Horse & Pony

The 4-H Horse & Pony educational program and related activities (such as workshops, tours, etc.) provide youth a fun and hands-on learning experience which develops both Horse and Pony subject skills (such as nutrition, housing, and health care) and life skills (such as responsibility, decision-making, nurturing, and communications). 

PROJECT SUPERINTENDENT: Susan Byer, 317-374-5799,

EXHIBIT CHECK-IN:      Wednesday, July 16, 4-8 PM

JUDGING:                      English Show - Thursday, July 17, 10 AM, Open Judging
                                       Western Show - Friday, July 18, 10 AM, Open Judging
                                       Dressage - Saturday, July 19, 10 AM, Open Judging
                                       Contesting - Saturday, July 19, 6 PM, Open Judging
                                       Hunter Show - Sunday, July 20, 10 AM Open Judging
                                      Jumper Show - Sunday, July 20,  30 minutes after the Hunter Show
                                      Versatility  - Monday, July 21, 10 AM, Open Judging

RELEASE TIME:           Tuesday, July 22, 7 AM - Noon, All Non-Auction livestock released

STATE FAIR ENTRIES: All livestock for STATE FAIR must be properly identified and enrolled. Refer to for entry information.