About 4-H Clubs

A 4-H Club is a group of young people that meet regularly, usually once a month, to learn together and build friendships. Clubs are organized by adult volunteer club leaders and include family involvement throughout the year. Clubs provide a safe space for young people to learn, grow, and thrive through hands-on activities and projects, community service events, leadership opportunities, and more!

4-H members can be in one or as many clubs as they wish! Marion County has both general community-based clubs and special interest clubs (clubs that focus on specific projects as a group, such as dogs or gardening). If you are interested in a project or topic that has a special interest club, we recommend that you enroll in that club.

How to Join

Start by contacting the club leader of a club that interests you using the contact information listed below. Once you've decided on a club you'd like to join, enroll in 4-H Online and choose that club when prompted.

If you're not sure, contact the Marion County 4-H office for help getting placed with a club.

Need help?

Contact the Marion County 4-H office:


Find a 4-H Club Near You

Use the map below to find a club that fits your interests, works with your schedule, and meets near your home or school. Then use the club leader contact information provided to get more information about checking out an upcoming club meeting!


Currently Active 4-H Clubs in Marion County

General Interest Clubs

These community-based clubs focus on a range of 4-H projects and activities, and are open to all young people in Marion County.

Beech Grove

Center Township

Decatur Township

Franklin Township

Lawrence Township

Perry Township

Pike Township

Warren Township

  • Indy Homeschool 4-H Club - Denise Sica & Carolyn Lorenzoni (email: cdenisesica@gmail.com) This club meets during the day as it is intended for homeschooling families, but it is a general interest club.

Washington Township

Wayne Township

  • Wayne Township 4-H Clubs - Melissa Broz (email: mlbroz@purdue.edu | phone: 317-416-3739)
    • Wayne Township Bridgeport Purple Clovers
    • Wayne Township Chapelwood Champions
    • Wayne Township Crafty Clovers
    • Wayne Township Garden City Giant Clovers
    • Wayne Township Lynhurst Community Clovers
    • Wayne Township McClelland Clover Bears
    • Wayne Township Robey Red Clovers
    • Wayne Township Stout Field Supersonics
    • Wayne Township Westlake Wild Clovers
    • Wayne Township 4-H Cloverbuds (Grades K-2)

Special Interest Clubs

These specialty clubs focus on a specific 4-H project or topic, and are open to all young people in Marion County, unless they take place as part of an afterschool program (denoted with a *).

Foods Clubs

These clubs focus on projects related to cooking, baking, and healthy eating.

  • Artistic Chefs Foods Club (meets at the Marion County Extension office on the Indiana State Fairgrounds) - Linda Bauknecht (email: lbauknecht4h@gmail.com | phone: 463-209-3071)
  • Flavor By Faith 4-H Club (Center Township) - Faith Jackson (email: manager@indysculinarycentre.com | phone: 317-721-1390) Faith teaches culinary arts through gardening (garden to table concept), so this club also includes gardening elements.

Gardening Clubs

These clubs focus on projects related to gardening, plants, or environmental science.

Leadership Clubs

These clubs focus on building leadership and workforce development skills.

Animal Science Clubs

These clubs focus on building life skills through animal caretaking, training, obedience, and agility.