Hamilton County 4-H Fair Visitor Information
Map & Schedule
We are thrilled that you are planning a visit to the Hamilton County 4-H Fair, July 17 - 21, 2025! The Livestock Auction is July 22, 2025. We hope the following information will help make your visit awesome!
Be sure to browse our links for Public Participation and Special Events to see how your family can enhance your 4-H Fair Experience,
Hamilton County 4-H Fairgrounds Map
What's going on at the Hamilton County 4-H Fair?
8:30 a.m. - Bucket Calf Show – Bucket calves are newborn calves fed with a bucket or bottle. Members learn about caring for and raising a calf and about related health issues. A qualified judge will carefully screen each animal and choose a winner overall.
TBA (following Bucket Calf Show) - 4-H Dairy Show – 4-H’ers in the Dairy Cattle project learn about nutrition, housing, healthcare, confirmation of the animal, and how to properly exhibit a dairy cow in the show ring. A qualified judge will move about the show ring and select the top animals.
9:30 a.m. - 4-H Llama Senior Showmanship – 4-H’ers in grades 9-12 demonstrate their ability to display their animal to its best advantage. A qualified judge will move about the show ring and select the top 4-H members based on their skills. Come watch our 4-H’ers demonstrate their animal showmanship skills for a chance to win the top award!
10 a.m. - 4-H Crops Judging - Crop judging participants evaluate crops for seed and factors affecting market quality, and identify crop and weed seeds and plants. 4-H’ers bring a selection of their field crops to the fair to be evaluated by a qualified judge.
10 a.m. - 4-H Horse & Pony English Show – A wide variety discipline which includes dressage, hunter jumper, eventing and English pleasure. Qualified judging experts in each category rank the 4-H’er and their animal.
10 a.m. - 4-H Poultry Showmanship – Join us as our 4-H’ers bring their best poultry and waterfowl for exhibit and have them judged according to the American Poultry Association breed standards.
12 p.m. - 4-H Dairy Goat Show – 4-H’ers in the Dairy Goat project learn about nutrition, housing, healthcare, confirmation of the animal, and how to properly exhibit a dairy goat in the show ring. A qualified judge will move about the show ring and select the top animals.
1 p.m. - 4-H Tractor Driving Contest – 4-H members in the Tractor Operator Safety projects can compete in the Agricultural, traditional Lawn & Garden, or Zero-Turn Lawn & Garden contest. Members must complete a safety exam, identify the parts of a tractor, and drive a challenging obstacle course with the machine.
1 - 9:00 p.m. - Extension Homemakers Flower Show – Fairgoers should stop by to see our talented Extension Homemakers work their magic on their home-grown flowers!
1:30 p.m. -4-H Llama Pack Obstacle - This class demonstrates the llama’s willingness to negotiate obstacles while carrying a pack on its back. The animals are kept on a loose lead through obstacles that represent those that may be found in the woods or while hiking or packing. In this class, there are no weight in the packs, but they are filled with a lightweight material to simulate the bulk of a full pack.
2:00 p.m. - Kids Crafts (Birdhouse Decorating) - All youth are welcome to participate!
4 p.m. - 4-H Pygmy Goat Show -The Pygmy Goat Show is judged by an NPGA licensed judge who evaluates the animals based on their structure, confirmation, and adherence to the National Pygmy Goat Association's breed standard. Pygmy goats are shown in classes based on their age the day of the show, and separated by their sex: does and wethers (females and castrated males).
5:00 p.m. - Do-Si-Squares Exhibition – Enjoy an evening of Square Dance demonstrations from our premier Square Dancing club, the Do-Si-Squares!
6 p.m. - 4-H Rabbit Ambassador Contest - The Rabbit Ambassador Contest is dedicated to recognizing youth who excel in their general knowledge of rabbits, their ability to identify breeds and varieties of rabbits, and their ability to determine the quality of an animal through a comprehensive examination process. 4-H’ers competing must meet and interview with a judge, complete a breed identification, and take a written exam.
7 p.m. - 4-H Clogging Exhibition – The 4-H Cloggers work together all year to learn the style of dance called clogging. Traditional clogging is done in time to the downbeat with the music. Don’t miss this unique form of folk dancing.
8:30 a.m. - 4-H Rabbit Show – 4-H’ers in the Rabbit project learn about nutrition, housing, healthcare, confirmation of the animal, and how to properly exhibit a rabbit on the judges table. A qualified judge approved by the ARBA (American Rabbit Breeders Association) will examine the rabbits and select the top animals.
