Hamilton County 4-H Workshops
Hamilton County 4-H Workshops
Below is list of county workshops by project. Keep checking back as more are scheduled. You can also check our 4-H Google Events Calendar for upcoming workshops.
- List of project supplies for sale at the Extension Office
4-H’ers will learn to how to properly build a model from a kit and get tips and tricks for painting and assembly. Sample materials and a sample kit will also be available for viewing. A brief discussion of the project requirements and submission / judging processes will also occur.
This workshop will be most beneficial for first and second year project members but advanced members are welcome to attend with questions and any additional advice.
Arts & Crafts - Cindy Ogle, 317-435-3340, cindy_ogle@att.ne
Arts & Crafts - Gerrian deJong, 317-514-8511, gerrian218@gmail.com
Ceramics - Vivian Summeier, 317-773-4176, summeierv@gmail.com
Fine Arts - Nikki Gieseking, 317-716-4858, nikkiboram@gmail.com
Sabrina Boram, 317-771-2441, sabrinaboram@gmail.com
Leathercraft - Jenny Rumple, 317-670-4202, jennyrumple@gmail.com
Models - Bob Finkbeiner, 317-250-6992, Kgdvm@yahoo.com
The Friends Forever 4-H Club is excited to announce a leather craft workshop scheduled for Saturday, April 26,2025, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Delaware Township Trustee office. Details are on the sign up link!
Please make use of the sign-up link provided below.
Please note that all kits will need to be pre-purchased, and if you require specific tools or stencils, it's essential to communicate your needs early to check if our helper has them available for use. If not, parents may need to purchase these items. We will do our best to accommodate but cannot guarantee.
Tandy Leather link to purchase kits and any tools/stencils needed.
Please note open judging for leather craft projects this year. Please look through the Project Handbook to note guidelines for appropriate levels.
Please email jennyrumple@gmail.com or text 317-670-4202 with any questions.
QLC (Livestock quality assurance)
6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
April 28, Llama Barn
May 21, Hall C
June 17, Hall C
All workshops, 6:30-8:00 p.m. in the Education Center
Jan. 27March 4
April 21
June 10
We are welcoming back our 4-H Beekeeping Project Leader “Dave Z” this year. Dave has been a beekeeper for 7 years and is actively involved in the core group of the North-Central Indiana Beekeepers Club. He regularly gives presentations on beekeeping and mentors new beekeepers. Dave currently has a couple hives on a building rooftop in downtown Indianapolis, as well as 5 other hives at two locations in Fishers, IN. He runs both Kenyan Top Bar Hives, as well as traditional Langstroth equipment. Dave and his family (wife Cathy, and three grown sons) have lived in Fishers for over 25-years.
This workshop will be an introductory to the project and open to all 4-H Beekeeping Members. For more information about the project or the workshop, feel free to contact Dave at (317-517-2095) or email (davidz@augustmack.com) and another account – davez_troutman@yahoo.com.
QLC (Livestock quality assurance)
6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
April 28, Llama Barn
May 21, Hall C
June 17, Hall C
All Workshops are 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
March 13, Llama Barn
April 3, Llama Barn
May 8, Hall A
June 11, Hall A
July 9, Hall C (6:00-8:00pm)
April 22
7:00 pm
Conference Room
Child Development will be having a workshop for all those entered in the project and interested in learning about project ideas, requirements and what to expect at judging! We will also have a demonstration of a sample project and will be available to answer any questions you may have. For questions about the project or workshop contact project leader, Chandra Manges at 317-513-2944 or ccmanges@comcast.net.
Alex French, 317-691-1963, fromthefrenches@gmail.com
Sarah Reel, 317-654-7127, doublerfarmsnoblesville@gmail.com
QLC (Livestock quality assurance)
6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
April 28, Llama Barn
May 21, Hall C
June 17, Hall C
QLC (Livestock quality assurance)
6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
April 28, Llama Barn
May 21, Hall C
June 17, Hall C
May 4
9 am - 1pm
Dining Room
Electric letter with lots of valuable information.
So many great resources on the Indiana 4-H page
Check it out at: https://extension.purdue.edu/4-H/projects/4-h-project-electric.html
PROJECT SUPERINTENDENT: Carol Schmidt, 317-773-6850, dcakschmidt@comcast.net
This workshop will cover insect ID and how to pin the insects. 4-H’ers are welcome to bring their insects to the workshop for help in identifying them.
For more information at the workshops or the 4-H Entomology project, please contact Project Leader Nicole Hendrickson at 765-810-4768 or nikkihendrick12@yahoo.com
June 26, 6-7:30 pm, Hall B
For more information about the workshop or the Floriculture project, contact Project Leader Billie Hittle at billie@hittlefloraldesign.com or 317-513-7264.
For more information about the project or workshops, contact Project Leader, Lyneen Burrow at 317-697-6336 or neenburrow@aol.com
Holly Faust, 317-776-8412, holly.faust@hamiltoncounty.in.gov
Jennifer Sullivan, 317-403-5425, bunnylaw7@gmail.co
Workshop will go over the project requirements and then time will be available for 4-H’ers to ask any questions along with review of any already prepared forms.
For more information, please contact Project Leader Lisa Burris at 317-258-9171 or lburris1970@yahoo.com
Holly Faust, 317-776-8412, holly.faust@hamiltoncounty.in.gov
Amy Sheller, 317-446-7969, acsheller@yahoo.com
Gerrian deJong, 317-514-8511, gerrian218@gmail.com
Kathleen Bohde, 317-776-0854, bohde@purdue.edu
Lisa Hanni, 317-776-0854, lahanni@purdue.edu
4 - 6 p.m.
Llama Barn
March 9, 23, 30
QLC (Livestock quality assurance)
6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
April 28, Llama Barn
May 21, Hall C
June 17, Hall C
May 18
2-3 p.m.
Dining Room
For more information about the project or workshop contact project leader, Amy Underhill (317) 496-4108
QLC (Livestock quality assurance)
6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
April 28, Llama Barn
May 21, Hall C
June 17, Hall C
All meetings begin @ 7:00 p.m.
Feb. 25 meeting at Always Next Door
Mar. 25, April 22 meetings at Always Next Door
May 13, Hall B, 6-8 pm tattoo workshop
May 27, Hall A, 7pm
June 24, Hall C, 6-9pm
QLC (Livestock quality assurance)
6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
April 28, Llama Barn
May 21, Hall C
June 17, Hall C
For more information about the project, contact project leader Natalie Rearick at Natalie.rearick@gmail.com or 937-768-6272.
QLC (Livestock quality assurance)
6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
April 28, Llama Barn
May 21, Hall C
June 17, Hall C
- Hunter Education
- Archery
- Muzzle Loading
- Pistol
- Rifle
- Shotgun
QLC (Livestock quality assurance)
6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
April 28, Llama Barn
May 21, Hall C
June 17, Hall C
For more information about this project or workshops contact project Leader, Alan Dale at adale@bowenengineering.com or 317.752.5720.