The 4-H Rabbits educational program and related activities (such as workshops, tours, etc.) provide youth a fun and hands-on learning experience which develops both rabbit subject skills (such as nutrition, housing, and health care) and life skills (such as responsibility, decision-making, nurturing, and communications) under the direction of caring adult volunteers.
PROJECT SUPERINTENDENT: Jerry Urbanus, 317-508-9183, jerry-u@sbcglobal.net
EXHIBIT CHECK-IN: Wednesday, July 16, 2-8 PM
Rabbit Ambassador Thursday, July 17, 6 PM, Open Judging
Rabbit Show Friday, July 18, 8:30 AM, Open Judging
RELEASE TIME: Tuesday, July 22, 7 AM– Noon, All Non-Auction livestock released
AUCTION: Tuesday, July 22, 5:30 PM
STATE FAIR ENTRIES: All livestock for STATE FAIR must be properly identified and enrolled. Refer to indianastatefair.com for entry information.
Disease Prevention and Biosecurity for show rabbits: Dr. Melissa Justice, Indiana Board of Animal Health shares the how to keep rabbits healthy and the signs and symptoms youth should know before they show. The recording can be found here. This is a great resource for 4-H'ers and volunteers.
Project Resources
Project Manual (available at the Extension Office)
Score Cards: