to the Extension Office by May 15.
4HOnline Animal ID Instructions
You are not done after tagging!!
- Don't forget to identify all animal information in 4HOnline by MIDNIGHT on May 15.
- Details & helpful instructions can be found below.
- Starting May 19, you will select classes and exhibit information (animals & exhibit hall projects) in FairEntry.
- Be sure that you have read the Lawrence County 4-H Handbook for all details related to your projects.
Contact the Extension office if you have ANY questions, 812-275-4623.
4HOnline Animal ID Instructions
Indiana Exhibition Requirements
Quality Assurance programs are a great way to ensure our youth producers are creating a product we can be proud to consume. Any Indiana youth wishing to exhibit an animal at a county or state fair must have completed a Quality Assurance Certification. Youth have the option to complete an in-person Indiana 4-H Quality Livestock Care Course OR an online Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) Course. County and State Fair will accept both of these options.
This requirement is set for youth exhibiting, Swine, Beef Cattle, Dairy Cattle, Sheep, Goats, Rabbits, and Poultry.
Find Training dates and additional information here.