Putnam 4-H Program
What We Do
We build life skills that enhance youth in all facets of life including interpersonal relationships, guiding career paths, workforce readiness and improving the livelihoods of youth residents. One may have a 4-H experience in a number of ways. These include but are not limited to:
- hands-on work related to a topic "project" where one may exhibit at the county or state level
- attending club meetings with other youth and caring adult volunteers
- participate in a county or state workshop like a photography workshop, 4-H Roundup or 4-H Academy at the Purdue campus or State Junior Leader Workshop right here at DePauw University.
- A "SPARK" project or club is a minimum of 6 hours of guided and hands-on instruction with an opportunity at the end to share the experience with others
- Community service learning projects like food drives, natural resource work days, assisted living residents, etc.
Contact Us
Purdue Extension Putnam County
12 Central Square
Greencastle, IN 46135
Location Address: 152 East Columbia St
Bailey Coble, 4-H Youth Development Educator, york40@purdue.edu
Kim Beadles, Education Program Coordinator, kbeadles@purdue.edu
Kristy Straziscar, Office Manager, kstrazis@purdue.edu
One may still sign up for the 2024-25 Putnam County 4-H program! The process is similar and the fees are the same as last year. If you are new to 4-H or have questions, always feel free to call the office at 653-8411 to have your questions answered or needs addressed. Regular 4-H is for grades 3-12 while Exploring 4-H (Mini 4-H) is for any 2nd grader as of January 1, 2025.
For grades 3-12 you may Sign up here for 4-H and you may also pay with a credit card as well. The cost is $25 per youth and maximizes at 3 youth or $75 per household. Some projects like Horse & Pony, Archery, and Dog close February 1 to new club members. Exploring 4-H youth (grade 2 mini 4-H) may also enroll at the same website and the cost is $10 per youth. Exploring 4-H should select "Mini 4-H" for a club. These will be distributed during January/February school visits or be available online here in December.
Continue to scroll down for project and club information or click here to view our 2025 Putnam 4-H Program and Project Handbook. To sign up for camp in grades 3-6 or apply to be a camp counselor in grades 8-12, go to the events in 4honline to register.
4-H Project Information
Find a 4-H Club that fits your family, school and activity schedule. Click here to open a document to view the club options for Putnam County. Updated 2/21/2024.
From the Putnam County 4-H Handbook, there are pages with general info that is specific to the fair or the Putnam County Program. These are highlighted as:
Indiana/Putnam County 4-H Terms, Policy and Conditions (2024)
Putnam County 4-H General Animal/Livestock Project/Exhibition Rules (2024)
Exhibit Hall Judging Times and General Rules (2023)
The Putnam 4-H Handbook has all of this information and more. In 2024 it has a lime green cover in printed form and available for $3 at the Extension Office.
The Putnam 4-H Program Handbook is released annually around February 1 and is available by clicking here online or one can come to the Purdue Extension Putnam County office to purchase a paper printed copy for $3. Any corrections as we move forward throughout the year will be posted below.
There continues an effort statewide to simplify and make 4-H more consistent across all counties. The information for some of the state projects are very general and families have had questions about guidelines so we continue to offer our county manuals where needed.
ARTS & CRAFTS: (Click on project below to view manual that includes craft info sheet & scorecard)
Basketry; Ceramics; Construction Architectural Replica (Legos, Farm Scene, Town Model); Fine Arts; Latch Hook; Leather Craft; Metal Craft; Model Craft; Needle Craft; Other Basic Crafts; Plastic Canvas; Scrapbooking; Wood Craft
County Only Projects: (Click on project below to view manual or info).
Collections Cupcake Decorating Microwave Cooking
There is the STATE 4-H WEBSITE that provides an overview of all state projects. In Putnam County, we will still have our Putnam 4-H Handbook available sometime during February. The current version posted is the 2025 handbook.
The following are links to the 2025 Putnam 4-H animal/livestock projects/exhibition info/rule sections. Continuing in 2025 there will be a firm deadline for entering livestock into FairEntry and for completing a "Quality Assurance Program" and that date is JULY 7, 2025. Any 4-Her showing beef, dairy, goat, poultry, rabbit, sheep, or swine must have completed one of two quality assurance programs by JULY 7. Failure to enter livestock into FairEntry and complete a quality assurance program by JULY 7 will result in participation evaluation only and the 4-Her/animals will not be eligible for any banners, ribbons or awards. One may still participate in showmanship.
The first quality assurance option is the Purdue 4-H Quality Assurance Program which one can go to their 4honline account and go to "Registrations" on the left menu to find a class to sign up and enroll. These are only in person and cost $3 paid at the door. Those showing at national shows may want to complete the Youth Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) program which can be completed online. If you choose to do YQCA please have your card ready to show.
General Animal Projects/Exhibition Rules
The STATE 4-H WEBSITE project listing provides an overview of all state projects that advance to the Indiana State Fair. Please also check the the county guidelines that provide additional ideas and guidelines that may also help you in these projects.
