Huntington County Agriculture & Natural Resources
The Huntington County agriculture and natural resources (ANR) program extends Purdue University research to residents to assist traditional agriculture audiences, woodland owners, gardeners, and homeowners. Educational venues include in-person and virtual group meetings, personal consultations, newspaper articles, county newsletters, websites, and social media. Below find information that may help you with your information needs - news articles, additional pages, and topical links of interest. If you need to talk to a real person, we're also available at the number to the right.
Contact Us
Ed Farris, ANR Educator
Horticulture Show Information
Click link below to view/print the Horticulture Show Guidelines.
Click link below to view/print the Horticulture Show Registration Form.
Topics/Links of Interest:
P = An exclusive Purdue University resource, or a shared resource in partnership with others. (Search tip: Use Ctrl+F and insert keyword)
- Agricultural Economics/Farm Management/Business
- Agriculture, General
- Ag & Biological Engineering
- Agronomy/Crops
- Animals/Livestock
- Aquaculture/Farm Ponds
- Diseases/Insects/Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
- Forestry/Natural Resources/Wildlife
- Grants & Financial Assistance
- Horticulture: Garden, Lawn and Landscape
- Indiana Links
- Pesticides and Pesticide Application
- Purdue University sites
- U.S. Department of Agriculture
- Water Quality
- Weather/Being Prepared
- Weeds
Agricultural Economics/Farm Management/Business
- Ag Economy Barometer (Purdue - CME Group)
- Agricultural Economics P
- Agricultural Prices and Outlook P (Dept. of Ag Economics)
- Alternative Farming Systems Information Center (AFSIC - USDA, starting point for many available resources on sustainable agricultural systems.)
- American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers
- Average Farmland Values and Cash Rent Rates P (From August 2021 Purdue Agricultural Economics Report [PAER]) PAER August 2021 Printer-Friendly Version
- See also:
- USDA Agricultural Land Values; and
- County Estimates from Indiana Agricultural Statistics Service (cash rent near the bottom of page)
- Cash Farm Lease (for Indiana) and sample form P (Publication EC-257)
- Census of Agriculture (USDA)
- Center for Commercial Agriculture P
- CME Group (Agricultural markets; futures and options trading)
- Crop Share Lease and sample form
- County Estimates from Indiana Agricultural Statistics Service
- Corn, soybean, winter wheat, alfalfa, other hay, cattle/milk cows, cash rent
- Custom Rates for Farm Building Rental (from Iowa State University)
- Custom Rates for Field Operations P
- Custom Rates (from Iowa State University)
- Custom Rates (from Michigan State University)
- Custom Rates P
- Diversified Farming and Food Systems P
- Farm Basis Tool P (From Purdue Center for Commercial Agriculture)
- Farmland Leasing Resources P (Purdue Dept. of Ag Economics)
- Figuring Rent for Existing Farm Buildings P (Publication EC-451)
- Forward Pricing Strategies of Indiana Soybean Producers P (Publication SPS-101)
- Indiana Agricultural Statistics Service
- Indiana Agricultural Statistics Service - Crop Progress and Condition
- Indiana Farm Fence Laws P (Publication EC-657)
- Indiana Small Business Development Centers
- Interpreting Financial Statements and Measures (Center for Farm Financial Management, Univ. of Minn.)
- Leasing Land P (Related articles from Purdue Center for Commercial Agriculture)
- Midwest Organic and Sustainable Education Service (MOSES - initial start-up by USDA)
- Monthly Corn and Soybean Outlook P (Purdue Center for Commercial Agriculture monthly webinars - register to receive, recordings available)
- National Organic Program (USDA Certified Organic Products)
- National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service (ATTRA - Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas - USDA; news, events, funding, publications)
- Pasture Leases P (Publication EC-623)
- Purdue Agricultural Economics Report newsletter P (and a link to archived newsletters)
- Purdue Crop Guide P (Crop Cost & Return Guide, Publication ID-166)
- Purdue Institute for Family Business P (Resources for multi-generational family businesses)
- Retirement Estimator for Farm Families
- Risk Management Agency (USDA)
- Rural Indiana Stats (Purdue Center for Regional Development and Indiana Office of Community & Rural Affairs)
- Site-Specific Management Center P
- Sustainable Agriculture Program (USDA)
- Diversified Farming and Food Systems P
- Indiana FFA
- Indiana State Department of Agriculture (ISDA)
- National Ag Day
- Purdue College of Agriculture P
- Youth and Agriculture (USDA)
- U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
- Ag & Biological Engineering Extension P
- Agricultural Safety and Health Program P
- Biodiesel (National Biodiesel Board)
- Biofuels (Indiana Office of Energy Development website)
- Breaking New Ground Outreach Program - Indiana AgrAbility Project P (cultivating independence for persons with disabilities in agriculture)
- Building Plans (North Dakota State University; see also Midwest Plan Service below)
- Digital Ag Resources P (UAVs, data-intensive technologies, etc.)
