April-May-June Newsletter


Newsletters are mailed out to families every 3 months and contain vital information for progression through the 4-H program. Please read the information in it's entirety, though some sections may not apply to certain 4-H families. If you have any questions please feel free to contact the Extension Office. 

Contact Us

Jackson County Purdue Extension Office
111 S. Main Street
Brownstown, IN 47220
(812) 358 - 6101


Table of Contents

Introduction Letter 
Junior Leaders
County Happenings

          Hanging Baskets
          Email Notices
          Project Clubs
          Project Resources
          Project Updates
          2022 4-H Handbook
          Sewing Workshop
          Winners' Circle

Livestock Updates

          Livestock ID Info
          DNA Updates
          Dairy Cows
          Swine Vaccination
          Entry Deadlines

Volunteer Corner

          New 4-H Council
          IRS Filing
          4-H Volunteer Camp
          Fair Volunteers Needed

Area & State Happenings

          4-H Camp
          Purdue Fast Start
          Carcass Workshop

Did You Know?

          New Program Assistant!
          Indiana 4-H Foundation
          Vet Science Workshop

Mini 4-H

          Mini 4-H Meeting
          Mighty Mini 4-H Club
          Adult Volunteer Callouts

SPARK Club Opportunities

          Local Foods / Farm to Table SPARK Club
          Space SPARK Club
          Local Government SPARK Club

2022 Jackson County Fair Daily Program
Winners Circle Letter


Introduction Letter

Dear 4-H Families, 

Please be sure to read through the entire newsletter, as a lot of important reminders, events, and dates are included. If you have questions about any of the opportunities you read about, let me know!

This year’s Area 2 4-H Camp theme will be a “Time Travel” Theme! Camp registration information was sent to all 3rd—8th grade 4-H members! It is a fun weekend spent with eight other counties.

We are excited for the Jackson County Fair! The dates for the fair are July 24 - 30, 2022. Included in this newsletter is a 2022 Jackson County 4-H Fair Schedule. Please note where livestock shows will be held in 2022! There are a few changes for 2022. On the schedule, “Show Arena 1” is the show arena that has been around for several years! “Show Arena 2” is the new show arena, located near the FFA Building. Please remember decisions for the 2022 schedule were made for what is best for the entire 4-H program. We do appreciate everyone being flexible and understanding with an updated schedule! There are only a few minor changes for 2022.

Thank you to everyone for taking the time to re-enroll for the 2022 4-H Program Year. Just a reminder that if you have not yet paid your program fees, make plans to stop by the Extension Office as soon as possible. Animal identification information cannot be entered until your program fees have been paid and you are in “active” status.

Youth will be receiving their project manuals in the next few months during their club meetings. It is never too early to start planning your projects! Contact the Extension Office by May 15th to add or drop projects!

Extension Educator Signature.png


Junior Leaders

April, May, and June Meeting details including location, dates, times, and individual leadership role responsibilities
April Meeting May Meeting June Meeting
Topic Small Business Management Local Farms

Darlage Greenhouse

275 N County Road 500 E

Seymour, IN

1852 Cafe

123 West 2nd Street

Seymour, IN

Jackson County Custom Processing

5974 Schleter Rd

Seymour, IN

Date / Time

Monday, April 25th

7:00 - 8:30 p.m.

Tuesday, May 17th

7:00 - 8:30 p.m.

Thursday, June 9th

7:00 - 8:30 p.m. 

Chairperson Drew Kerkhof Anna Obermeyer
Citizenship Taylor Smith Brynn Burton Taylor Smith
Health & Safety Katie Otte Jay Herbert Katie Otte
Recreation Anna Obermeyer Vivienne Siefker Valeria Ramirez
Refreshments Committee Committee Committee
Unpaid Dues $3.25 $3.50 $3.75


Calling all junior leaders

We need Junior Leader volunteers to sign up for the following events:

  • Feeder Steer ID Day on April 23rd from 7:00 - 11:00 a.m. (arrive at 6:45 a.m.)
  • Sheep / Goat ID Day on May 5th from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. (arrive at 5:45 p.m.)
  • Sheep / Goat ID Day on May 7th from 8:00 - 10:00 a.m. (arrive at 7:45 a.m.)
  • Swine ID Day on May 10th from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. (arrive at 4:45 p.m.)
  • Swine ID Day on May 12th from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. (arrive at 4:45 p.m.)


