What We Do

Here you find will a collection of resources that will be beneficial as you navigate your 4-H experience.

What is 4-H?

I'm new...where do I begin? Coming Soon!

I want to be a 4-H Volunteer!


Contact Us

Tami Mosier
County Extension Director
4-H Youth Development Extension Educator

(260) 668.1000 Ext. 1400

Enrollment is Open! Enroll HERE!

4HOnline - Annual Enrollment/Re-Enrollment (enroll, add or change projects, switch clubs, enter animal identification, etc.)

Steuben County 4-H Project List - includes record sheet links

Mini 4-H Information and Projects (grades K-2); Mini 4-H Animal Liability Release Form

The Clover Connection - the Steuben County 4-H Newsletter

2025 Trip Application - Coming Soon!

2025 Achievement Winner Application - Youth grades 10-12 

10 Year Member Info Sheet and Senior Member (not 10 year) Info Sheet

2025 4-H Sponsorship Form 

2025 Steuben County 4-H Project Information and Fair Book - includes project guidelines and who to call for club or project help.

 Steuben County 4-H Clubs - includes volunteer contact info, times, and locations

 "My Record of 4-H Achievement"

Animal ID Requirement Chart (2024-2025) 

Indiana 4-H Quality Livestock Care Program - Required for all regular 4-H members (no mini's) exhibiting cattle, goats, poultry, rabbits, sheep, or swine. Cost is $3 for in person programs. Link goes to Steuben County event, may also attend other counties. 

Leader and Volunteer Resources - interested or existing leaders can find information on these pages (use the Resources tab at the top of the page)

2025 Steuben County 4-H Fair

Fair Entry - where ACTUAL exhibit info is entered prior to the county 4-H fair

2025 4-H Faceoff Registration Form - Coming Soon!

State Fair

Exhibit Labels


Prospective Members

What is 4-H? 4-H is the largest youth serving organization in the U.S.A. It is a volunteer-led organization that reaches youth through a variety of programs in both rural and urban settings. 4-H programs are hands-on, age-appropriate, and university-based. 4-H helps youth improve their self-confidence, learn responsibility and subject matter, and develop leadership, civic engagement, communication, and decision-making skills that can be applied over a lifetime.

Who Can Join 4-H?  4-H is for anyone and everyone in grades 3-12. Tiny Clovers Mini 4-H is for youth in grades K-2.

How Do I Join 4-H?  Youth must annually enroll online in 4HOnline (v2.4honline.com), our exclusive 4-H data management system.  The enrollment window is October 1-January 15. We can help match you up with a 4-H club in your township or community and help you contact the club leader. Many thanks to those who enrolled in the Indiana 4-H Youth Development Program using the system. 

For grades 3-12, the annual Indiana 4-H Program Fee of $15 and the Steuben County Program Fee of $5, totaling $20, will be due at enrollment, and these fees will be collected via 4HOnline. Mini 4-H members in grades K-2 do not pay the state program fee, so their total is only $5. If you don’t have a credit/debit card or are not comfortable using your card online, we can make special arrangements at the Extension Office.  Families who have more than three children participating in the program will only have to pay for three state program fees.

Use the electronic resources provided above and lean into the human resources we have available as well. Tami Mosier, 4-H Educator, and Linda Bidlack, Office Manager, are willing to help provide a positive 4-H youth development experience for you and your family. Call us at 260-668-1000 Ext. 1400!