Harrison County Health and Human Sciences


Purdue Extension Health and Human Sciences (HHS) provides education to people of all ages in Indiana’s 92 counties on the topics of food, family, money & health. The community is our classroom – where we bring university information to the local level and help people strengthen families, spend smart, eat right, and live well.

    Welcome to the Purdue Extension-Harrison County Health and Human Sciences program. Our HHS educator delivers practical, high-impact, research-based programs to those in our community related to food-based knowledge and safety, money management, health and wellness, and family resources. We offer a variety of engaging and comprehensive programs and services including, but not limited to: Pressure Canner Testing, Conflict Management Training, Dining with Diabetes, ServSafe Food Handler and Manager Training, and Where Does Your Money Go?  HHS Extension programs offer a variety of adult and youth classes catering to these needs. Contact us today to learn more about what HHS can do for you!


Click below to view the Harrison County Extension Calendar for upcoming events:



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4-H Youth Development

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Health and Human Sciences

Community Development


Purdue Extension Harrison County:

Health and Human Sciences



247 Atwood St.

Corydon, IN 47112


Meet the Educator

Tara Beckman

Tara Beckman

Health and Human Sciences & Community Development
Extension Educator

A Letter from the Educator

Hi, everyone!


I am Tara Beckman, the Health and Human Sciences and Community Development Educator serving our county.  I am a licensed Family and Consumer Sciences Educator, with over a decade of teaching experience including having taught an array of courses and topics under the FCS framework.  Over the years, I have also devoted much of my time toward many school and community efforts involving youth and adults and have experience in both facilitative programming and event planning through various roles I’ve held while in education.

I am passionate about helping others- with a particular interest in developing effective systems that help to achieve desired outcomes.  I look forward to collaborating with community members, local leaders, and all other stakeholders, while working to improve the quality of life for current and future residents of Harrison County!

Purdue Extension Health and Human Sciences assesses the needs and assets of the community, and based on that assessment provides educational programming and research data to community members, organizations, local government, and coalition.

The four pillars Health and Human Sciences focus on:

  • Food
  • Family
  • Money - Financial Well-being
  • Health

For specific program opportunities visit: State HHS Website

If you have any questions or would like to chat about the programs we offer feel free to call the Extension Office at 812-738-4236 or email: tdbeckma@purdue.edu


 We want your input!

We want your input!

Purdue Extension Harrison County Health and Human Sciences (HHS) and Community Development (CD) are dedicated to supporting our community. We’d love your input on which programs and services would best serve local needs. Your feedback will help guide future offerings, and we appreciate you taking 5 minutes to complete this survey!  Click the link to begin: bit.ly/hhscdsurvey

If you prefer, a paper copy is available at the Harrison County Extension office, located at 247 Atwood Street, Corydon, IN 47112.

For questions, or if you need to submit responses in an alternative format or require additional accommodations, please contact Tara Beckman, HHS and CD Educator, at 812-738-4236 or tdbeckma@purdue.edu.

Upcoming and Past HHS Events

ServSafe Manager Training and Exam

Registered today in order to participate in the training and exam for ServSafe Food Manager here...

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Needs Assessment
Needs Assessment

Your feedback helps shape our future programs and services. Please take 5 minutes to complete our...

Needs Assessment: HHS/CD
Active Living In Winter
Active Living In Winter

Join Us for an Engaging Program! Discuss the importance of movement for all individuals Discover...

Leadership-focused Trainings
Leadership-focused Trainings

Tara Beckman, HHS & Community Development Educator, recently had the opportunity to join...

beading at blue river
Beading at Blue River Hills with the Extension Homemakers

The Blue River Hills Extension Homemakers held their October meeting on Tuesday, October 2, at...

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meet the teacher event
Meet the Teacher at Old Capitol Preschool

HHS/CD Educator, Tara Beckman, set up a booth at Meet the Teacher Night at Old Capitol Preschool...

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apple pie
My Oh My, It's Apple Pie!

The Harrison County Extension Homemakers hosted the annual Pie Contest and Auction during the Fair.

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Grow It, Cook It: Brussel Sprouts

On April 9th, 7 participants participated in the Grow It, Cook It session featuring Brussels...

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spring meeting
Extension Homemakers Spring District Meeting

On Thursday, March 14th, Indiana Extension Homemakers in the Bedford District gathered for a...

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Grow It, Cook It: Onions

On March 12th, 11 participants participated in the Grow It, Cook It session featuring Onions!

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meal prep
Meal Prepping 101

Prep Now, Eat Later

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Healthy Holiday Charcuterie

Eat Smart, Live Strong

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Latest HHS Newsletter

Latest HHS Newsletter

hhs newsletter
October-November Newsletter

Health & Human Sciences Connections is the quarterly newsletter for Purdue Extension Harrison County's Health and Human Sciences Department. If you would like to receive future newsletters in the mail, please contact our office manager,...

