4-H in Johnson County

Scroll down the page for information regarding projects, clubs and more.

4-H began over 100 years ago, and has since grown into the largest youth development program in the nation. 4-H prepares young people to be leaders in their community and around the world through hands-on experiences alongside their peers and caring adults.

Opportunities for involvement include

  • Community or Specialty Clubs
  • After-School Programs
  • School Enrichment
  • Workshops
  • SPARK Clubs
  • Day Camps
  • Volunteering
  • Special Programs
  • 4-H Trips

4-H is for youth in grades 3 - 12.  Mini 4-H is for youth in grades K - 2.

Watch our Promotional Video (filmed 2018-2019).

Contact Us and Quick Links

Heather Dougherty
4-H Youth Development Extension Educator

484 North Morton Street
Franklin, IN 46131
(317) 736-3724

Amy Spurgeon
4-H Secretary/Program Assistant

Indiana 4-H

4-H Online

Johnson County 4-H & Agricultural Fair

Indiana State Fair

Johnson County 4-H & Agricultural Fair - July 13-19, 2025

4-H Family Resource Guide

Our family resource guide is full of information about 4-H in Johnson County and may answer a lot of your FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions).  Please contact our office to receive a paper format. 

4-H Enrollment

Preferred Enrollment Period is October 1 to January 15 each school year.  Our 4-H program year is October 1 through September 30.  Enrollments made after January 15 may limit participation options or miss important deadlines for animals and projects. 

4-H Enrollment is completed at v2.4honline.com

There is a fee for 4-H Enrollment - $25 which includes a $15 State 4-H fee and a $10 County 4-H Fee.  The maximum a family will pay is $75.  If there are financial hardships, please contact our office.

4-H Clubs

4-H Projects

There are over 50 project areas in Johnson County.  Most are statewide projects.

Mini 4-H

Mini 4-H is for Kindergarten - Second Grade students.  It is a free program.  Mini 4-H has its own special club Johnson County Mini 4-H Clovers.  Enrollment is completed the same as 4-H Enrollment - see above.

4-H Volunteers

4-H Volunteers include Club Leaders, Project Resources as well as 4-H Council and Fair Board Members.  New volunteers must complete an application prior to completing the online enrollment.  Contact our office to receive an application.


Junior Leaders

4-H Junior Leaders are members in grades 7 - 12 who wish to develop their leadership skills.  Junior Leaders meet on the second Tuesday of most months at Scott Hall on the fairgrounds.

4-H Handbook

The 4-H Handbook is the source of information for all Johnson County 4-H Exhibit rules. New handbooks are published the end of January each year.  Paper copies are available at the office.

4-H Forms

Each year 4-H members submit a completed record sheet.  There are also skills cards, recipe cards, entry tags and other needed forms here.


FairEntry is the online signup tool used to register 4-H and Mini 4-H projects that are being exhibited at the Johnson County Fair.  FairEntry opens June 1 and closes July 1 each year.  Information will be sent to enrolled 4-H and Mini 4-H members in Mid-May.

Scholarships & Awards

4-H Snapshots 2023-2024

100 Year Kickoff Event
4-H Statehouse Visit
4-H Camp 2024
4-H Camp Counselors
Mini 4-H Camp
4-H Honor Group
4-H Fair Parade Float 1
4-H Fair Parade Float 2