8:30 a.m. - 4-H Beef Grooming Contest – Did you know there is a proper way to groom a cow for a show? Blow dryers, hair spray, and a lot of combs are needed to get every hair in place. Watch our Beef Grooming contest and see our 4-H’ers compete for the best-groomed bovine! A qualified beef grooming expert will watch the 4-H’ers work and select a winner.
9 a.m. - 4-H Chicken Barbecue Contest – Follow your nose to the 4-H Chicken Barbecue Contest. 4-H’ers spend all year perfecting the perfect recipe to make your mouth water. 4-H’ers must grill on site with charcoal and produce a fabulous meal featuring grilled chicken. Local professional chefs sample all the exhibits and select the top entries.
9:30 a.m. - 4-H Llama Intermediate Showmanship – 4-H’ers in grades 6-8 demonstrate their ability to display their animal to its best advantage. A qualified judge will move about the show ring and select the top 4-H members based on their skills. Come watch our 4-H’ers demonstrate their animal showmanship skills for a chance to win the top award!
10 a.m - 4-H Horse & Pony Western Show – A qualified judge evaluates the riders’ position and tests the ability of the rider to perform a prescribed pattern with their horse.
10:30 a.m. - Sheep Fitting Contest – Getting a sheep ready for the show ring takes a lot of work! Fitting is the process of shearing, trimming, and getting a sheep’s wool coat ready for the show ring. Blow dryers, clippers, and combs are needed to get every hair in place. Watch our Sheep Fitting contest and see our 4-H’ers compete for the best-groomed bovine! A qualified sheep fitting expert will watch the 4-H’ers work and select a winner.
11 a.m. - Indiana Wild Animal Show - Open to the public! Come see and learn about animals through a live presentation.
12 p.m. - 4-H Llama PR Obstacle Class – This class shows the llama’s willingness to negotiate any obstacle and handle any unexpected situation that they may come upon as the animal participates in visits to schools, nursing homes, hospitals, parades, fairs, and other community events.
1 p.m. - 4-H Meat Goat Show – 4-H’ers in the Meat Goat project learn about nutrition, housing, healthcare, confirmation of the animal, and how to properly exhibit a meat goat in the show ring. A qualified judge will move about the show ring and select the top animals.
1 p.m. - Kids Crafts (Sand Craft) - All youth are welcome to participate in this fun sand craft!
5 p.m. - Llama Costume Contest – The 4-H exhibitor’s costume is judged on originality, coordination with the llama’s costume, and sensitivity to area placement on the llama. The class also examines the llama’s ability to accept the costume on its head, back, legs, ears, etc.
6 p.m. - 4-H Beef Barbecue Contest – Follow your nose to the 4-H Beef Barbecue Contest. 4-H’ers spend all year perfecting the perfect recipe to make your mouth water. 4-H’ers must grill on site with charcoal and produce a fabulous meal featuring grilled beef. Local professional chefs sample all the exhibits and select the top entries.
6 p.m. - Leaping Llama Exhibition – Come and cheer on these regal-looking llamas as they challenge each other in this fun class! Who will remain in the competition as the bar keeps rising? You won’t want to miss this amazing fun and excitement!
7 p.m. - 4-H Sewing & Consumer Clothing Revue – 4-H members participating in the Sewing Wearable and Consumer Clothing Projects have an opportunity to model their outfit for the public to see. The private judging takes place before the fair begins. Sewing Wearable participants have sewn the garments they are modeling. Consumer Clothing participants have purchased all or part of their outfit to coordinate with other items already in their closet.
7:30 p.m. - Walk-A-Llama – The Walk-A-Llama experience is for the public and includes walking a llama through an obstacle course with one of our llama club members. Participants can also enjoy face painting, a llama craft, and ring-toss game. There is no charge, but donations are accepted to help support care of our llamas.
8 p.m. - Bracken DJ & Sound Company – Join us at 8 p.m. for some live great music!
8:30 a.m. - 4-H Public Speaking Contest – 4-H’ers in the Communications project work hard perfecting their content and delivery of their short speech or demonstration. A experienced expert will select the top 4-H’ers based on their clear, professional delivery of their speech or demonstration.
9 a.m. - 4-H Swine Show – 4-H’ers in the Swine project learn about nutrition, housing, healthcare, confirmation of the animal, and how to properly exhibit a hog in the show ring. A qualified judge will move about the show ring and select the top animals.
9:30 a.m. - 4-H Llama Junior Showmanship – 4-H’ers in grades 3-5 demonstrate their ability to display their animal to its best advantage. A qualified judge will move about the show ring and select the top 4-H members based on their skills. Come watch our 4-H’ers demonstrate their animal showmanship skills for a chance to win the top award!
