Putnam 4-H Animal/Livestock Projects

Animal and Livestock Enrollment Information (May 15 annually)

To have animals eligible to exhibit at county or state fair, one must enroll animals into 4honline (clickable link) AFTER the 4-Her is enrolled on 4honline and submitted payment. 


Putnam 4-H Livestock Resources

4honline login link to Enroll Child and Animals

Youth Quality Care Animals (YQCA) login link

FairEntry link After June 1 Stating What you Actually BRing to Fair


Mark Evans, 4-H Youth Development Educator, mevans@purdue.edu 
Kim Beadles, Education Program Coordinator, kbeadles@purdue.edu
Kristy Straziscar, Office Manager, kstrazis@purdue.edu 

Purdue Extension Putnam County
12 Central Square
Greencastle, IN 46135
Location Address: 152 East Columbia St



It is time to sign up for the 2023-24 Putnam County 4-H program! The process is similar and the fees are the same as last year. If you are new to 4-H or have questions, always feel free to call the office at 653-8411 to have your questions answered or needs addressed. Regular 4-H is for grades 3-12 while Exploring 4-H (Mini 4-H) is for any 2nd grader as of January 1, 2024.

For grades 3-12 you may Sign up here for 4-H and you may also pay with a credit card as well. Some projects like Horse & Pony, Archery, and Dog close January 15 to new club members. Exploring 4-H youth (grade 2 mini 4-H) will have paper forms. These will be distributed during January school visits or be available online here in December. 

Coming soon a list of 4-H clubs with planned meeting dates and leader volunteer contact information. 

4-H Recruitment Video at School Visits

All Putnam County third grade classrooms will view our YouTube Putnam 4-H Program Video during school visits by Kim Beadles, Education Coordinator and Mark Evans, 4-H Youth Development Educator in October or November.