DeKalb County Newsletters
Keep up-to-date with relative articles on a variety of topics that give you the "edge" when it comes to making your life a little bit easier. Purdue educators provide informative reads that are research-based and current with what is happening in DeKalb County and Indiana.
You will find helpful information on trees and plants, farming, food and nutrition, mental health, 4-H activities, agriculture and livestock, family resource management, youth development, and lots more!
Contact Us
** If you have trouble accessing any of these newsletters or would like to receive a specific archived issue, please contact the DeKalb County Extension Office at (260) 925-2562.
The EXTENSION EDGE is a professionally-designed newsletter published bi-monthly, every even month. The 4-H NEWSLETTER is all things DeKalb County 4-H related and is published bi-monthly, every odd month. NEWS NOTES to Preschool Parents is a Purdue University Extension newsletter providing research-based information to preschool families in the areas of food, family, money, and health. Links to the issues are available to the right for an entire year. The Newsletter Articles below are from the most current issues.
** If you have trouble accessing any of these newsletters or would like to receive a specific archived issue, please contact the DeKalb County Extension Office at (260) 925-2562.
Recent Issues
Extension Edge