Bucket Calf

A bucket calf is an orphan or newborn calf; male or female; dairy, beef, or cross; fed on bucket or bottle. This project encourages youth to learn about raising beef or dairy cattle. Members will learn about caring for and raising a calf and about related health issues. Emphasis in this project is placed on the 4-H'ers knowledge, not the quality of the animal.

PROJECT SUPERINTENDENT: Kathleen Rulon, 317-694-8729, kmrulon@gmail.com

EXHIBIT CHECK-IN:          Wednesday, July 16, 2-8 PM

JUDGING:                          Thursday, July 17, 8:30 AM, Open Judging

RELEASE:                          Tuesday, July 22, 7 AM - Noon, All Non-Auction livestock released

STATE FAIR ENTRIES:      All livestock for STATE FAIR must be properly identified and
                                           enrolled. Refer to indianastatefair.com for entry information.

Project Resources