- Ethanol (National Ethanol Vehicle Coalition/Growth Energy website)
- Geographic Information Systems (GIS) - Whitley County
- Indiana Farm Fatality Summaries P (Indiana Rural Safety and Health Council)
- Indiana Rural Safety and Health Council (Purdue Ag Engineering in partnership with Indiana State University, Indiana Young Farmers' Association and others)
- Irrigation Resources Purdue and Michigan State Universities
- Residential On-Site Wastewater Disposal P (Septic Systems)
- Septic Systems - Operating and Maintaining P
- Site-Specific Management Center P (GPS technology study)
- Water Supply Information (Indiana State Dept. of Health)
- Well Drillers, Licensed (Indiana DNR)
- Bt Trait Table (Editor: Chris DiFonzo, Michigan State University; Web host: Pat Porter, Texas A&M University)
- Chat-N-Chew Cafe' P (Subject: corn production, by Dr. Robert L. "Bob" Nielsen, Purdue corn specialist)
- Conservation Cropping Systems Initiative (CCSI)
- Cover Crops Image Library (Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education)
- Crop Diagnostic Training and Research Center at Purdue's Agronomy Center for Research and Education (ACRE) P
- Digital Ag Resources P (UAVs, data-intensive technologies, etc.)
- Diversified Farming and Food Systems P
- Indiana CoCoRaHS (Community Collaborative Rain, Hail, and Snow Network, by Ind. State Climate Office at Purdue Univ. and the Nat'l Weather Service, Indianapolis)
- Forage Testing Laboratories (National Forage Testing Association)
- Guide to Toxic Plants in Forages P
- Indiana Certified Crop Advisor (CCA) Program
- Indiana Corn Marketing Council
- Indiana Crop Improvement Association
- Indiana Soybean Alliance
- Irrigation Resources Purdue and Michigan State Universities
- (The) Kernel P (Purdue Extension corn information from Dr. Dan Quinn, Purdue corn specialist)
- Manure Management Planner P (On-line manure management planner)
- Midwest Cover Crops Council (Promotion & info on adoption of cover crops in Midwest)
- Midwest Organic and Sustainable Education Service (MOSES - initial start-up by USDA)
- Nematology Laboratories - Private and Public
- Nitrogen Management Update for Indiana P (2021, by Dr. James Camberato
- Nitrogen Rate Calculator (Max. return to N/most profitable N rate; by cooperating land-grant universities, including Purdue, in the Corn Belt)
- Organic Farming Factsheets (From Midwest Organic and Sustainable Education Service - MOSES)
- Pest and Crop Newsletter P
- Purdue Crop Diagnostic Training and Research Center P
- Purdue Forage Information P
- Site-Specific Management Center P (GPS technology study)
- Soil Health Nexus (Purdue plus other Midwest universities; North Central Region Water Network)
- Soil Health Toolbox (Purdue plus other Midwest universities; North Central Region Water Network)
- (Asian) Soybean Rust P
- Soybean Station P (Subject: soybean production, by Dr. Shawn Conley, Purdue soybean specialist)
- The Kernel P (Purdue Extension corn information from Dr. Dan Quinn, Purdue corn specialist)
- Tri-State Fertilizer Recommendations for Corn, Soybean, Wheat, and Alfalfa (NEW 2020 - free pdf or purchase book; Purdue, Ohio State, and Michigan State Universities)
- Turfgrass Science at Purdue University P
- U.S. Drought Monitor (US Dept. of Agriculture, National Drought Mitigation Center, US Dept. of Commerce, Nat'l Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - housed at Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln)