County happenings

Hanging Baskets

4-H Families (not individual customers) need to pick up flower orders on Wednesday, April 27th at Darlage Greenhouse. Pick-up will be similar to last year, there will be a sign-up genius to schedule a time for pick-up. Payment needs to be turned in on the 27th with checks made payable to "Jackson County 4-H." Flowers not picked up and paid for will be canceled. 

Email notices

Information about 4-H events and important reminders will often be sent out via email. Please make sure the email you have entered in 4-H Online is one you check often. You can go back online and update your email, address, or phone number if they change.

Project clubs

If you are enrolling in a project club, please contact your 4-H leader to find out when you will be meeting!

Smitten Kittens: Jessica Sons

Jackson County 4-H Goat Club: Jason Wynn, Jessica Sons, Lenora Mathena, Amy Wynn


Jackson County Horse & Pony: Kim Ault, Deanna Whittymore

Tractor Club: Bill Baute, Ross Rieckers


Waggin' Pals Dog Club: Bill & Suzanne Steltenpohl, Carol Newberry, Izzy Smith, Brittany Vetter

If you need contact information, please call the Extension Office at (812) 358 - 6101.

Project Resources

Project resources for sale in the Extension Office. We keep a variety of project resources in the Extension Office for your convenience. Stop by if you would like to purchase the following resources: 

  • Foam Poster Board: $4.00
  • Plastic Sleeves: $1.00
  • Entomology Boxes: $16.00
  • Entomology Pins: $6.00
  • Beginning Cake Decorating Kit: $10.50
  • Replacement Livestock Resource Book: $20.00
  • Replacement 4-H Manuals: $6.00

Prices are subject to change when current inventory runs out, due to pricing changes from our vendors. We will revise the pricing list when current inventory runs out. Purchase your fair supplies as soon as possible to get these prices!

Project Updates

The Indiana State 4-H Office has updated every project for 2022. You can view all State 4-H Project Requirements on the State 4-H website: https://extension.purdue.edu/4-H/projects/index.html.

There are major changes to each project this year, giving youth more opportunities to express their creative freedom. All projects (State and County) are now formatted on easy to read templates. 

Some major changes are noted below!

County Projects that are now State 4-H Projects

  • Construction Toys (was county project)
    • Now "Construction and Architectural Replica" as State 4-H Project
  • Creative Writing (was county project)
    • Now "Creative Writing" option under "Communications" as State 4-H Project
  • All Other Crafts (was county project)
    • Now "Arts & Crafts, General" as State 4-H Project
  • Needlework (was county project)
    • Now "Needlecraft" as State 4-H Project

Updates to Project Manuals and 4-H Requirements

  • All 4-H Members need to pay close attention to new 4-H Manuals and Project Requirements in 2022. We will be distributing the Handbook Link and resources to each member for every 4-H project. Several club leaders have already picked up 4-H project manuals and green folders from the Extension Office. Be sure to attend a club meeting or check in with your leader to get your project materials in a timely manner.
  • Some county manuals have been updated or eliminated so be sure you are using the most current version. You will receive these from your club leaders

County Specific Major Changes

  • Plant Science Project Eliminated: No longer supported by State 4-H Office. There are multiple "Plant Science" projects youth can participate in: Garden, Crops, Floriculture, etc.
  • Creative Dramatics Project will be renamed to Performing Arts: Beginning in 2023, there will be a Performing Arts Contest in the spring. This will be a very similar format to our current Creative Dramatics pre-judging. By changing our Creative Dramatics Project to Performing Arts, youth will have the opportunity to compete at an Area Contest and potentially perform at Purdue. We will not be making changes in 2022 but want everyone to be prepared for a big change in 2023. Youth will still be able to perform at the fair in 2023, we are just adjusting the timeline so they have more opportunities to share their talents with the public. You can learn more about the Performing Arts projects through Indiana 4-H here: https://extension.purdue.edu/4-H/projects/4-h-project-performing-arts.html. 

We appreciate everyone's patience and understanding with the new updates. We believe these updates will allow youth to express their creativity and more fully enjoy their project work. If you have questions, contact the Extension Office at (812) 358 - 6101. 

2022 4-H Handbook

The 2022 4-H Handbook has been published! Visit https://bit.ly/JacksonCounty4-H-Handbook to access the 2022 4-H Handbook!


Sewing workshop

There will be four sewing workshops this summer to help those in the sewing project. Details about the exact location of the workshops will be announced soon due to construction at Seymour High School.

  • Tuesday, May 31st from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m...
  • Tuesday, June 7th from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m...
  • Tuesday, June 14th from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m..
  • Tuesday, June 21st from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m..

