Hamilton County 4-H Animal Identification Information

2024 Animal Identification Information - May 15th deadline

4-H members (Grades 3 – 12) must identify all Beef and Dairy Cattle, Goats, Horses, Llamas, Sheep and Swine in the 4-H Online system by May 15th or earlier county deadline if applicable to be eligible for exhibition at the Indiana State Fair 4-H Animal Shows.  Beef and Dairy Cattle, Meat Goats, Sheep and Swine must submit DNA hair samples by May 15th to their local County Extension to be eligible for Indiana State Fair 4-H Animal Shows.  

Resources can be found on this page to assist 4-H families with the animal identification process.  

2023 Animal Health Requirements 

Hamilton County General Livestock Rules

Indiana 4-H Animal ID Requirements 

4-H Online Animal ID Instructions 

Animal Location Form

Animal Lease Agreement for Dairy, Horse and Pony, and Llama.

Where do I put this ID information?

  • 4-H Online in.4honline.com for Beef, Bucket Calf, Dairy, Dairy Goats, Meat Goats, Pygmy Goats, Sheep, Swine
  • Paper forms turned into the office for Llama, Poultry, Rabbits

Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) Information

DAIRY GOATS, POULTRY, and RABBITS, 4-H members must be certified
through the Indiana 4-H Quality Livestock Care training OR the online Youth
for the Quality Care of Animals program (YQCA) by July 1, 2024.
1. This certification must be done on an annual basis
2. Members must be registered BEFORE attending a training
3. Members may attend any training dates listed on this flyer
OR training in another county
OR complete the online YQCA training
Training Dates: 

April 22, 2024, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Hamilton County Fairgrounds, Hall B

May 22, 2024, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Hamilton County Fairgrounds, Hall C

June 19, 2024, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Hamilton County Fairgrounds, Hall B

To register for the Indiana 4-H Quality Livestock Care program, please use https://in.4honline.com.

Those planning to be certified through the YQCA program will register at www.yqcaprogram.org and will present their completion certificate to their 4-H Educator.

For questions, please contact Lisa Hanni at lahanni@purdue.edu or the Extension Office at 317-776-0854.


Poultry Blood Testing

June 12 from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. in the north end of the Small Animal Barn

June 22 from 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. in the north end of the Small Animal Barn