- Weather and Climate Information (Univ. of Kentucky)
- Web Soil Survey (NRCS)
- Weed Control Guidelines for Ohio and Indiana P (Publication WS-16; for purchase - print or pdf)
- Wheat Production and Fertilization in Indiana P
- Yield Response of Corn to Plant Population in Indiana P (2019, by Dr. Bob Nielsen,
- African Swine Fever (Indiana State Board of Animal Health Veterinary Advisory, Purdue College of Veterinary Medicine website)
- African Swine Fever factsheet (Iowa State Univ./USDA)
- American Dairy Association of Indiana
- Animal Farms (CFOs/CAFOs) (Indiana Department of Environmental Management [IDEM])
- Animal Feeding Operations (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency [EPA])
- Animal Sciences Extension P
- Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory (ADDL) P
- The Beef Blog P
- Certified Livestock Producer Program (Indiana State Department of Agriculture)
- Diversified Farming and Food Systems P
- Forage Testing Laboratories (National Forage Testing Association)
- Guide to Toxic Plants in Forages P
- Indiana Beef Council
- Indiana Dairy Goat Association (IDGA)
- Indiana Pork
- Indiana State Board of Animal Health (BOAH)
- Indiana State Egg Board P
- Indiana State Poultry Association
- Manure Management Planner P (On-line manure management planner)
- Meat & Poultry Inspection (Indiana facilities, Buyer's Guide)
- Midwest Grazing Exchange
- Midwest Organic and Sustainable Education Service (MOSES - initial start-up by USDA)
- My Horse University (On-line courses available, based at Michigan State University)
- National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) (U.S. EPA)
- Organic Farming Factsheets (From Midwest Organic and Sustainable Education Service - MOSES)
- Pork Information Gateway (By U.S. Pork Center of Excellence, an industry and university partnership - info on wide variety of pork information)
- Purdue College of Veterinary Medicine P
- A Fish Farmer's Guide to Understanding Water Quality (Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant)
- Aquaculture and Aquatic Resources P
- Commercial Fish Suppliers (Indiana DNR website; fish stocking, grass carp, etc.)
- Do you know that fish? (Sportfish identification, Indiana DNR)
- Fish Kills in Indiana - Their Causes and Prevention P (Publication FNR-69)
- Identifying and Managing Aquatic Vegetation P (Publication APM-3)
- Indiana Ponds P (Publication ID-409)
- Indiana Ponds Q&A P (Publication ID-410)
- Pond and Wildlife Management P
- Pond University (Part of Natural Resources University podcasts covering pond habitat, fish stocking, vegetation control, pond construction, etc.)
- Report Invasive Species P (Good 1st stop website; learn, identify, report invasive species of all types)
- What Killed the Fish? P (Publication PPP-79: Using observation, sampling and science to solve the mystery - 13.46MB)
- Accompanying datasheet - P Publication PPP-80, Solving the fish kill mystery - questions to ask (companion to PPP-79)
Diseases/Insects/Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
- Abiotic Plant Disorders (Available for purchase from Michigan State University)
- Alfalfa Insect Control Recommendations P (Publication E-220)
- Ash Trees - insecticide options for protection against Emerald Ash Borer P
- Bee Swarm Removers (Registered with Indiana DNR)
- Beekeeping - "The Bee Hive" website P (Dept. of Entomology)
- Beescape - Website evaluating site suitability for honey bees and wild bees (Purdue Univ. and Penn State Univ.)
- Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (Website: "Stop BMSB", USDA and eastern land-grant universities)
- Brown Marmorated Stink Bug in Homes P (Hot News Bulletin HN-90, 2014)
- Emerald Ash Borer Information P (Purdue Dept. of Entomology)
- Entomology Extension P
- Exotic Invasive Pests P
- Field Crop Insects P
- Field Crops Integrated Pest Management P (Entomology Extension)
- Fruit Insects P
- Fusarium Head Blight (Head Scab) Risk Assessment Tool (Penn State University - also applicable for Indiana)
- 4-H Youth Entomology P
- Good Guys/Bad Guys (Beneficial/harmful insects: University of Illinois in cooperation with Purdue specialists)
- Gypsy Moth Information P (Dept. of Entomology)
- Household and Structural Insects P
- Identification and Management of Pumpkin Diseases P (Publication BP-17)
- Indiana Monarch & Pollinator Conservation Hub (Indiana Wildlife Federation)
- Insect Pests of Home Stored Foods P (Publication E-37)
- Insecticide Options for Protecting Ash Trees from Emerald Ash Borer (Third Edition, Purdue Univ. plus other Midwestern universities)
- IPM of Midwest Landscapes - Home Page (Univ. of Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station and USDA North Central IPM Center)
- Invasive Species (Indiana DNR website - includes invasive insects)
- Invasive Species P (Good 1st stop website; learn, identify, report invasive species of all types)
- Landscape and Ornamental Insects P
- Managing Insects in the Home Vegetable Garden P (Publication E-21; large file: 5.94 MB)
- Managing Pests in Home Fruit Plantings P (Publication ID-146, tree fruits)
- Medical Entomology P (Information on insects that carry diseases or otherwise affect public health)
- Midwest Tree Fruit Pest Management Handbook (University of Kentucky Extension publication ID-93
- Monarch & Pollinator Conservation Hub (Indiana Wildlife Federation)
- Nematodes - Purdue Nematology P
- Nematology P (Parasitic nematodes of soybean, corn, turf and melon)
- Nematology Laboratories - Private and Public
- Newsletters P (Pest & Crop Newsletter, Vegetable Crops Hotline, others)
- Pest & Crop Newsletter P
- Plant and Pest Diagnostic Laboratory P
- Pollinator Protection P
- Public Health Insects P
- Public Health and Medical Entomology (Info on vector-borne diseases) P
- Report Invasive Species P (Good 1st stop website; learn, identify, report invasive species of all types)
- Soybean Aphid P (Publication E-217)
- Soybean Insect Control Recommendations P (Publication E-77)
- Stored Product Pests P
- "The Bee Hive" - Beekeeping P (Dept. of Entomology)
- The Biology of Indiana Mosquitoes P (Publication E-242)
- The Biology of Indiana Ticks P (Publication E-243)
- Tick INsiders P (Dept. of Entomology: citizen science project to improve the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of tick-borne diseases in Indiana)
- Turfgrass Insects P
- Turfgrass Insect Management P (Publication E-61)
- Turfgrass Science P
- Vegetable Crops Hotline Newsletter P
- Vegetable Insects P
- Vegetable Insects and Their Management P
Forestry/Natural Resources/Wildlife
- Animal Damage Management publications P (Also see wildlife conflicts/nuisance wildlife link below)
- Ask an Expert P (LIVE and recorded video sessions with experts on topics that include: aquaculture and aquatics; forests, woodlands and trees; natural resource planning; urban forestry; wildlife; and wood products.)
- Association of Indiana Solid Waste Management Districts
- Attracting Butterflies to Your Yard P (Publication FNR-248)
- Black Walnut Plantation Management P (Publication FNR-119)
- Boating Education and Safety (Indiana DNR)
- Canada Goose Management (Nuisance geese - from Indiana DNR, Div. of Fish and Wildlife)
- Certified Arborists (search/verify certified arborists - International Society of Arboriculture website)
- Classified Forest and Wildlands Program (Indiana DNR)
- Community and Urban Forestry publications (Indiana DNR)
- Consulting Foresters of Indiana (Indiana Forestry and Woodland Owners Association): active website
- Determining Tax Basis of Timber P (Publication FNR-FAQ-2)
- Digital Ag Resources P (UAVs, data-intensive technologies, etc.)
- District Foresters Directory (Indiana DNR, Div. of Forestry)
- District Wildlife Biologists (Indiana DNR, Div. of Fish and Wildlife)
- Emerald Ash Borer Information P (Dept. of Entomology)
- Endangered, Threatened and Rare Species Lists: Whitley County (Indiana DNR)
- Find a Forester (Indiana DNR Forestry portal, links to other websites)
- Find a Timber Buyer or Agent (Indiana DNR Forestry)
- Fish Consumption Advisory (Indiana State Dept. of Health)
- Fishing Guide (Indiana DNR)
- Forest Improvement Handbook (Purdue Extension and Indiana DNR publication: FNR-IDNR-414) (4.44MB)
- Forestry and Natural Resources Extension P
- Forestry Exchange (Indiana DNR - find a forester, find a timber buyer, other resources)
- Got Nature? P (Blog hosted by Purdue Dept. of Forestry and Natural Resources)
- Gypsy Moth Information P (Dept. of Entomology)
- Hardwood Tree Improvement and Regeneration Center (Purdue University and U.S. Forest Service)
- How to Treat Timber Sale Income P (Publication FNR-FAQ-3)
- Hunter Education Course on-line (Indiana DNR)
- Hunting and Trapping Guide (Indiana DNR)
- Hunting and Fishing and License Information (Indiana DNR)
- "ID That Tree" videos by Purdue Extension Forester, Lenny Farlee
- Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant Program (Research, education and outreach related to Lake Michigan region: Univ. of Ill. and Purdue Univ.)
