Crops- County only
Member may enter as many of the following classes as desired, but only one exhibit may be entered in each category.
Corn and Popcorn
- Three cornstalks for judging. All 3 cornstalks shall have washed roots (no soil)
- Completed exhibit card must be displayed with project.
- Completed general record sheet
- 10 green plants including roots free of soil, with all plants bundled together.
- Completed exhibit card must be displayed with the project.
- Completed general record sheet
Small Grains (Oats & Wheat)
- 1 gallon (in glass jar) of any certified grain variety recommended for our area.
- Completed exhibit card must be displayed with the project. .
- Completed general record sheet
- Grow at least 1 acre of hay/alfalfa.
- Exhibit 1 sample (at least 12" x 12" and 1/2" thick) of processed hay/alfalfa.
- Completed exhibit card must be displayed with the project. .
- Completed general record sheet
Crops Poster
Guidelines for all grade levels:
1. Exhibit a poster designed to teach those who view about a topic related to crop
production/agronomy. Select an age-appropriate topic.
2. Follow the general poster guidelines as listed under the “General Rules: 4-H
Project Exhibits-Static” section found elsewhere in this Handbook. Poster must
be 22” x 28”, displayed horizontally with a stiff backing and clear protective
3. Posters will be judged according to the following 3 grade levels:
Grades 3-5 (Level 1), Grades 6-8 (Level 2) Grades 9-12 (Level 3).
4. All posters must include a reference list indicating where information was
obtained, giving credit to the original author, to complete the 4-H member’s
exhibit. This reference list should/might include website links, people and
professionals interviewed, books, magazines, etc. It is recommended this
reference list be attached to the back of the poster or to the front of the poster as
part of the display visible to the public. A judge is not to discredit an exhibit for the
manner in which references are listed
5. Submit completed General Record Sheet
Crops Record Sheets:
For educational use only, not required for project submission