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Previous Newsletters

October/November 2024
October/November 2024

August/September 2024
August/September 2024

july newsletter
June/July 2024

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april may
April-May 2024

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February/March 2024

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December 2023-January 2024

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Featured Resources

home-based vendor
Home-Based Vendor Resources

Who is a Home-Based Vendor? What products may a Home-Based Vendor sell? What are the labeling...

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Family Publications

Families are the basic foundation social unit. Creating strong, stable and resilient families are...

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Eat, Gather, Go

Healthier living is easier than you think. Lots of little actions really add up. Start with a few...

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Suicide Awareness

Read more for information and National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

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Planning for a Secure Retirement

Are you looking forward to the day you retire? Or, do you dread the thought? Being able to retire...

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Food Insecurity

One in nine Americans struggles to have access to enough food, also known as food insecurity....

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Money Management

Do you know where your money goes? Most of us don’t. Where Does Your Money Go is a program designed to help you better understand how you spend your money. 

Where Does Your Money Go? (WDYMG) is a program designed to help consumers better understand how they spend their money. Program activities include determining your spending priorities and habits as well as creating a spending-savings plan

For more information, click below:

Where Does Your Money Go?

Staying Scam Safe

People all around the world are affected by scams every single day. Are you prepared to react if you suspect a scam? If you are not, consider joining us for this scam program. This program will cover some common types of scams, provide you with proactive steps you can take to protect yourself and your information, and show you where you can go to report scams or frauds that have taken place.




Declutter Your Life with pen on a tablet of paper 

Clutter is a disordered collection of things that impedes movement or reduces effectiveness. Empower Me to Be Clutter Free is an educations program that can be offered in one, two, or three sessions, either in-person or online. The sessions are as follows:

  • Session 1 – Provides de-cluttering strategies and discusses the emotional barriers that often prevents us from letting go of our things.
  • Session 2 – Addresses paper clutter.
  • Session 3 – Discusses how to store your things so that you can maintain the order you’ve created in your home or office. 

All sessions last approximately one hour.


Purdue Extension wants to help you increase your physical activity. No need to worry about finding time to attend a program—this one is done completely via email!

Walking is an easy way to start and maintain a physically active lifestyle. Walking is accessible to almost anyone, does not require specific skills or abilities to perform, and can be done alone or with others. Physical inactivity is directly related to the prevalence of adult and childhood obesity. Participation in regular physical activity, like walking, decreases the risk of coronary heart disease, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, depression, obesity, breast and colon cancers, and falls in older adults.

Get WalkIN’ helps to promote and increase physical activity among adults simply by walking more. This unique program is entirely e-mail based. Over a period of 12 weeks, you will receive 16 e-mail messages from Purdue Extension containing credible and useful information about the health benefits of walking, how to overcome barriers, principles of self-efficacy, social support, goal setting, walking locations, and relapse prevention.

Let us help motivate and encourage you to get on your feet! This program helps participants make simple changes to their daily routine to get in more steps—and on their way to better overall health and well-being.


Many older adults experience concerns about falling and restrict their activities. A MATTER OF BALANCE is an award-winning program designed to manage falls and increase activity levels.
This program emphasizes practical strategies to manage falls.

 view falls as controllable
 set goals for increasing activity
 make changes to reduce fall risks at home
 exercise to increase strength and balance

 anyone concerned about falls
 anyone interested in improving balance, flexibility and strength
 anyone who has fallen in the past
 anyone who has restricted activities because of falling concerns

Community Development


TASC, Taking Action to Address Substance Use in Communities, has been developed by a team of health professionals and Extension professionals from Purdue University, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and The Ohio State University to provide a theoretical framework for Extension professionals as they work with communities to create a collaborative approach to addressing substance use disorder. The waning and irregular access to treatment providers in rural areas, combined with a need to increase efforts to help individuals with SUD enter recovery, call for community-based approaches which increase collaboration among community organizations and individuals involved with substance use prevention, treatment, and recovery support.

This Signature Program is recommended for communities which may not be using all their resources, have a shortage of treatment providers, experience significant barriers to recovery, or who wish to take a more proactive stance on substance use and develop an effective community-based intervention to augment and collaborate with existing recovery resources. This program will provide the necessary tools for an Extension Educator to serve a community - as a non-stakeholder facilitator - to create a Recovery Oriented System of Care.


The Managing Conflict program gives participants the opportunity to explore different conflict styles, learn to diagnose types of conflict, and gain strategies for managing conflict effectively.

Do you have an interest in Purdue Extension offering this training to your managers, employees, organization, or non-profit? Reach out to learn more!

