The 4-H Llama educational program and related activities provide youth a fun and hands-on learning experience which develops both llama subject skills (such as nutrition, housing, and health care) and life skills (such as responsibility, decision-making, nurturing, and communications). If you are interested in leasing a llama, contact the Extension Office for more information.
PROJECT SUPERINTENDENT: Marilyn Nenni, 317-418-2258, llamas@shagbarkridge.com
- Llama Craft and Llama Poster Sunday, July 13, 4-6 PM
- Llamas Wednesday, July 16, 9-11 AM
- Llama Craft Monday, July 14, 8:30 AM Open Judging
- Llama Poster Monday, July 14, 8:30 AM Closed Judging
- Llama Senior Showmanship Thursday, July 17, 9:30 AM
- Pack Obstacle Class Thursday, July 17, 1:30 PM
- Llama Intermediate Showmanship Friday, July 18, 9:30 AM
- Llama PR Obstacle Class Friday, July 18, 12:00 PM
- Llama Costume Class Friday, July 18, 5 PM
- Leaping Llama Exhibition Friday, July 18, 6 PM
- Llama Junior Showmanship Saturday, July 19, 9:30 AM
- Llama Field Obstacle Saturday, July 19, 1:30 PM
- Llama Youth Judging Class Monday, July 21, 10 AM
- Monday, July 21, after Royal Showmanship
- All livestock for STATE FAIR must be properly identified and enrolled. Refer to indianastatefair.com for entry information.
Completing a llama poster is optional.
A county fair class registration form must be turned into the extension office by July 1st.