
Learn More about 4-H Clubs in Morgan County Below 

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For more information or if you  have questions please call the Morgan County Extension Office 765-342-1010 or email us at


Morgan County 4-H Clubs

A&A Township 4-H Club

Jelisa Argue                  317-501-5636

Meetings held at Fire Barn in Eminence

3rd Sunday @ 3:pm

Club Leader(s): Audrey Ennis 317-626-5783 (call or text) Email Audrey

Club Meeting Location: 1510 Centennial Road

Club Description: A club that doesn't talk about any one specific thing. 

 Busy Beetle Club Member Meeting  busy6.jpg

Information Coming Soon!

Information Coming Soon!

Club Leader:

Vickie Graves  812-325-4829

 Meeting Information:

Meets at Morgantown Fire Dept., 269 Highland St., Morgantown, IN 46160

Contact Leader for Meeting dates & times

Club Leader(s): Emily Avers    Email Emily

Phone/text: 812-322-1152

Club Meeting Location: Wilbur Kendal Room at 4H Building on Fair Grounds 

1749 Hospital Dr, Martinsville, IN 46151

Club Meeting Dates: 3rd Thursday of the Month January-June 6:30-7:30 PM EST

Club Description: Garden Club Members will learn about plants and how to grow vegetables and flowers

Garden Club Members with their newly planted Garden Tower 


Garden Club Garden Tower in Full Bloom 

Club Leader(s): Jenny Runnebohm 317-417-8620 Email Jenny and Brittany Cole

Club Meeting Location: Green Township Elementary School

(nice weather shelter house/ cold weather gym

6275 Maple Grove Rd, Martinsville, IN 46151

Club Meeting Dates: 3rd Wednesday of each month unless the school has a program. Contact us for location updates!

Club Description: We are a  younger group where we have a lot of mini's and 4-Her's in 1/2/3 years.  We are active.  We do a 12 Days of Christmas where we donate canned foods to a local pantry.  We take field trips to farms to learn about animals that can be shown.  We've done a club craft day where we've painted a picture. We do a yearly tie-dye shirt with the club. 

Follow Our Facebook Page!

Green Team Members on a field trip to a cattle farm  Green Team Members on a field trip to a cattle farm

Green Team Members on a field trip to a cattle farm   green4.jpg


Facebook: Hoosier Plow Kids

Elizabeth and Chris Chupp


Meetings at Firefighters Comm. Building, 100 W Union St., Paragon, IN 46166

Contact Club Leader for dates & times of meetings.

Club Leader(s): Tammie Hicks 317-696-1056 Email Tammie 

Club Meeting Location:

Club Description: Mini-4-Hers and regular 4-Hers meet together.

Club Leader: Jane Crone   317-996-3373

Meetings held at Monrovia Festival Building

Please contact club leader for meeting dates & times

Club Leaders: Jeremy and Christi Amos Contact Us Via Email

Club Meeting Location: First United Methodist Church  in Mooresville* 

900 Indianapolis Rd, Mooresville, IN 46158

We meet on the 2nd Thursday of the Month @ 6:30 PM

*Always double-check with us since we do field trips and volunteer

Club Description: We are a group that covers all projects within 4-H!

Find us on Facebook:

Club members practicing sutures.    Club members ready for bicycle rodeo!   club members practicing giftwrapping


Information Coming Soon!

Information Coming Soon!

Club Leaders: Debbie Cole 765-318-7701 call or text   Email Debbie

Club Meeting Location: Morgan County Fairgrounds unless told otherwise

1749 Hospital Dr, Martinsville, IN 46151

Club Meets: 1st Thursday of the Month February-August

Club Description: We focus on all things dog

Find Us On Facebook:



Dog Club 4-H Battle of the Barns Team 2017.jpg

Debbie Cole 4-H Dog Club Leader with the giant champion dog ribbon for 2023    4-H Dog Club Members 2018 

4-H Dog Club Member Competing for Agility at the Indiana State Fair   4-H Dog Club Members with they dogs after winning a competition.

Club Leader(s): Patty Dow, 765-537-2010 Email Patty Dow Goat Club Leader

Club Meeting Location: Meetings and locations are scheduled on our Facebook Group

Find us on Facebook here: Goat Club Facebook Group 

(Requires Facebook Group Admin approval to join)

Club Description: Our primary focus is on goats, learning anatomy, animal husbandry, show requirements, and 4-H meeting agendas. 

 Goat Club Members Showing Their Goats


Information Coming Soon!

Information Coming Soon!

Information Coming Soon!


BRITTANY ROSS – 765-341-6214

MEETINGS AT THE MORGAN COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS 1749 Hospital Dr, Martinsville, IN 46151

ALL MEETINGS ARE 6:30 – 7:30 P.M.


1ST Thursday of the month beginning February 1st

 Feb. 1 2024                                         WKR

March 7, 2024                                    WKR

April 11, 2024                                       Rabbit Poultry Barn   

May 2, 2024                                        Rabbit Poultry Barn

June 6, 2024                                        Rabbit Poultry Barn


Please contact the club leader for information as some dates may change.

Information Coming Soon!

The Morgan County Junior Leaders is a 4-H club that develops leadership and citizenship in youth in grades 7-12.


You can find more information about them HERE

Information Coming Soon!

Information Coming Soon!

Information Coming Soon!


Leader: Chris Ross,  765-341-6132

Meets Thursdays beginning February 15

6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

WHERE: Glenn Valley Conservation Club- Waverly

7115 Waverly Rd   Martinsville, IN  46151

 February 15

March 21

April 18

May 15

June 20


Club Leaders: Angela Stark Email Angela, Shannon Graves, & Dusty Crone

Club Meeting Location: Morgan County Fairgrounds unless told otherwise

1749 Hospital Dr, Martinsville, IN 46151

Club Description: 

Find Us On Facebook:  Morgan County IN 4-H Tractor Club


Tractor Club Members in their green t-shirts all in a line.


Tractor Club Members learning about a John Deere S160  Riding Lawn Mower


A tractor club member navigating a course with a flat bed trailer attached to John Deere Tractor