Purdue Extension Orange County Agriculture

Important Information

You can now receive information & updates directly to your phone via text! The Extension Office has begun sharing short info updates & alerts about important topics via a free text message.


Sign up for the Livestock Alerts here: https://tapme.ws/cwyadI

Sign up for the Crops Alerts here: https://tapme.ws/fIZRqH

The Purdue Extension Farm Stress Team is dedicated to providing mental health education and resources to farmers, farm families and rural communities. Find upcoming programs near you, resources and more info here: https://extension.purdue.edu/farmstress/

Link to the Tools for Today's Farmer Podcast: https://anchor.fm/toolsfortodaysfarmers/episodes/Dairy-Farming-and-Social-Media-e12t9t6

Upcoming Orange County and State Extension Events