Youth will need to bring a sack lunch and drink to the workshops. Please call the Extension Office at (812) 358 - 6101 to let us know what days you will be attending! Please remember to bring your patterns, fabrics, and anything else you need for your 4-H sewing project! You must RSVP for each session.

Winners' Circle

Please share the enclosed form and letter with potential donors. A letter will be sent out to previous donors, but please help spread the word about Jackson County 4-H. All awards (Banners, checks, etc.) each year are subject to funds received from area supporters. 

Livestock updates

ID Days at the fairgrounds

  • Beef, Dairy Beef, & Feeder ID Day: April 23rd (7:00 - 11:00 a.m.)
  • Sheep / Goat ID Day: May 5th (6:00 - 8:00 p.m.)
  • Sheep / Goat ID Day: May 7th (8:00 - 10:00 a.m.)
  • Swine ID Day: Last Names A-M May 10th (5:00 - 7:00 p.m.)
  • Swine ID Day: Last Names N-Z May 12th (5:00 - 7:00 p.m.)

Livestock identification

Please read this and future notices very carefully, so your livestock animals are eligible for fair. You can find instructions on how to identify your animals online at https://bit.ly/2022LivestockID. Simply look for your livestock animal in the list to find important information related to exhibit and ID instructions. If you need RFID tags for registered livestock, contact the Extension Office.

Animals needing to come to ID Days will need to wait until after ID Day to identify their animals online. Youth not needing to come to ID Day may enter their animals starting now, but must complete the process by May 15th (16th in 2022) for most species. If you are unsure if your animal needs to come to ID Day, please consult your 4-H Handbook under your species for specific answers. Additional questions may be directed to the Extension Office. All beef, dairy beef, sheep, and swine are to come to the designated ID Days at the fairgrounds. All meat goat wethers and percentage or commercial Boers must attend ID Day. For all other goats, please consult your handbook for additional instructions. Some will be required and some will not. It all depends on if the animal has acceptable ID, if you plan to sell it in the auction, and/or if you are planning to go to the state fair.

DNA hair samples

Market Steer DNA Hair Samples Collection: 

Youth wishing to show their beef and dairy beef steers at the 4-H Show at the Indiana State Fair must collect DNA hair samples. Envelopes to collect the samples are available at the Extension Office. Samples must be turned in to the Extension Office by May 15th (16th in 2022) NO EXCEPTIONS!

Registered Heifers, Commercial Heifers, Dairy Feeder Steers, Dairy Cattle DNA: 

Youth wishing to show their registered heifers, commercial heifers, dairy feeder steers, and dairy cattle at the 4-H Show at the Indiana State Fair must collect DNA hair samples. Envelopes to collect the samples are available at the Extension Office. Samples must be turned in to the Extension Office by May 15th (16th in 2022) NO EXCEPTIONS!

Goat, Sheep & Swine DNA Hair Collection:

Youth wishing to show their goats, sheep, or swine projects at the 4-H Goat, Sheep, or Swine Shows at the Indiana State Fair must collect DNA hair samples. Envelopes to collect the samples are available at the Extension Office. Samples may be pulled at ID Day or at home, but must be turned in to the Extension Office by May 15th (16th in 2022) NO EXCEPTIONS!

Dairy cows

Once again, 4-H youth showing dairy will also need to identify the animals they are showing and working with in 4-H Online by May 15th (16th in 2022). Only those animals identified by May 15th (16th in 2022) will be eligible to participate in the 4-H Show. If you need RFID tags for Dairy animals, please contact the Extension Office. If you plan to show your Dairy Cattle at the Indiana State Fair, you will be required to provide DNA hair samples by May 15th (16th in 2022). You can pick up envelopes at the Extension Office!

swine vaccination

All swine are highly encouraged to be vaccinated for flu prior to the fair. Vaccinations will be available at ID Day. 

entry deadlines

All beef and dairy beef steers, commercial heifers, registered heifers, and dairy & beef feeder steers must be identified by midnight, May 15th (16th in 2022) in
the 4-H Online system.

All animals except cat, dog, and poultry will need to be identified in the 4-H Online system by May 15th (16th in 2022). All rabbits must be entered in 4-H Online again this year by the May 15th (16th in 2022) deadline. Specific instructions will be mailed to all cat, dog, and poultry exhibitors to put their identification information in Fair Entry prior to the fair.


