Steuben County Mini 4-H Projects
Steuben County Mini 4-H ProjectS
Mini 4-H encourages youth to begin exploring 4-H, and it acquaints the member with the characteristics of 4-H to encourage follow-through on commitment; and to learn & have fun.
Steuben County 4-H record sheets are due on/before the last business day of May. Please click on the appropriate record sheet below.
Mini 4-H Livestock Liability Release Form
Mini 4-H Arts and Crafts Record Sheet
Mini 4-H Beef, Dairy Beef, Feeder CALF Record Sheet
Mini 4-H Cake Decorating Record Sheet
Mini 4-H Collections Record Sheet
Mini 4-H Entomology Record Sheet
Mini 4-H Horse and Pony Record Sheet
Mini 4-H Legos/Construction Toys Record Sheet
Mini 4-H Photography Record Sheet
Mini 4-H Scrapbooking Record Sheet