What is 4-H?
4-H began over 100 years ago, and has since grown into the largest youth development program in the nation. 4-H prepares young people to be leaders in their community and around the world through hands-on experiences alongside their peers and caring adults. Backed by a network of more than 6 million youth, 540,000 adult volunteers, 3,500 professionals, and more than 60 million alumni; 4-H delivers research-based programming around positive youth development. 4-H is delivered through America's 109 land-grant universities and the Cooperative Extension Service reaching every corner of our nation.
In Indiana, 4-H can be found in all 92 counties as delivered through Purdue Extension. Community clubs, afterschool programs, school enrichment, camps/workshops, and special interest programs are all ways youth across Indiana can be involved with the 4-H program.
4-H welcomes young people of all beliefs and backgrounds, giving kids a voice to express who they are and how they make their lives and communities better.
Why should I join 4-H?
4-H Opportunities
4-H members can take part in short-term specific interest workshops that focus on anything from robotics to
food science! 4-H members also have access to numerous scholarships, educational opportunities, and can build life skills through community involvement. Most of all, 4-H is real life experience which is exemplified by our slogan "Learn by Doing."
Winning 4-H plan
4-H welcomes all youth. We strive to make reasonable accommodations for youth with disabilities to participate at all levels of our 4-H program. Contact 4-H Extension Educator Molly Childers at childer9@purdue.edu to set up a meeting to have a discussion on creating a winning 4-H plan with the 4-H
member. Accommodations are specific to the individual.
County 4-H Fair
The county fair is a CELEBRATION of the hard work done by 4-H members
throughout the entire program year! A time to gather with friends and family and
show off the projects. All 4-H members are encouraged to bring their completed
projects to the fair for project judging and display.
4-H Trips
Camp- 250+ youth from the area gather to learn together in this 3-day summer camp!
State Trips- Gather with peers from across the state to build important life skills
National Trips- Gather with peers from across the nation to network and bring new ideas back to White County!
How Do I Join?
4-H Enrollment opens on October 1st every year. Enroll online at v2.4honline.com
The 4-H program is open to any youth in grades 3-12 and has a $15 state fee plus a $10 county fee, with a cap of $75 per family. Mini 4-H is available to any youth in grades K-2 and there is not a fee to participate. If fees pose a hardship please contact the Extension Office for a waiver request.
Click Here to find helpful instructions for enrolling in 4-H Online!
FairEntry Opens on June 1st. Families will use this system to declare which projects/animals they will be bringing to the White County 4-H Fair.
Which Club is right for me?
Clubs provide the opportunity for faceto-face project review / questions, community service, program updates, and much more. Club meeting attendance is not required to be in 4-H but we encourage our members to attend their club meetings. All 4-H clubs will pass along important program updates.
Special Interest Clubs
Some clubs are special interest clubs that provide further education for each specified project. Special interest clubs include Dog, Horse and Pony, Goats, Poultry, Shooting Sports, Bottle Calf, and Rabbits. If you are interested in any of these projects it is suggested you enroll in the corresponding club
Township Clubs
Township clubs provide general 4-H information, educational activities, and chances to work with other 4-H members in White County. If you are enrolled in any other project than the ones listed above, you will be required to enroll in a township club. These clubs meet at locations within certain townships in White County. 4-H members are able to sign up for any township club regardless of residence. Clubs can be switched at any time.
Click here for a full listing of club names, contact information, and meeting locations.
Club membership can be changed at any time. Please contact the Extension Office
for more details.
Which Project Should I Pick?
There are over 60 projects to choose from!
A 4-H project is a learning experience for the 4-H member. Each member must take at least one
project and complete the requirements for that project to count as a completed year in 4-H. The
projects are judged and exhibited at the fair.
There are several projects for members to choose from. 4-H members are expected to complete
all of the projects they enroll in. Projects provide the basis of 4-H by offering various
educational experiences. The 4-H project is a teaching tool that can be used to develop many,
valuable life skills in addition to the more evident project skills. Projects are real-life experiences
that help 4-H members learn to make sound decisions. Projects also put the hands and minds to
For complete project guidelines, terms and conditions, and exhibit requirements as well as 4-H
policies and procedures, be sure to see the current 4-H Handbook. The handbook is exclusively available online.
Livestock and animal projects have various enrollment deadlines and other special requirements;
information on these deadlines and policy information can be found in the 4-H Handbook as well.
Project Selection
Parents and the member should know and fully understand what is expected of the 4-H member before they enroll in a project. Projects are selected by May 15th in the Indiana 4-H Online system. Usually, younger members should limit their selection to just a couple of projects. Older youth may be able to do several
more. When helping a child select a project, parents and leaders should consider the following:
- Does the project meet the needs and interests of the member? It’s important to remember that in many cases a child doesn’t really know if he would like a particular project without first giving it a try.
- Does the project keep with ability of the member, yet provide a challenge? The amount of time a member has to work on the project and the amount of time required by the project.
- Does the project fit into the family needs and situation?