Volunteer Corner

National Volunteer Week is April 17th—23rd! Be sure to tell your 4-H club leaders, livestock volunteers, and all 4-H Volunteers THANK YOU for being a positive influence for the Jackson County 4-H Program!

new 4-H council

4-H Council will meet at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 19th at The Jackson County Courthouse. 

We welcome our new 4-H Council members: Kyle Benter and Vera Reichenbacker

IRS Filing

All 4-H Clubs are required to file an IRS 990-series form for the 2021 tax year by May 15th. Please retain a copy for your records and send a copy to the Extension Office for your club’s file. Instructions will be mailed to all primary club leaders in early/mid April. If you have questions about filing, please do not hesitate to contact the Extension Office.

4-H Volunteer camp

See the flyer included in the newsletter for this fun opportunity! Have fun like the youth at camp while also learning some new tools for how to be the best 4-H Volunteer you can be. Contact Heather at schneidh@purdue.edu if you would like to participate. It’s going to be a lot of fun!

fair volunteers needed

We will be in need of 4-H Volunteers to staff the 4-H Building during the Jackson County Fair. Be on the lookout soon for a sign up for volunteer opportunities. We will also be making phone calls to confirm your volunteer participation in the next few months. Thanks for all you do to make the Jackson County Fair a success!

4-H Adult Volunteer Camp Flyer

4-H Adult Volunteer Camp Flyer


area & state happenings

Area 2 4-H Camp

Registration for 4-H Camp opens on April 1st. Instructions on how to register were mailed out to all eligible 4-H members. 4-H Camp is open to youth in grades 3-8. Enrollment needs to be completed through 4-H Online. Contact the Extension Office at 812-358-6101 if you need assistance enrolling or have questions about 4-H Camp.

Area 2 4-H Camp Flyer


 Purdue fast start program

Giving Indiana students another pathway to Purdue and offering their families the opportunity to save thousands of dollars. These are the goals of the new Fast Start program — and the latest example of our Persistent Pursuit of affordable and accessible education. Read more about how your student can receive a transformative education with Purdue's help: www.admissions.purdue.edu/purduefaststart.

Purdue Fast Start Flyer


Carcass workshop

 Washington County Workshop

Carcass Workshop Flyer


Did you know?

New program assistant!

g.-picture-of-brooklyn2.pngMeet our new Program Assistant, Brooklynn Rennekamp! We are very excited to have Brooklynn as part of our Purdue Extension Jackson County Team! Learn more about Brooklynn and welcome her to our growing team.

Why are you excited to work in the Extension Office as the program assistant?
I am excited to be a part of the Extension Office, “To Make the Best Better” just like the 4-H Motto states. I am eager to encourage the young people of our community to reach their full potential, while I learn and grow along with them. Being the program assistant brings my passion for youth development and health together.

What are three interesting facts you would like to share about yourself?
I was an optician before becoming the new program assistant. My favorite color is green. I love nature, reading, and coffee. (Especially when I can enjoy these things at the same time!)

Anything else you would like our 4-H Community to know about you.
I will be re-introducing activities for the 4-H Minis! I can't wait to meet and get to know each of you!

Indiana 4-H Foundation

Jackson county 4-H program endowment

The Indiana 4-H Foundation receives and administers grants and manages a healthy endowment whose proceeds benefit the Indiana 4-H program and its youth participants, including youth from Jackson County!

An interest bearing endowment has been set up with the Indiana 4-H Foundation to benefit the Jackson County 4-H Program for years to come. Currently, there is $26,968.63 invested in the account! We reached our goal of $25,000 three years early. Only the interest is spent out each year, meaning the funds will support the Jackson County 4-H Program for years to come. You can learn more about the Indiana 4-H Foundation and donate to our endowment here: https://www.in4h.org/ 

buy your Indiana 4-H Foundation Specialty plate


Show your support for Indiana 4-H by purchasing an Indiana 4-H Foundation Specialty License Plate! Plate fees support programs for young people state-wide, and a portion from each plate that is sold comes directly back to Jackson County where the plate was purchased! Indiana 4-H Foundation Specialty License Plates can be purchased at your local BMV office or online at www.in.gov/bmv 

Indiana 4-H Foundation Specialty License Plates are more than just an accessory—they are an investment in…

Vet science workshop


Vet Science Workshop Flyer

Vet Science Workshop Flyer


mini 4-H

mini 4-H Meeting

Thursday, April 21 at 6pm at Peace Lutheran Church

330 W Tipton St, Seymour, IN 47274

Please join us for our first Mini meeting! Debbie Hackman, Jackson County Recycling District Executive Director, will be a special guest attending to share what can be recycled in our community. Future meeting details will soon be available. Please see the flyer linked below for RSVP and more information!