Conflict Management Best Practices | Pryor Learning


Dining with Diabetes

Diabetes adversely impacts the lives of over 10 percent of adults in Indiana dealing with this chronic condition. People with diabetes may experience financial struggles due to higher healthcare costs and are at increased risk for developing long-term health problems. Dining with Diabetes is a cooking school that offers a practical approach to eating well for those with type 2 diabetes and their caregivers. The program consists of four sessions and a reunion. Program topics include:

  • planning meals and snacks with delicious and healthy recipes
  • cooking demonstrations and food sampling
  • motivation and support — connect with others who are living with diabetes
  • ideas for being more active
  • an understanding of how diabetes affects your overall health

Meal Prepping 101: Prep Now, eat Later

Learn meal prepping skills, shop the ingredients each week, and then bring them to the Purdue Extension office on the evening of the event. Together, we will meal prep three delicious meals (6-8 servings each) for your family using a Master Recipe concept. There will also be leftover Master Recipe for you to use as you’d like!

Purdue Extension will supply everything else you need - bags, disposable containers, cutting boards, utensils, & designated pantry items

A detailed grocery shopping list will be provided and reviewed at the end of each session in preparation for the following session.

What To Bring: The ingredients listed on the grocery lists provided each session for the recipes and a cooler to take all your meals home!

Optional: One partner (18+ years) to help prep the meals you’ll make and take home to share.


Cooking with Herbs and Spices

Learn how to use herbs and spices to season your food, make things a little more interesting, and give you a new take on some of the old standbys. You will also take home a guide to help you create your own salt-free spice blends at home.

Mixing It Up With Smoothies

Come learn about smoothies...Take home recipes, sample some delicious recipes, learn about the health benefits of smoothies.




Meal plan weekly calendar with veggies surrounding it.

Food Budgeting and Meal Planning is a one-hour program about how to get the most nutritious food for your dollar. The following topics will be covered:

  • Create a Grocery Game Plan
  • Eating Better on a Budget
  • Food Storage Chart
  • Food Safety Tips
  • Leftover Makeovers/Refrigerator Reboots
  • Make Your Own Casserole Leftovers


The new Electric Programmable Pressure Cookers (EPPC) are a very popular appliance in home kitchens. This small kitchen appliance is a versatile multi-cooker that can do the job of a pressure cooker, slow cooker, rice cooker, steamer, and more, and also saves you counter space and money. If you would like to learn more about the features, the benefits, how to safely operate, and sources of recipes – because you are considering a purchase OR you have one but haven’t taken it out of the box – then this class is for you!

Eat Smart Live Strong

Are you interested in living a heart-healthy lifestyle? Are you looking for more ways to incorporate fruits and vegetables, with food availability and costs also on your mind?

"Eat Smart, Live Strong," offered by the Harrison County Purdue Extension Office, aims to teach participants how to read nutrition labels for healthy outcomes, increase your fruits and vegetables, and engage in light physical activity (sitting and/or standing, using the back of a chair, as able).A low sodium food demonstration and sample will also be offered.


Are you looking to make small, manageable changes to improve your diet and overall health?

"Small Steps To A Healthier Diet!" is a FREE class that's open to the public.

Topics will include nutrition label basics, healthy ingredient substitutions, a food demonstration with sample, and more!

This class better equips each person to:

  • Identify primary components of food labeling
  • Interpret and understand marketing label claims
  • Understand how to make informed food decisions

Food labels can be confusing, but participants are able to feel more like “label experts” by the end of the sessions!

Preserve It Now, Enjoy It Later:

Pressure Canning

Join Purdue Extension Master Home Food Preservation instructors to learn the basics of pressure canning through education and a hands-on workshop. Participants will prepare and process a recipe to take home.


All American 10 qt Pressure Canner / Cooker (USA), Pressure Canners -  Lehman's

Preserve It Now, Enjoy It Later:

Water Bath Canning

Join Purdue Extension Master Home Food Preservation instructors to learn the basics of boiling water bath canning through education and a hands-on workshop. Participants will prepare and process a recipe to take home.

Water Bath Canning Instructions & Safety Tips

Indiana Extension Homemakers Association

Other HHS Services

What is ServSafe?

Using the National Restaurant Association’s Serv Safe ® curriculum and partnering with the Indiana Restaurant Association, hundreds of food service employees are certified or re-certified in food handler certification annually in Indiana.Serv Safe ® training and certification sets the standard in food safety with the most up-to-date and relevant information. It brings together the current best practices to meet the industry’s changing needs. Participants in the training’s stay engaged, retain the information better, and understand how to apply it. 

For upcoming ServSafe event dates, please go to https://www.purdue.edu/servsafe/workshops 

Pressure Canner Testing

Purdue Extension Harrison County now offers Pressure Canning Gauge Testing.
*Dial gauges only— call our office if you need guidance with weighted gauges*

To ensure that your food is canned safely and properly, get your gauge tested EVERY YEAR.
Call our office to schedule an appointment!

Bring your canner lid with gauge to the
Extension Office at 247 Atwood Street, Corydon.

Testing cost is $5.00. Call 812-738-4236.

How to Use a Pressure Canner • The Prairie Homestead