Exploring 4-H
What is Exploring 4-H (also known as Mini 4-H in 4honline) and Who Can/How To Join?
Exploring 4-H is a program for children who are not yet old enough for 4-H. Through the Exploring 4-H program, children have the opportunity to make new friends, share new experiences, and learn about 4-H and the many things it has to offer. Any child who lives or attends school in Putnam County and will be in second grade as of January 1st, 2025 is eligible to join the Putnam County Exploring 4-H. To join, complete the “Exploring 4-H/Mini 4-H” enrollment on 4-H online, v2.4honline.com or complete the form that is provided by the Putnam County/Purdue Extension staff.
Exploring 4-H is divided into eight different project areas covering a wide variety of interests. You may choose ONE or TWO of the following projects to exhibit at the fair; collections, crafts, drawing, entomology, farm animals, foods, photography, and wildlife. If at anytime your child decides they would like to switch their project, that's ok! We want them to find their interests.
Project Manuals
CollectionsCraftsDrawingEntomologyFarm AnimalsFoodsPhotographyWildlife
Putnam County Junior Leaders
The Junior Leader project allows 4-H members in grades 7-12 the opportunity to provide their Adult 4-H Volunteers with additional assistance in their 4-H Clubs and related activities. Jr. Leaders also serve as mentors and role models to the younger 4-H members by sharing their experiences with them. Many counties offer county-wide opportunities for Jr. Leaders to meet and serve the community.
Workshops, Trips and Awards
The Teen Leadership Weekend is an exciting opportunity for 4-H members to build their leadership skills, connect with peers from across the state, and prepare to positively impact their communities. Held annually, this conference is designed for youth in grades 7-12 who are ready to take their leadership journey to the next level. Participants engage in hands-on workshops, interactive team activities, and inspiring sessions led by experienced mentors and fellow 4-H members. With a focus on personal growth, teamwork, and service, the weekend empowers youth to step into leadership roles, develop practical skills, and create lasting memories!
May 28-31, 2025
Who: 4-H members who have a current 4-H enrollment on file and are now enrolled in grades 3-6. 4-H members from Shelby, Morgan, Vermillion, and Parke Counties will be camping with Putnam County.
Where: Shakamak State Park in Jasonville, IN
Cost: Camp fee is $120.00. Camp fee includes a t-shirt, camp fees, camp insurance, park admission and transportation. Please make check payable to Purdue University. Note - Craft classes and snack food items will require some additional spending money at camp.
How to Register: Camp registrations are to be completed through the members’ 4-HOnline account. Registrations must be submitted through https://4HCampShakamakMVPS.4honline.com and payment received by the Extension Office by 4 p.m. on Friday, May 9, 2025. Putnam County is allotted 35 spots so we can only take the first 35 campers who submit paid registrations, so don’t delay! All others will be placed on a waiting list.
Transportation: On your camp registration, you may indicate your drop off/pick up location (Putnam County Fairgrounds or Reelsville Elementary). On departure day, Wednesday, May 28, campers/counselors will need to arrive to the Putnam County Fairgrounds no later than 11:15 am, and no later than 12:00 pm at Reelsville Elementary school. Camp will conclude after breakfast and clean up on Saturday, May 31. We plan to return to Reelsville by 10:20 am and to the fairgrounds by 11:00 am. Note – Our return times are approximate.
June 11-13, 2025
4-H Academy @ Purdue is a program held at Purdue University specifically designed to offer hands-on, exciting opportunities to learn about a diverse selection of subjects and careers. During this conference previously known as 4-H Science Workshops, participants will meet and learn from professors, graduate students and other experts in their respective fields and participate in interactive activities and experiential learning. Participants stay in a Purdue University Residence Hall for two nights while exploring the Purdue University campus and meeting 4-H members from across Indiana. 4-H Academy @ Purdue is open to all youth grades 9-12.
Registration opens March 15! Contact Purdue Extension-Putnam County for registration assistance at 765-653-8411.
June 23-25, 2025
4-H Round-Up is an exciting opportunity offered to youth who have completed grades 7, 8, and 9. Attendees have an opportunity to explore a variety of careers by attending classes created just for Round-Up attendees at Purdue University. Participants will get a taste of college life and will live in a Purdue Residence Hall for two nights. Youth have an opportunity to meet others from across the state and further develop their leadership skills. Recreation events are planned in the evenings to allow attendees the opportunity to build friendships on their own.
Registration will open on March 15. 2025 4-H Round-Up registration fee is $250.00 if registration is completed by May 9. Registrations completed May 10-16 will cost $275.00 and $300.00 if completed May-23. Registration and all forms will be completed through 4-H Online. Contact your the Purdue Extension-Putnam County Office to begin the registration process. Registration closes May 23.
4-H Recruitment Video at School Visits
All Putnam County third grade classrooms will view our YouTube Putnam 4-H Program Video during school visits by Kim Beadles, Education Coordinator and Bailey Coble, 4-H Youth Development Educator in October or November.