Mini 4-H Meeting Flyer

Mighty Mini 4-H club

Meetings will be held from 6:00 - 7:00 p.m.

  • April 21st
    • Peace Lutheran Church
    • 330 W Tipton St, Seymour
  • May 19th
  • June 16th
  • August 18th
  • September 15th
  • October 6th
    • Stuckwisch Pumpkin Patch
    • 1416 N St Rd 11, Seymour

Meetings May-Sept. will be held at the Brownstown Public Park (709-799 W Bridge St, Brownstown)

Mighty Mini 4-H Club Flyer

Adult volunteer Callouts

We are looking for adult volunteers to attend the Mighty Mini 4-H Meetings!

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer please contact Heather VonDielingen by email at schneidh@purdue.edu. If you are already an approved volunteer and would like to attend future meetings, please contact Brooklyn Rennekamp at brennek@purdue.edu 

spark club opportunities

local foods
Local Foods / Farm to Table SPARK Club

Local Foods SPARK Club Flyer
Space SPARK Club

Space SPARK Club Flyer
local spark
Local Government SPARK Club

Local Government SPARK Club Flyer


Jackson County fair daily program

Jackson County Fair Daily Program 2022

7:00 a.m. - Entry for 4-H Dog Show, Commercial Building, Pavillion, Grassy Area

8:00 a.m. - 4-H Dog Show & Poster Entry, Commercial Building, Pavillion, Grassy Area

8:30 a.m. - Performing Arts (Formerly Creative Dramatics) Private Judging, Brownstown Elementary

11:30 a.m. - Public Speaking Prejudging, Brownstown Elementary

1:00 p.m. - Private Fashion Revue, Sewing and Consumer Clothing Judging, Brownstown Elementary

3:00 - 7:00 p.m. - 4-H project exhibits (other than Animals, Consumer Clothing, Crops, Floriculture, Garden, Mini Garden, Potatoes, Plant Science and Sewing) are due in the 4-H Building or at Brownstown Elementary School

8:30 a.m. - Entry of 4-H Cats, Show Arena 1

9:00 a.m. - 4-H Cat Show & Poster Entry, Show Arena 1

9:30 a.m. - Horse & Pony Show (All Riding Classes), Horse Show Arena

9:00 - 11:00 a.m. - 4-H Corn, Garden, Mini Garden, Floriculture, Potatoes, Plant Science, Soybeans and Small Grains will be community-style judged at the 4-H Building.

10:00 p.m. - 4-H Swine not in open class swine show may be brough to the fair

6:00 p.m. - 4-H Bubble Bash, 4-H Building

5:00 - 7:00 p.m. - Entry (weigh-in) of 4-H Goats

8:00 p.m. - 4-H cattle and sheep not entered in open class accepted

*Special Goat/Sheep Note: 4-H Goats not in open show may be brought to the fair before 8:00 a.m. on Sunday or after 5:00 p.m. on Sunday; 4-H Sheep not in open show may be brough to the fair after 5:00 p.m. on Sunday or before noon on Monday (for additional livestock dropoff information, see mailing in June)

7:00 a.m. - All 4-H Swine exhibits must be penned

8:30 a.m. - Weigh-in of 4-H Swine Gilts & Market Barrows, Show Arena 1

8:00 - 9:00 a.m. - Register 4-H Rabbits, Poultry & Rabbit Barn

9:00 a.m. - 4-H Rabbit Judging, Poultry & Rabbit Barn

8:30 - 10:00 a.m. - Register 4-H Poultry, Show Arena 2

10:00 a.m. - 4-H Poultry Judging, Show Arena 2

10:00 a.m. - 4-H Aerospace Rocket Launch, Front of Grandstands

12:00 p.m. - Closing for 4-H Livestock Entries (except Dairy)

3:00 p.m. - 4-H Swine Gilt Show & Showmanship, Show Arena 1

5:00 p.m. - 4-H Boer and Myotonic Goat Judging, Show Arena 2

7:30 a.m. - Dairy Beef Weigh In to determine 4-H Classes

9:00 a.m. - 4-H Beef Fitting Contest, Show Arena 2

10:00 a.m. - 4-H Fashion Revue, Grandstand

10:00 a.m. - Crowning of 4-H Royalty, Grandstand

12:00 p.m. - 4-H Market Lambs Weighed

12:00 p.m. - All Dairy Cattle entries must be on the fairgrounds

3:00 p.m. - 4-H Swine Barrow Show, Show Arena 1

5:30 - 6:00 p.m. - 4-H horse & Pony check-in for Halter & Showmanship, Show Arena 2

