Mini Beef/Dairy

EXHIBIT: 2nd Grade: One feeder calf or one 22” x 28” poster with 5 pictures that include you and your animal and/or a related topic. Examples include housing, feeding, care, showmanship, etc. See the “4-H Poster and Notebook Requirements” section for more information.

Exhibit Guidelines:

  1. Calves must be born after January 1 of the current year.
  2. For animals over 300 lbs., a parent/guardian needs to be in control of the animal.
  3. Calves must be broken to lead and show stick trained.
  4. Calves will be shown to enable the member and the calf to gain show experience.
  5. All health regulations for 4-H Beef Show apply.
  6. All entries will show together.
  7. Mini members may show a prospect animal (beef) that belongs to another member.
  8. A Mini 4-H Liability Release form must be completed and returned to the Extension Office before the start of the show.