Garden Fair

The Garden Fair is free because we want as many people as possible to attend. Helping gardeners and community members learn and grow is one of our primary missions. The money raised through booth rentals, donations, and food sales, all fund the Putnam County Master Gardener Association educational events throughout the year.
Browse our local vendors displaying garden related products, services, and crafts. They are passionate about plants and landscapes just like you!
Savor delicious savory lunch options and tempting homemade desserts at our food vendor.
Stop by the Putnam County Master Gardener booth to ask questions about your garden, landscape, or houseplants, and grab a free tree! Also, visit the Purdue Extension booth to discover how you can become a Master Gardener or learn more about the valuable impact Purdue Extension has on our community. Stop by and check out one of the fantastic speakers listed below.
2025 Speaker Line Up!
We will have four speakers throughout the day offering educational presentations, including renowned gardeners, Purdue Extension Master Gardeners, and Purdue Extension Specialists.
Container Gardening
Presented by: Jo Ellen Meyers Sharp
Presentation Time: 8:30 am - 9:30 am
Jo Ellen Meyers Sharp is the Hoosier Gardener. She’s a 25-year, award-winning veteran of print journalism and owner of Write for You! LLC, a freelance writing and editing business. You can find her blog at Jo Ellen is a past president of GardenComm: GardenCommunicators International. She is a garden coach and has a four-season commercial and residential container planting business. For 20 years, she worked at a large, independent garden center in Indianapolis, including a stint as buyer of perennials, trees and shrubs.

Dazzling Dahlias
Presented by: Barb Pantos
Presentation Time: 11:30 am - 12:30 Pm
After retiring from a career in healthcare Barb’s passion and interest in gardening - and doing it well - led her to become a Master Gardener in 2016. Being a Master Gardener made her a bit more adventurous in gardening pursuits as well - trying new methods and being patient with the outcome. Her newest gardening adventure is Dahlias - their beauty, diversity and uniqueness is an absolute delight - even though growing dahlias is not for the faint of heart. Barb’s presentation will focus on the biology of the Dahlia, growing process, variety, challenges and the amazing diversity of this plant. She will also cover care of tubers as well as winter storage needs.

Pollinator Friendly Native Plants
Presented by: Carrie Little
Presentation Time: 1:00 Pm - 2:00 Pm
Carrie Little discovered her passion for growing native plants after a recent home build provided her with the perfect space to experiment. While still an amateur in native gardening, she’s explored techniques like stratification, starting seeds in milk jugs, and planting plugs for her new flower bed. Her journey into beekeeping began with a Christmas gift from her husband: a beehive, which sparked her interest in combining native flowers with native pollinators and honeybees. A Master Gardener since 2010, she is actively involved in both Hendricks and Putnam Counties. In 2021, she began beekeeping and has embraced the highs and lows of the hobby. Carrie loves sharing her flowers and honey with family and friends.

Free Trees Available!
The Putnam County Master Gardener Association is excited to continue their traditional of handing out free trees at Garden Fair. This is possible thanks to the generous financial contribution of First National Bank, Neier, Inc., and Buzzi Unicem.
Below you will find information about the free trees that will be available.
The tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera) reaches heights of 160-200 ft and a diameter of up to 10 ft. Known for its fast growth and long lifespan of up to 200 years, this tree thrives with minimal health issues. Its striking flowers bloom from April to June, showcasing pale green to yellow petals with an orange band, attracting bees, birds, and butterflies. Revered for its grandeur, the tulip poplar is the state tree of Indiana, Kentucky, and Tennessee.
White pine (Pinus strobus) is a towering conifer native to the eastern United States, known for its height, often reaching 65 to 100 feet. This tree is distinguished by its five-needle clusters made from blue-green needles that can grow 2 to 4 inches long and remain on the tree for two to three years. Its bark starts smooth and dark in young trees, developing into deeply furrowed ridges as it matures. The cones of the white pine are often coated with white sap. Preferring moist, acidic, and well-drained soils, it is the only five-needled pine found in Indiana.
Elderberry (Sambucus canadensis) is a deciduous, woody plant that can grow as a clump-like shrub or small tree. The American elderberry typically reaching 8 to 10 feet in height. This adaptable plant thrives in a variety of habitats, often found in ditches, along woodland edges, or in damp, wet areas. It grows best in full sun or partial shade and prefers wet, well-drained soils. The plant features pinnately compound leaves with toothed edges, and its twigs are characterized by prominent corky lenticels, giving them a wart-like appearance. The elderberry's root system is thick, mat-like, and shallow.
Interested in Becoming a Vendor?
If your products and/or services would be a good fit for the Garden Fair, please consider signing up to be a vendor. Space availability is on a first-come, first-served basis. We encourage you to reserve a spot early, because past vendors have already reserved booth space. More information about becoming a vendor along with the application can be found at the link below.
2025 Garden Fair Vendor ApplicationQuestions?
Please contact Jenna Nees at Purdue Extension for more information about this event. Jenna can be reached at 765-653-8411 or
If you are in need of accommodations to attend this program, please contact Jenna at 765-653-8411 or by March 1st. If you need an interpreter or translator, please contact Jenna at 765-653-8411 or by March 1st.
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