6:00 - 8:00 p.m. - 4-H Horse & Pony Halter & Showmanship Classes, Show Arena 2

7:30 a.m. - Weigh 4-H Steers & Heifers to determine 4-H Classes

9:00 a.m. - 4-H Dairy Judging, Show Arena 1

1:00 p.m. - 4-H Dairy Beef Judging, Show Arena 1

5:00 p.m. - Judging of 4-H Sheep, Show Arena 2

6:00 p.m. 4-H Goat Variety Show, Show Arena 1

7:30 p.m. - 4-H Waggin' Pals Dog Club demonstration, Show Arena 1

10:00 a.m. - 4-H Beef Heifer Judging, Show Arena 1

12:00 p.m. - 4-H Beef Steers Judging, Show Arena 1

2:30 p.m. - Check in for 4-H Performing Arts Performance, Pavilion

3:00 p.m. - 4-H Performing Arts (Formerly Creative Dramatics) Performance, Pavilion

4:00 p.m. - 4-H Dairy Goat Show, 4-H Dairy Goat Parent Showmanship & Dairy goat Milking Contest to follow 4-H Show, Show Arena 2

7:00 a.m. - Swine going home (locker, personal use) exhibits released

10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. - Quiet Barn Time for People with Disabilities and Sensory Needs, Show Arena 1

2:00 p.m. - Grand Parage of Livestock Registration Deadline, 4-H Building

3:00 p.m. - Presentation of 4-H Building Trophies, Building Winners Circle Awards, Ten Year Members, Mini T-Shirts, Achievement, Leadership and Outstanding Junior Leader Plaques and I Dare You Awards, Pavilion

5:30 p.m. - Grand Parage of Open Class Grand Champions and Any 4-H Livestock, Show Arena 1

6:30 p.m. - 4-H Junior Supreme Showman Contest, Show Arena 1

7:30 p.m. - 4-H Senior Supreme Showman Contest, Show Arena 1

9:00 p.m. (approximately) - Battle of the Barns, Show Arena 1

11:00 p.m. 4-H Animals released from fairgrounds (non-auction animals)

8:00 a.m. - All non-auction 4-H animals need to be removed from the fairgrounds by this time

9:30 a.m. - 4-H Livestock Auction - Beef, Goats, Sheep, Dairy Beef, Swine, Show Arena 1

3:00 - 5:00 p.m. - All exhibits must be claimed and removed, 4-H Building


Winners circle letter

Winner Circle Donor Request Letter

The PDF linked above is a letter from the Jackson County 4-H Council for donations in support of various areas of the 4-H program. For more information or for a paper copy, please contact the Extension Office at (812) 358-6101. 





5: Extension Board Annual Meeting
7: Awards Committee Meeting
13: Area 2 PCARET Meeting
15: Extension Office Closed (Good Friday)
23: Beef, Dairy Beef, & Feeder Steer ID Day
25: Junior Leaders at Darlage Greenhouse
27: Flower Pick Up at Darlage Greenhouse
30: Area 2 Camp Counselor Training
30: Adult 4-H Volunteer Camp
30: Vet Science Workshop


1: Area 2 Camp Counselor Training
3: Extension Office Closed (Election Day)
5: Sheep/Goat ID Day
7: Sheep/Goat ID Day
10: Swine ID Day
12: Swine ID Day
15: ANIMAL IDENTIFICATION DEADLINE! (Families have until May 16th in 2022 due to the 15th being a Sunday. Do not wait until the last minute!)
17: Junior Leaders Meeting at 1852 Café
19: 4-H Council Meeting
30: Extension Office Closed (Memorial Day)
31: Sewing Workshop


3-5: Area 2 4-H Camp
7: Sewing Workshop
9: Junior Leaders at Jackson County Custom Processing
14: Sewing Workshop
20: Extension Office Closed (Juneteenth)
21: Sewing Workshop
24: Local Foods/Farm to Table SPARK Club
27: Space SPARK Club
29: Local Government SPARK Club
30: Local Government SPARK Club


4: Extension Office Closed (Independence Day)
12: County 4-H Tractor Contest
12: 4-H Council Meeting at the Fairgrounds
14: Junior Leaders Meeting at the Fairgrounds

July 24 - July 30: Jackson County Fair

A detailed 2022 Fair Schedule of 4-H Events is included in this newsletter.