Dog Obedience

This is a project that teaches you how to train your dog and have a lot of fun while getting to know your dog.  All you need is some time, patience and a dog. Your dog doesn't have to be pure bred or registered; we know mixed breeds make wonderful pets.  Members in the Dog project learn about puppy and dog care, training, nutrition, and health. Members will have the opportunity to train and show his/her dog. Training classes meet weekly beginning in the spring and run through the summer.  

Our motto: "To make the family pet a better family member."


  Dog Rally & Agility Saturday, July 12, 7:30 AM
  Dog Obedience & Showmanship Monday, July 14, 3:30 PM

  Dog Rally & Agility Saturday, July 12, 8 AM, Open Judging
  Dog Obedience & Showmanship Monday, July 14, 4 PM, Open Judging

RELEASE TIME: Immediately following both shows

STATE FAIR ENTRIES: All livestock for STATE FAIR must be properly identified and enrolled. Refer to for entry information.


Project Resources