Static/Building Projects


Welcome to the 4-H Project information and record sheet page. This is a comprehensive list of the projects that are available to the members of Pike County 4-H.

Frequently Asked Questions about Static Projects can be found at the bottom of this page.

Genealogy Guidelines

Note: Do you need any forms, charts, or worksheets? Click the link below. This will take you to the State 4-H Website where you can find all of the forms that you may need to complete this project.

State 4-H Genealogy Webpage/Resources

Before exhibiting in this project, you must get approval from Brooke Goble, 4-H Extension Educator. Project ideas need to be approved by June 1st to be able to exhibit at the fair. 

Leisure Education- Freestyle Guidelines


Project manuals are free guides for each static project. These manuals are age-appropriate and include hands-on activities. They are helpful for gathering ideas for exhibits for the fair and learning more about the project. Activity completion in the manual is not required for project entry at the fair, but is recommended as a learning opportunity.

You can pick up a manual at any time from the Pike County Extension Office. We recommend working on these activities throughout the year as a fun weekend or school break project.

If you cannot make it to the office, you can fill out the Project Manual Form and either mail it to our office or email it to Brooke ( or Lisa ( Once we receive this form, we can mail you your manuals. If you ask for too many manuals and we cannot mail them, we will reach out and request that you pick them up from the office.

Mini Project Manual Form

4-H poster projects require a 22" by 28" poster with a stiff backing and plastic covering. We sell these poster and poster sleeves at the office.

Foam Poster Backs (22x28inches): $5.00 each
Poster Sleeves for 22x28inch size boards: $1.00 each
Salon Print Sleeves (will fit 16x20 inch mounted prints): $0.50 each

The 4-H program welcomes all youth to learn and grow at a level that is most appropriate for them. We can certainly provide accommodations, such as alternate project guidelines and judging criteria, so that your 4-Her may experience an appropriate challenge and success. Unlike school settings, we are not privy to such information regarding your youth's needs and encourage you to reach out with requests for accommodations so that we can prepare and communicate with all involved.

In 2023, project judging will be happening on Saturday, July 22 at the Pike County 4-H Exhibit Building. This is a closed judging format. You will bring your project(s) during one of the project check-in times: Thursday, July 20 5pm-8pm or Friday, July 21 9am-7pm at the 4-H Exhibit Building. 

Judges will view each project and reward the 4-Her with a blue, red, or white ribbon. Blue equates to meeting project requirements, red equates to missing a requirement, and white equates to not meeting most or all requirements. Each project has division winners that receive purple champion ribbons and lavender reserve champion winners. Divisions corresponds to age groupings or project types depending upon the project. The champion winners compete against each other for grand champion- a purple rosette ribbon and reserve grand champion- a lavender rosette ribbon.

Additionally, the judge can select projects to go to the Indiana State Fair. Most of our projects are eligible for the state fair, and you can check the project guidelines to see how many from each project are eligible for this distinction. The 4-H Educator delivers the projects and retrieves them from the state fair. 

Scorecards and flat ribbons will be available for families to pick up during project release day on Sunday, July 30 from 11am-2pm. Larger rosette ribbons will be distributed at Achievement Day (date TBA).