Howard County Scholarships
Purdue Extension - Howard County offers an array of scholarships to our graduating seniors. Below are listed a few. If you would like more information about our scholarships, give us a call!
State scholarships are listed here:
Sunny Sinnamon Memorial Scholarship Application
STAR Future of Agriculture Scholarship Application
Contact Us
Purdue Extension - Howard County
(765) 456-2313
120 E. Mulberry St., Suite 105
Kokomo, IN 46901
This scholarship is eligible to all high school seniors enrolling in college for the first time this year They must have completed at least three (3) years in Junior Leadership including the year in which you are applying for the scholarship. The deadline for this application is June 1st.
learn moreThis scholarship is named after Paul Raver who was a long time Extension Educator in Howard County. This scholarship will be awarded to a Howard County 4-H member who has completed a minimum of five years of 4-H and is enrolled in the first year of college. The deadline for this application is June 1st.
The student must be past or present 4-H member, OR the daughter, son or grandchild of a current (or member at time of death) Extension Homemaker Club member. The applicant must be accepted for study in any school at Purdue University or in the School of Health & Human Sciences in another institute of higher learning. The deadline for this application is May 1st.