- How much will the project cost?
- Is there adequate space and equipment available?
- Is there opportunity for ownership and management responsibilities?
- Are club or project leaders willing to help, and likewise, are parents willing to help?
Click through the commonly used 4-H terms below to see their definitions as they relate to White County 4-H.
A 4-H Club is recognized as at least five available youth from at least three
different families that have completed the 4-H enrollment process. A 4-H Club
has by-laws, a constitution, club officers, and abides by Indiana 4-H policies.
Each 4-H member enrolls online at the beginning of the 4-H year to join a 4-H
The book which lists the White County rules and guidelines for every
project exhibit. A new book is published annually. It is very important that all
4-H families read and are familiar with this book. It is usually available in
January each year online. Be sure to check all project requirements every year as they may change from year to year. This should be your first reference when you have specific questions about project requirements and other details in 4-H.
Workshops in 4-H are an opportunity to learn more about the skills needed to
complete a project. You will not finish a project at the workshop, but gain
knowledge and understanding of what is expected. These workshops normally take place between January and June and you will be notified of them via email and social media.
The 4-H Year is always the same, October 1st through August 30th every year.
Exhibition in 4-H is the culmination of 4-H project work, often held in
conjunction with the County 4-H Fair. Each project submitted for exhibition is
evaluated on the degree to which it meets current year project requirements.
Normally available in June. This book contains important information about the county fair including dates, sponsors, and special events.
Available at the County Extension Office; These are books/folders to hold the "My
Record of Achievements" and all of your completed record sheets. This book
will be used for the entire 4-H career.
This is a form on which the member records their projects and describes
the member’s experiences and knowledge gained. It is important that these be
filled out accurately in order to remember what you have done in 4-H and to
apply for trips, awards, and scholarships throughout your 4-H career. The “My
Record of 4-H Achievement” is to be kept in the front of your 4-H Green
Record Book, with your project record sheets. Be sure to update your
information every year. An example and directions for completion are available
at the County Extension Office.
The county 4-H newsletter is emailed and mailed to every 4-H family every other month. This gives
information about county-level 4-H meetings and activities offered to 4-H
members, leaders, and parents. For most events, this will be your only source of
Project Manuals or Activity Sheets are designed by experts to help 4-H members strengthen their understanding of a subject. Project manuals are given to members free of charge based on their project selections and grade level. Not all projects require a manual or activity sheet. Check the handbook for specific requirements related to your projects. Some project activities have specific due dates, be sure to be aware of those dates.
Record Sheets are given to 4-H members based on project selections. Some record sheets may be incorporated with project manuals. 4-H records should be filled out as completely and accurately as possible. Parents may oversee the child’s work, but we expect the child to do his or her own writing. All completed project record sheets should be signed by the 4-H Club Leader.
Not all, but some projects require a skills card. This is to be exhibited along
with the project detailing the techniques and/or materials used. The projects
specifically needing a skills card will be labeled in the 4-H Handbook.
Who's Who in 4-H?
Click through the titles below to learn who's who in 4-H.
Any youth in grades 3 - 12 who
participates in a local 4-H group or
Any youth in grades K - 2 who
participates in a local 4-H group or
A volunteer who is responsible for the
organizational part of the township or special interest club.
A 4-H member who is in grades 7 - 12
and is willing to assume additional
leadership and mentoring
responsibilities within the 4-H program.
The Ag Association board meets monthly and is the policy-making organization for White County 4-H. The board consists of 2 township representatives from each township in White County. Any 4-H family, member, or volunteer is invited to attend Ag Association meetings held on the first Wednesday of every month in the 4-H Building in Reynolds at 7 p.m.
Represents Purdue University Extension as
the county-based professional responsible
for the day-to-day operations and
decisions of the county 4-H Youth
Development Program. He or she helps
interpret 4-H policies and works directly
with volunteers in the development of the
county 4-H program.
They are the professionals who guide,
teach, and administer the Extension
Programs. They help to manage all the
paperwork and telephone communication
with agriculture constituents, Extension
Homemakers, and the 4-H members. They
are staff members of Purdue University
and White County Government.
Purdue is a land-grant university that has
the responsibility for taking education to
the people of the state. The 4-H Youth
Development Program is part of the
directive in the State 4-H Office housed
in the College of Agriculture.
The State 4-H Youth Development
Program Leader has the responsibility
for 4-H programming at the state level.
This nonprofit organization works to
provide additional resources for the 4-H
Program. They sponsor scholarships, fund
county and state programs, finance the
State 4-H Volunteer recognition program,
and support educational awards trips for
outstanding youth on the state level.
Forms for donations are available at the
County Extension Office. They also
sponsor the 4-H license plate program.
Contact the Extension office for
information about license plates for
your vehicles.

Ready to Enroll?
If you have not yet enrolled in 4-H, click below to start the process! If you ever have any questions, call the White County Extension Office at 219-984-5115 or email Molly Childers at childer9@purdue.edu
4-H Enrollment