- Important Information About Planting Black Walnut in Indiana P (Publication FNR-149)
- Indiana Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts
- Indiana Christmas Tree Growers' Association
- Indiana Classified Forest and Wildlands Program (Indiana DNR)
- Indiana Conservation Partnership
- Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM)
- Indiana Department of Natural Resources (DNR)
- Indiana Fish Consumption Advisory (From Indiana State Department of Health)
- Indiana Monarch & Pollinator Conservation Hub (Indiana Wildlife Federation)
- Indiana Nut Growers Association
- Indiana Solid Waste Management Districts (waste disposal, recycling, etc.)
- Indiana Trails (From Indiana DNR - find a trail near you)
- Indiana Woodland Steward website
- Insecticide Options for Protecting Ash Trees from Emerald Ash Borer (Third Edition, Purdue Univ. plus other Midwestern universities)
- Insecticide "Quick List" for professionals and homeowners protecting ash trees from Emerald Ash Borer P
- Invasive Species P (Good 1st stop website; learn, identify, report invasive species of all types)
- Marketing Timber P (Publication FNR-111)
- Monarch & Pollinator Conservation Hub (Indiana Wildlife Federation)
- Mushrooms* ("Wild Mushrooms," Publication HYG-3303, Ohio State University Extension Fact Sheet)
- National Tree Benefit Calculator (Value estimation of street-side trees in your landscape)
- Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
- Natural Resources University (Science-based podcasts covering natural resources management. The series within the network include Deer University, Fire University, Pond University, and Habitat University.)
- Native Trees of Indiana River Walk at Purdue University Fort Wayne P
- North Central Region Water Network (Extension-led partnership of 12 land-grant universities, including Purdue University)
- Northern Nut Growers Association
- Nuisance Wildlife (Indiana DNR)
- Planting Forest Trees and Shrubs in Indiana P (Publication FNR-IDNR-36)
- Pond and Wildlife Management P
- Pond and Habitat Professionals for Whitley County, IN
- Preventing Wildlife Damage - Do You Need a Permit? P (Publication FNR-404-W)
- Professional Foresters (Indiana Forestry and Woodland Owners Association)
- Purdue Arboretum P
- Recreation Guide (Indiana DNR)
- Recycle Indiana (From IDEM - a "one-stop-site" for recycling needs and info)
- Recycling Locations, Indiana (searchable by county from IDEM website)
- Report Invasive Species P (Good 1st stop website; learn, identify, report invasive species of all types)
- Solid Waste Management Districts, Indiana (IDEM)
- State Nurseries/Tree Seedling Sales (Indiana DNR)
- State Parks and Lakes (Indiana DNR)
- Tick INsiders P (Dept. of Entomology: citizen science project to improve the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of tick-borne diseases in Indiana)
- Timber Buyers/Agents (Licensed with Indiana DNR)
- Tips on How to Get the Most From Your Timber Harvest P (Publication FNR-138)
- Tree ID videos from Purdue Extension Forester, Lenny Farlee
- Tree Pruning Essentials P (Publication FNR-506)
- Trees and Storms P (Publication FNR-FAQ-12-W)
- Urban Forestry and Arboriculture P (Dept. of Forestry and Natural Resources)
- USDA Forestry
- Well Drillers, Licensed (Indiana DNR)
- Wildlife Extension P (Department of Forestry and Natural Resources)
- Wildlife Habitat Fact Sheets (Indiana DNR)
- Wildlife Science Research P
- Woodland Steward website
*Note that some mushrooms are poisonous! Don't eat unless you know! If in doubt, identification by a professional mycologist is recommended. You may contact Purdue Plant and Pest Diagnostic Laboratory (P&PDL) for analysis. The Purdue Extension office can assist you in sending in a sample to P&PDL for identification ($11 fee). The local Extension office cannot determine edible/non-edible mushrooms in-house.
