Description: Youth will learn to care for and show swine.
State Fair Entry: Any member may exhibit, separate entry required. Be sure to follow appropriate deadlines.
Educational Resources: The Ohio State Resources Hand book 4-H 117R
Activity Guidelines: Livestock Record Sheet, and attend appropriate workshops.
Due Date: All record sheets are due the evening prior to the show to the superintendent. An animal quality assurance course (YQCA or QLC) must be completed before check-in.
Enrollment Requirements: Animals must be enrolled in 4-H Online by May 15th.
Training, Document and Health Requirements: Complete Quality Assurance Course, Properly identified, Premises ID, 4-H Online enrollment by the appropriate date.
All animals are to be entered in appropriate classes in Fair Entry no less than one week before the Saturday 4-H Building project check-in date!
All Divisions: All exhibitors must present 4-H swine ID forms for their pigs at check-in time. No purebred gilts will be placed in the purebred class unless purebred registration forms are shown. YQCA training is required of all Swine members.
- All animals must be healthy at the time of entry to the Newton County Fair to be eligible for exhibition. All animals must be identified and meet appropriate State Board of Animal Health requirements before unloading at the Newton County Fairgrounds. If there is a question of animal health or well-being, a veterinarian will be called to inspect the animals or facilities in question.
- Each pig must be identified by the standard ear notch system and properly enrolled in 4-H Online by May 15. No two animals of the same breed from the same 4-H family may have the same notches, except registered gilts.
- Purebred gilts and barrows must have purebred paperwork from their breed association to be able to show in that respective breed. If there is no paperwork on the gilt/barrow, they will be placed into a crossbred class.
- All pigs must have been farrowed on or after December 1 of the previous calendar year.
- Each 4-H member may exhibit a maximum of six (6) gilts and six (6) barrows, representing a total of 3 breeds of barrows and 3 breeds of gilts with no more than 2 individual pigs of any one breed, with a total of no more than 12 pigs. Crossbreeds are considered a breed. The scramble pig is included in the two (2) barrows per breed.
- There must be at least two (2) purebred pigs entered to make up a purebred class.
- If there are less than two (2) purebred pigs for a class, these purebred animals will be placed in a class referred to as "all other purebreds."
- If there are more than ten (10) purebred pigs for a class, the class will be divided into weight groups, if possible.
- All animals must be within the weight limits of 150 pounds – 374 pounds. Any animals that do not fall within these limits will not show but will be considered for completion of the project.
- Scramble: Only barrows will be used for scramble, and they will show in Scramble Class. Champion Scramble barrow automatically shows for Grand Champion Barrow. Champion Scramble Pig will not show in its Weight Class. The rest of the Scramble pigs show in their weight classes. Only Champion Scramble Barrow and/or any scramble barrow that becomes Grand or Reserve Grand Champion may sell in the auction.
- Classes Shown:
- Scramble barrows;
- Market barrows by breed and weight;
- Single purebred gilt by breeds, Dec,, Jan., Feb., Mar., birth dates; and
- Single crossbred gilt, by weight.
- Barrow class - the champion pig from each weight class will show against the winners of the purebred classes. There will be three (3) different weight classes (light weight, medium weight, and heavy weight). The light weight, medium weight, and heavy weight classes plus purebreds will all show for the Grand Champion Barrow.
- All crossbred gilts will be shown by weight instead of month. The classes will be divided similar to the barrow class, roughly ten (10) classes. There will be three (3) different weight classes (light weight, medium weight, and heavy weight). A winner will be chosen from each weight section. The winner will show against all other champions for Grand Champion Gilt (i.e. Division I, Division II, and Division III plus the Champion Chester White, Hampshire, York and Duroc). Each division champion will receive a trophy. The Purebred gilts will still show by month.
- No artificial constraint of animals will be allowed in the barn. (NO SNARING). The Swine Barn adheres to the Newton County Statement of Policy found in the front of the Periscope.
- All swine which are to be sold through the market pool or 4-H auction must have at least ½” of hair. This will allow them to be sold through our market channel without rejections. Exception: Grand and Reserve Champion sold through the 4-H auction regardless of hair length/clipping.
- During the Grand Gilt & Barrow Drive, there will be Grand & Reserve Grand chosen, then 3rd, 4th, and 5th
- Suggested Showmanship Classes: Beginner (3rd Graders), Novice (4th -5th grade), Intermediate (6th-8th grade), and Senior (9th-12th grade). All class winners except for the Beginner showmanship winner will show for Champion Showman. Showmanship classes will be divided into appropriately sized groups by age. 4-Hers must sign-up with the respective superintendent. When signing up to enter the showmanship contest, the 4-Her must give his/her grade level. The superintendent will determine the break in class size. The winners in each class will show for the Champion Showman Award. (Past winners will re-enter their appropriate age class each year). All participating members must show their own animals.
- 4-H exhibitors may receive clipping and grooming assistance from members of their immediate family (father, mother, siblings), legal guardian, grandparents, aunts/uncles, step-mother/step-father, a current Newton County 4-H member, an approved Newton County 4-H volunteer, and from those individuals enrolled in the Indiana 4-H Approved Animal Grooming Assistance Program.
SWINE POSTERS: Members may exhibit an educational poster in addition to or in place of live animal. See Animal Education Project guidelines and Poster and Notebook Guidelines.
The Ohio State Resources Hand book 4-H 117R