10 a.m. - 4-H Horse & Pony Dressage Show – This elegant style of horse competition is fun to watch. A qualified judge will look for a horse performing with confidence, trust in the rider and in an easy balance.
11 a.m. - 4-H Demonstration – This contest allows the 4-H member to show the audience step-by-step procedures how-to-do something related to any 4-H project.
1 p.m. - Antique Tractor Pull – This is for licensed drivers who compete to see whose tractor can pull the weighted sled the farthest in relation to the weight of the tractor. There are different classes and even a team doubletree event. Come meet some friendly folks and see their sweet rides!
1:30 p.m. - 4-H Llama Field Obstacle – This class demonstrates the llama handler’s ability to show the animal at its best advantage. The llama is wearing a halter during this class. A qualified judge observes the exhibitor’s basic skills in presenting the animal to the judge, grooming, and following directions.
2 p.m. - Kids Crafts (Watch it Grow) - All youth are welcome to participate in this planting craft!
3 p.m. - Extension Homemakers Food & Craft Show – The Open Food and Craft show is open to any Hamilton County resident interested in entering their food or craft. There are many categories to choose from! Come browse the amazing entries on Saturday or enter yourself!
5 p.m. - 4-H Cat Show – The 4-H Cat show is a fun event where 4-H’ers in the Cat Project get to test their cat knowledge, have fun decorating a cage and showing off their amazing cats by having them groomed and show ready! Qualified judges and experts will evaluate the 4-H’ers handling of the cat, the confirmation and style of the animal, and the 4-H’ers knowledge of the animal.
5 p.m. - 4-H Dog Drill Team Demonstration – The 4-H Dog project offers experiences in obedience, agility, showmanship and rally competitions. 4-Her's will demonstrate these fun activities that you can have with your dog during a short performance during the 4-H Fair.
6 p.m. - 4-H Horse & Pony Contesting Show – The Horse & Pony Contesting show includes pole bending, barrel racing, flag racing and keyhole racing. Qualified judges and officials will record results and announce the top performers.
6:30 p.m. - Homemade Ice Cream Contest – This contest is open to an amateur ice cream enthusiast who would like to enter their favorite recipe. Competitors must submit their registration and recipe in advance and crank their homemade ice cream on site. Official judges will make several top selections based on taste and originality. Free samples are available while they last!
7 p.m. - Walk-A-Llama – The Walk-A-Llama experience is for the public and includes walking a llama through an obstacle course with one of our llama club members. Participants can also enjoy face painting, a llama craft, and ring-toss game. There is no charge, but donations are accepted to help support care of our llamas.
7 p.m. - Youth Swine Exhibition – This contest is open to youth age 5 to grade 12 who are not already a 4-H Swine Exhibitor. This exhibition provides an educational opportunity for a future 4-H’er or a youth interested in the project to get a hands-on chance with a pig in a show ring.
9:30 a.m. - 4-H Sheep Wool Judging – Regular shearing is an integral part of care for sheep. 4-H’ers who exhibit sheep wool present a sheep wool fleece to be judged on their quality and effective use for making textiles.
10 a.m. - Non-Denominational Community Worship Service – Join us outside the small animal barn under the Rabbit Tent for a morning of worship and singing! There is a sweet sound of animals in the background that makes it even more special! Everyone is welcome!
10 a.m. - 4-H Horse & Pony Hunter & Jumper Show - The horse and rider team with the fastest time and the fewest faults (or mistakes) wins. In the Hunter class the horse and rider jump a course and the judging is based on accuracy, grace, and elegance. In the Jumper class the horse and rider memorize a course of jumps and a jump-off course.
10 a.m. - 4-H Sheep Show – 4-H’ers in the Sheep project learn about nutrition, housing, healthcare, confirmation of the animal, and how to properly exhibit a sheep in the show ring. A qualified judge will move about the show ring and select the top animals. Animals are judged and placed by how well they exhibit the breed characteristics for their breed (mostly by muscle mass, wool quality and look compared to their standard breed class).
12 p.m. - 4-H Pocket Pet Show – 4-H’ers have a chance to learn about and create a special relationship with pets of all kinds in this unique project. 4-H’ers will bring their pet for exhibit. They will have an interview with a qualified 4-H judge and share their knowledge about the animal species, living environment, general health, and proper care and handling. Judges will make their top selections based on the 4-H’ers knowledge and pet relationship.
12 p.m. - Caravan Classes Kids Crafts – Kids crafts open to the public!
1 p.m. - 4-H Lawn & Garden Tractor Contest – 4-H members in the Tractor Operator Safety projects can compete in the Agricultural, traditional Lawn & Garden, or Zero-Turn Lawn & Garden contest. Members must complete a safety exam, identify the parts of a tractor, and drive a challenging obstacle course with the machine.
