About the 4-H Health Project

Learn all about health and well-being! Explore nutrition, physical fitness, disease prevention, hygiene, and first aid, then put all that knowledge into practice to develop your own personal plan and practice making healthy lifestyle choices.


Contact the Marion County 4-H office:


Health Project Resources

You can learn more about health by completing one of the project activity guides:

Project manuals may also be available to purchase at the Marion County Extension office, and older editions of manuals (if available) are free. Contact us to ask about availability!

Keep track of what you learn using a health record sheet.

Showcasing What You’ve Learned

You can create a project exhibit to showcase what you’ve learned while working on your project. Project exhibits are submitted for judging at the annual Marion County 4-H Showcase.

Exhibit Guidelines

Score Cards

Advancing to the State Fair

  • Yes! Health projects exhibits from 4-H members grades 3-12 are eligible to advance to the State Fair.

Cloverbuds (Grades K-2)


  • Create a basic first aid kit, make a boo-boo bunny, or create a poster about first aid, explaining a home fire drill procedure, or about healthy eating or exercise.
  • Cloverbud projects are for exhibition only (not judged), so there are no score cards, and exhibits are not eligible to advance to the State Fair.

More Health Project Resources