4-H Member Materials
The 2024 4-H Handbook PDF is available to download and print. Printed handbooks will be available in February at the Extension Office while supplies last.
we strongly recommend filling out a 4-H enrollment form digitally for convenience when accessing 4-H Online. However, if you do not have aces to interment connection, we will accept hard copy applications.
This form can be used to record your activities though the year, and be submitted when applying for awards and scholarships.
The following dates are preliminary and are subect to change at the Cass County 4-H Fairboard's discretion.
2025 Cass County 4-H Fair: July5th - July 11th
Fair Set-up: Saturday, June 21st
Judging Date: Thursday, June 26th (Electric/ Photography/ Toy Farm)
Judging Date: Friday, June 27th Cat Show
Judging Date: Saturday, June 28th Poster Projects, Mini 4-H, Dog Show
Judging Date: Monday, June 30th Foods, Sewing, Fashion Revue
Public Fashion Revue: Tuesday, July 1st (location TBD)
Judging Date: Saturday, July 5th Garden/ Crops/ Floriculture
See below for Manuals, Record Sheets, Narration Forms and more
Please note that all Manuals are not available online yet. Please contact the Extension Office if you need a manual.
This will link you back to the Purdue Extension 4-H Project list for state provided record sheets, score cards, exhibit guidelines as well as other helpful materials for your best success in county and state.
- 4-H Memory Book
- Cookie/ Cupcake Decorating
- Collections
- Crops: Corn, Soybeans, Alfalfa, Oat or Wheat
- County Only Animal Education Posters
Cattle Poster - Manuals under review
Goat Poster
Horse Poster
Swine Poster
Sheep Poster
- Do Your Own Thing
- Manuel- under review
- Record Sheet - under review
- Gift Wrapping
- Microwave
- Manuals at the Extension Office
- Record Sheet
- Receipt Card
- Pocket Pets
- Manuals at the Extension office
- Record Sheet Level 1
- Record Sheet Level 2
- Record Sheet Level 3
- Recycling
- Manual - Under Review
- Record Sheet - Under Review
- Scarecrow
- Sports
- Holiday Crafts
- Fairy Garden
- Junior Leaders
- Manual- Under Review
- Lego Models (CLO
- Requirements
- Record Sheet
- Toy Farm Scene / Miniature Dollhouse (CLO)
- Weeds
Mini 4-H and Kinder Clovers
Mini 4-H
Mini 4-H is open to any boy or girl in first or second grade at the time of enrollment. Mini 4-H is for those who would be interested in exploring 4-H and taking part in the Cass County 4-H Fair.
Up to three projects are recommended but no more than eight projects for exhibit by a Mini 4-H Member, this is including livestock projects. All Mini 4-Hers will receive a Mini 4-H participant ribbon.
Save the Date: 2024 Mini 4-H Day Camp will be on Saturday, June 15th.
Mini 4-H Enrollment Form, or enroll with 4-H Online!
Mini Flowers & Plants Project Manual
Mini Toy Farm Scene/ Dollhouse Project Manual
Mini Sun, Stars & Space Project Manual
Mini Farm Animals Project Manual
Mini Models & Lego Models Project Manual
Mini Collections Project Manual
Mini Electric Project Manual
Kinder Clovers are a special part of the 4-H program – just for Kindergartners! Kinder Clovers is learning what 4-H is all about and exhibiting a project at the Cass County 4-H Fair. Kinder Clovers can enroll and exhibit up to 3 projects at the fair. To complete your Kinder Clover project, you must complete the appropriate record sheet and turn it in with your project on the Saturday that all projects are due.
Projects for Kinder Clovers are: Crafts/Models; Animals/Livestock; Foods; Bugs and Cookie Decorating. No livestock will be shown by Kinder Clovers. All Kinder Clovers will receive a Kinder Clove participation ribbon.
Kinder Clovers Enrollment Form,or enroll with 4-H Online!
More information for Mini 4-H and Kinder Clovers in Cass County can be found in the Cass County 4-H Handbook at https://extension.purdue.edu/county/cass/4-h-information/2023-4-h-handbook-2.pdf.
4-H Scholarship Opportunities
The Blank 4-H Scholarship is designed to promote the well-rounded tenure of a 4-H member of Cass County. The award designates the recipient as an outstanding ten (10) year member on the local, county and state level. It encourages him or her to continue leadership to further develop 4-H work in Indiana. To be eligible for The Blank 4-H Scholarship the 4-H member shall be any ten (10) year 4-H member who resides in Cass County and has also completed at least three (3) years in Junior Leaders. Applications are due by February 14, 2025. Submit applications to Claire Crum at crumc@purdue.edu or the Extension office at 200 Court Park Room 302, Logansport, IN 46947. Please reach out to the office to confirm your application was received if you are sending it as an email. The scholarship winner will be announced at the 4-H Ten-Year Award Presentations at the Cass County 4-H Fair.
The Helms Family Scholarship was established by the family of Tom & Barb Helms. The award is presented at the Cass County 4-H Fair. To be eligible, the student must be a 10 year 4-Her, from any Cass County high school. Additional details and the application are available at the Cass County Community Foundation.
Cass County Junior Leader Scholarship is available to 4-Hers who have been in Junior Leaders for more than three (3) years and are graduating High School. To apply for the scholarship, youth must participate in the Junior Leader Ambassador Program during the County Fair, by collecting donations through change jars across the fairgrounds. The total sum of the collections, plus the amount raised by auctioning off the Junior Leader "Best of Cass County" Basket during the 4-H Auction is split between the Junior Leader scholarship applicants. This means the scholarship amount varies each year. Applications are due in August 1st, 2025 to Claire Crum at crumc@purdue.edu or the Extension office at 200 Court Park Room 302, Logansport, IN 46947.
Cass County Community Foundation 4-H Scholarship was started by the McKaig Family to honor and remember 4-H Friends who are no longer with us. Eligibility criteria includes being a Cass County 4-Her in good standing and enrolled in their last year of 4-H, graduating from any Cass County high school, must submit an essay and include a letter of recommendation. Additional details and the application are available at the Cass County Community Foundation.
The Kailey Marschand 4-H Scholarship recognizes a 4-Her from Cass, Fulton, Hamilton, Howard, and Tipton counties who has been active in 4-H for at least three years. This scholarship is stewarded by the Central Indiana Community Foundation.
In partnership with the Indiana 4-H Foundation, the Indiana 4-H Youth Development Program annually awards more than $150,000.00 in scholarships to 4-H members to pursue post-secondary education. Scholarships are awarded to recognize youth participating in Indiana’s 4-H Youth Development Program on their achievements and life skill development resulting from their participation in a variety of 4-H experiences.Applications are due January 25th. Youth may complete their application through their 4-H Online account.
- Ceres Solution Cooperative Scholarship
- Farmhouse Fraternity Achievement Scholarship Application
- Farm Credit Mid-America Scholarship
- Hoosier Hampshire Swine Breeders Association, Inc. Junior Scholarship
- National Swine Registry Scholarships
- Amick Loan Application
- Myers Loan Application
- Hoosier Llama and Alpaca Scholarship

Indiana 4-H Policies and Procedures
View the Official Indiana 4-H Policies and Procedures Manual
View Indiana State Policies & Procedures
Cass County 4-H Livestock Page
Click here to view Cass County Livestock Information
View Cass County 4-H Livestock Resources