About the 4-H Entomology Project

There are more kinds of insects in the world than all other organisms combined! Insects live on the earth's surface, in the soil, and in water - in deserts, rain forests, hot springs, snow fields, and dark caves. Learn all about insects and their relationships to people, as well as how to collect, identify, and preserve insects.


Contact the Marion County 4-H office:


Entomology Project Manuals

You can learn more about insects by completing one of the project activity guides, based on your grade level or years in the project:

Entomology projects can be completed by years of experience in the project instead of grade level. Even if you are an older 4-H member, you can start at the beginner level depending on your experience in the project.

Project manuals may also be available to purchase at the Marion County Extension office, and older editions of manuals (if available) are free. Contact us to ask about availability!

Keep track of what you learn using an insect project record sheet. Youth in grades 9-12 can also do an independent study of their choice (use an independent study record sheet).

Showcasing What You’ve Learned

You can create an insect collection and/or poster to showcase what you’ve learned while working on your project. Project exhibits are submitted for judging at the annual Marion County 4-H Showcase.

Exhibit Guidelines

Score Cards

Advancing to the State Fair

  • Yes! Entomology project exhibits from 4-H members grades 3 and up may advance to the State Fair.

Cloverbuds (Grades K-2)

Project Resources

  • Purdue’s Mini 4-H Bugs Manual. In this project activity guide, explore some of the things that make bugs similar to each other as well as some of the differences between bugs. Find out how bugs hide in plain sight and discover what happens to bugs in winter.


  • You can exhibit any and as many of the activities you complete in the Mini 4-H Bugs Manual.
  • Cloverbud projects are for exhibition only (not judged), so there are no score cards, and exhibits are not eligible to advance to the State Fair.

More Entomology Project Resources