Agriculture & Natural Resources

What We Do

The Vigo County Agriculture & Natural Resources (ANR) program extends Purdue University research to residents to assist agricultural producers, woodland owners, gardeners, and homeowners right here in Vigo County. Educational opportunities include in-person and virtual programs/meetings, personal consultations, newspaper articles,  websites, and social media. See Facebook pages for Purdue Extension-Vigo County and Wabash Valley Master Gardener Association.

Below you will find information that may help answer questions you have. If you need to talk to a real person, we're also available at the number to the right!



Contact Us


Tabby Flinn 
275 Ohio Street
Terre Haute, IN 47807
(812) 462-3371



Tabby Flinn

Ag & Natural Resources (ANR) Educator
(812) 462-3371

Hello! My name is Tabby Flinn and I am the Ag & Natural Resources (ANR) Extension Educator at the Vigo County office. I have been in this role since January 2021. I have experience in entomology, beekeeping, field crops, gardening, and forestry. My educational background focused on insect identification, urban insects, and integrated pest management (IPM).   

Please take a moment to see what Purdue Extension has to offer. If you have any questions, or would like more specific information, please send me an email or give me a call! 


Join the Wabash Valley Master Gardeners!  We are accepting applications for our Spring 2024 class.  The program will run February 28 - May 29, meeting Wednesday evenings at the Meadows Learning Lab, previously Meadows Elementary School, in Terre Haute.  Cost is $145 per person.  Please fill out an application and email it to to get started!

WVMGA Application

WVMGA Spring 2024 Schedule

Spring 2022 Flyer


Join master gardeners

The Vigo County Master Gardener group was organized in 1998 and then established as Wabash Valley Master Gardeners Association Inc as a 501(c)(3) corporation in the state of Indiana in 2004. The goals of the association are to provide public education as outlined in the state guidelines, and to assist in the certification of those who have successfully completed training by offering organized activities. Membership is open to anyone who has completed training in Indiana or is currently enrolled in the program. Those who have trained out of state may also apply for membership.

The Master Gardener Program is “helping others grow” by providing intensive education in horticultural principles. Through the Master Gardener training sessions you will become knowledgeable about a wide array of gardening subjects. This knowledge will increase your skills as well as enable you to provide volunteer leadership and service to the community in gardening activities.

In Indiana, the Master Gardener Program is conducted by the Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service through participating county offices. The instruction is provided without charge by local, county, and state specialists in horticulture. There is a fee for supplies which become your personal reference collection.

Persons who are interested in some aspect of gardening may apply for acceptance to the Master Gardener Program. At the completion of training, those who contribute one hour of volunteer community service for each hour of training received will be certified as Master Gardeners.

Learn more here!

How to Renew Your Permit

Private applicator permits are current for five years. In that five years, you attend three recertification programs or take the pesticide or fertilizer certification exam. In October of the expiration year printed on the private applicator permit, the Office of Indiana State Chemist (OISC) sends a letter to applicators whose permit expires December 31 of that year. The letter includes a permit form to complete and a request for $20. When the completed form and fee are received, OISC sends a new permit for the next five years.

Within the five-year period, a private applicator has the option of attending 3 recertification programs hosted by a county Extension educator. Recertification programs are at least two hours in length on fertilizer and/or pesticide-related topic(s). Each program will also include an approved regulatory topic. A private applicator can attend and receive credit for a recertification program in any county, not just their home county.

You can find dates and locations of approved pesticide recertification programs on the PARP Events page and advertised through county Extension offices.

The private applicators in attendance need to provide their signature, printed name, private applicator permit number or last four digits of their Social Security number on attendance sheets. The entire program must be attended in order to receive credit toward recertification. A fee of $10 is collected. Some programs may have additional fees to cover a meal, etc. The fee can be paid by the applicator or by a sponsoring organization. You should retain the receipt for your records as proof of attendance.

A maximum of two recertification programs per year, can be attended for credit. Refunds will not be given if more than two programs are attended in a year.

The program year is January 1 through December 31.

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