- Indiana State Department of Agriculture (ISDA)
- Indiana Department of Natural Resources (DNR)
- United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Note that other funding sources (primarily in the form of loans) may be available from USDA Farm Service Agency (see your local USDA Service Center), Farm Credit Mid-America, banks or other lending institutions.
Horticulture: Garden, Lawn & Landscape
- Abiotic Plant Disorders (Available for purchase from Michigan State University)
- All America Selections
- American Horticultural Society
- Attracting Butterflies to Your Yard P (Publication FNR-248)
- Arboretums and Botanical Gardens (a few selections among many others for you to consider)
- Arnold Arboretum (Harvard Univ.)
- Minnesota Landscape Arboretum (Univ. of Minn.)
- Morton Arboretum (non-profit in Illinois)
- Purdue Arboretum P
- United States National Arboretum (USDA)
- Certified Arborists (search/verify certified arborists - International Society of Arboriculture website)
- Consumer Horticulture P
- Facts for Fancy Fruit Newsletter P
- Fertilizing Woody Plants P (Publication HO-140)
- FoodLink (learn about fruits and vegetables, including how to select, prepare, and care for them) P
- Garden Calendar - Spring P (Publication HO-91)
- Garden Calendar - Summer P (Publication HO-92)
- Garden Calendar - Autumn P (Publication HO-93)
- Garden Calendar - Winter P (Publication HO-90)
- Gardening publications P
- Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)
- The Science of GMOs P
- Science of GMOs (Univ. of Connecticut)
- Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) and Good Handling Practices (GHPs) Audit Verification Program User's Guide (USDA - Commercial vegetables & fruits)
- Harmonized GAP (USDA - Commercial vegetables & fruits)
- Home Gardener's Guide P (Vegetables - Publication HO-32)
- Indiana Grown (Ind. State Dept. of Agriculture program)
- Indiana Grown, Shop (Shop for Indiana-grown products, website under ISDA
- IPM of Midwest Landscapes - Home Page (Univ. of Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station and USDA North Central IPM Center)
- Landscape Alternatives for Invasive Plants of the Midwest (Purdue University, The Nature Conservancy of Indiana and others)
- Landscape Report, Purdue P (Timely tips for the home landscape)
- Managing Insects in the Home Vegetable Garden P (Publication E-21; large file: 5.94 MB)
- Managing Pests in Home Fruit Plantings P (Publication ID-146, tree fruits)
- Managing Yard Waste: Clippings and Compost P (Publication ID-182)
- Master Gardener Program in Whitley County P
- Master Gardeners of Whitley County (local club information, events, activities)
- Native Trees of Indiana River Walk at Purdue University Fort Wayne P
- New Crop Resource On-Line Program P
- Plant ID Pal P
- Plant Information On-line (Univ. of Minn. & Minnesota Landscape Arboretum)
- Planting Landscape Trees and Shrubs P (Publication HO-100)
- Pruning Publications P
- Tree Pruning Essentials P (Publication FNR-506-W)
- Pruning Ornamental Trees and Shrubs P (Publication HO-4-W)
- Corrective Pruning for Deciduous Trees P (Publication FNR-563-W)
- Tree Pruning - What do Trees Think? P (Publication FNR-534-W)
- Purdue Arboretum P
- Purdue Consumer Horticulture P
- Purdue Landscape Report P (Timely tips for the home landscape)
- Purdue Master Gardener Program P
- Purdue Master Gardener Program in Whitley County P
- Purdue Turfgrass Science P
- Purdue Wine Grape Team P
- Purdue University Garden Publications P
- Taking Care of Your Yard P (Publication HO-236-W)
- Tree Pruning Essentials P (Publication FNR-506)
- Trees and Storms P (Publication FNR-FAQ-12-W)
- Turf Fertilizer Calculator P
- Turf Tips P
- Turfgrass Identification Tool P
- Turfgrass Insect Management P (Publication E-61)
- Turfgrass (lawns) publications for homeowners P
- Turfgrass Selection Tool P
- Turfgrass Science Website P
- Turfgrass Weeds P
- Urban Forestry and Arboriculture P (Dept. of Forestry and Natural Resources)
- USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map
- Why Fruit Trees Fail to Bear (Iowa State University)
- Wine Grape Team, Purdue P
- Hoosier Homestead Award (Indiana State Department of Agriculture)
- (State of Indiana web portal)
- Indiana Department of Natural Resources (Indiana DNR)
- Indiana Secretary of State (Business start-up, other info)
- Indiana State Board of Animal Health (BOAH)
- Indiana State Department of Agriculture
- Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM)