1 p.m. - Walk-A-Llama – The Walk-A-Llama experience is for the public and includes walking a llama through an obstacle course with one of our llama club members. Participants can also enjoy face painting, a llama craft, and ring-toss game. There is no charge, but donations are accepted to help support care of our llamas.
2 p.m. - Gilbert Family Gospel Band – Interested in listening to some live, family gospel music? Head on over to the Pavilion and grab a seat!
2 p.m. - Youth Pedal Tractor Pull – On your mark, get set, PEDAL! Youth between 4-15 can participate in this classic fair event – registration begins at 1 p.m.
2:30 p.m. - 4-H Parent’s Llama Show – This show is for the parents of the llama members. Parents put in many dedicated hours supporting their 4-H’ers. The youth teach their parents to show their llama in one obstacle course and one showmanship class. The judge is the 4-H Senior Llama Showmanship winner from the previous year.
3 p.m. - Kids Crafts ( Insects Made My Ice Cream Sundae) - All youth are welcome to participate! Make ice cream by hand and discover how it's made!
4:30 p.m. Youth Sheep Exhibition – This contest is open to youth age 5 to grade 12 who are not already a 4-H Sheep Exhibitor. This exhibition provides an educational opportunity for a future 4-H’er or a youth interested in the project to get a hands-on chance with a sheep in a show ring.
5 p.m. - Antique Tractor Parade – We showcase these wonderful symbols of a different time with a parade around the fairgrounds! Come see how farmers used these machines many years ago!
5 p.m. - 4-H Food and Microwave Auction – 4-H’ers earning a state fair entry in the Foods project or a champion in the Microwave project will have the opportunity to prepare an additional product to auction off in the Foods Auction. Funds raised go directly to the 4-H’er. Anyone can bid! Stop by for a preview and free samples and get your buyer number!
5 p.m. - Pet Parade – Dress up with your pet and join the fun! Youth ages 2-8 are invited to parade their pets at the Fair! Registration is at 4:30 p.m. with the Parade beginning at 5:00 p.m. Local celebrity judges will select top winners based on originality and star quality.
6 p.m. - Farmer Olympics – Be prepared to laugh along with everyone as you watch teams of 4-H’ers compete in fun rounds of crazy activities and relays to see who will be the next champion!
9 a.m. - 4-H Beef show – 4-H’ers in the Beef project learn about nutrition, housing, healthcare, confirmation of the animal, and how to properly exhibit a beef heifer or steer (female or castrated male) in the show ring. A qualified judge will move about the show ring and select the top animals. Animals are judged and placed by how well they exhibit the breed characteristics for their breed (mostly by muscle mass, wool quality and look compared to their standard breed class).
9:30 a.m. - 4-H 1/16th Tractor Pull – 1/16th Scale Model Tractor Pull is an Engineering and Design 4-H project where the 4-H’ers get to take a 1/16th scale toy tractor and build it into a scale size electric or fuel powered pulling tractor. At the fair, the 4-H’ers will be competing by using their tractors to pull a scale size pulling sled on a 15 foot long track and see who can go the furthest.
10 a.m. - 4-H Horse Versatility Show – Principal attributes of a versatility horse are a good mind, a balanced body and athletic ability. A qualified judge will evaluate the 4-H’er and horse as they work together.
10 a.m. - 4-H Llama Youth Judging – This class focuses on demonstrating the 4-Her's ability to recognize correct conformation, showmanship skills, and performance skills in the llama classes.
2 p.m. & 3:30 p.m. - Youth Talent Contest – The Hamilton County Youth Talent Contest is always fun to watch! Experienced judges will select winners in each division and those competitors have a chance to compete at the Indiana State Fair Youth Talent Contest.
3 p.m. - Royal Showmanship – Top Senior 4-H Animal Showmen from the Cat, Dog, Llama, Pygmy Goat, Poultry, and Rabbit projects compete in a round robin showmanship contest. Each winner must show all six species in the contest and exhibit basic knowledge of the animal and how to present it in the show ring. Qualified judges for each species will judge and rank the competitors. Scoring officials will tally the scores and announce a Royal Showman.
7 p.m. - Supreme Showmanship - Top Senior 4-H Animal Showmen from the Dairy Cattle, Beef Cattle, Horse & Pony, Sheep, Swine, Dairy Goat, and Meat Goat projects compete in a round robin showmanship contest. Each winner must show all seven species in the contest and demonstrate the correct way to exhibit each animal in the show ring. Qualified judges for each species will judge and rank the competitors. Scoring officials will tally the scores and announce a Supreme Showman.