- Water Testing Laboratories (Indiana State Dept. of Health, or call 317-233-8074)>
Pesticides & Pesticide Application
- Category 14 study manual P
- Core and Category Training @ Purdue - 2022 P (Private applicator - need Core training/pass exam)
- Driftwatch: Indiana Sensitive Crops and Habitats Registry P
- Exams for private applicators P (All exam opportunities and descriptions)
- Fertilizer Applicator Certification Rule P (OISC website; Category 14, fertilizers, CFO manure)
- Office of the Indiana State Chemist (OISC) P
- Pesticide Database Search (NPIRS for Indiana: National Pesticide Information Retrieval System)
- Pesticide Publications List P
- Pesticide Training P
- Private Applicator Certification P (first-time applicators)
- Private Applicator Recertification Program (PARP) P (overall program info)
- Private Applicator Recertification Programs - upcoming PARP events P (3 classes in 5 years required; no more than 2 classes per any one calendar year)
- Private Applicator Records (OISC - number of recertification programs YOU have attended, status of license)
- Purdue Pesticide Programs P
- Weed Control Guidelines for Ohio, Indiana and Illinois P (Purdue publication WS-16)
- Educational Materials
- The Education Store P (Search all materials for what you need and buy on-line)
- Colleges
- Laboratories
- Animal Disease Diagnostic Lab (ADDL) P
- Plant and Pest Diagnostic Lab (PPDL) P
- Purdue Agricultural Centers
- Northeast Purdue Agricultural Center (NEPAC) (Whitley County)
- Purdue Extension P
- Purdue University P
U.S. Department of Agriculture
- Agricultural Research Service (ARS)
- Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)
- Census of Agriculture
- Farm Service Agency (FSA)
- Forest Service
- Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) and Good Handling Practices (GHPs) Audit Verification Program User's Guide (Commercial vegetables & fruits)
- Growing Opportunity: A Guide to USDA Sustainable Farming Programs
- Harmonized GAP (Commercial vegetables & fruits)
- Indiana Agricultural Statistics Service
- Indiana Agricultural Statistics Service - Crop Progress and Condition
- National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS)
- National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA)
- NIFA - Cooperative Extension System offices in each state
- Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
- Risk Management Agency (RMA)
- Rural Development Centers
- Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) (Includes SARE grant information)
- U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
- USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map
- USDA Plants Database (plant identification and classification)
- Youth and Agriculture (USDA)
- Drinking Water Information P
- Indiana Certified Drinking Water Laboratories - Microbiology and Chemistry
- North Central Region Water Network (Extension-led partnership of 12 land-grant universities, including Purdue University)
- Water and Water Quality P
- Water Supply Information (Indiana State Dept. of Health)
- Well Drillers, Licensed (Indiana DNR)
- Extension Disaster Education Network (EDEN)
- Indiana Prepared P (IN PREP: Indiana Purdue Rural Emergency Preparedness)
- Indiana State Climate Office P
- Control Practices for Canada Thistle P
- Digital Ag Resources P (UAVs, data-intensive technologies, etc.)
- Guide to Toxic Plants in Forages P
- Identifying and Managing Aquatic Vegetation P (Publication APM-3)
- Indiana Invasive Species Council P
- Invasive Species P (Good 1st stop website; learn, identify, report invasive species of all types)
- Invasive Species (Indiana DNR website - includes invasive weeds)
- Landscape Alternatives for Invasive Plants of the Midwest (Purdue University, The Nature Conservancy of Indiana and others)
- Midwest Invasive Plant Network (Purdue University, The Nature Conservancy of Indiana and others)
- Purdue Master Gardener Guide to Common Lawn and Garden Weeds P
- Purdue Weed Science P (Departments of Agronomy, Botany and Plant Pathology, Forestry and Natural Resources and Horticulture and Landscape Architecture)
- Toxic Plants in Forages P
- Turfgrass Weeds P
- Weed Control Guidelines for Ohio, Indiana and Illinois P (Purdue publication WS-16)
Updated 11/23/21
Footnote for all links: presence of a non-Purdue link does not imply endorsement of a product, nor does the absence of a link imply lack of endorsement. No inference of endorsement of any kind is intended.