Junior Leaders

Description: The Junior Leader project allows 4-H members in grades 7-12 the opportunity to provide their Adult 4-H Volunteers with additional assistance in their 4-H Clubs and related activities while serving as mentors and role models to the younger 4-H members by sharing their experiences with them. Many counties offer county-wide opportunities for Jr. Leaders to meet and serve the community.

State Fair Entries: No state fair entries.

Exhibit Guidelines: Junior leaders develop skills in the areas of civic engagement, leadership, entrepreneurship and more through a variety of hands-on experiences throughout the year. Jr. Leaders is an organized county-wide club that meets year-round in addition to the local 4-H clubs.  The activities encourage older 4-Hers to develop new knowledge and expand skills and attitudes related to leadership, citizenship, and service learning.  Junior Leaders should strive to improve themselves and the community through their work with this group.  However, there are minimum guidelines listed in the Rules section.  If these minimum guidelines are not met, it may result in a poor score in your 4-H record and not being able to participate in the completion trip.

Jr. Leaders:

  • Make new friends and develop the ability to work with others,
  • Develop abilities to plan, organize, and reason,
  • Help younger 4-H members have a great 4-H experience,
  • And are active leaders in the community.


  • Be enrolled in 4-H for the current year by January 15.
  • Be in 7th grade or above.
  • Be enrolled in and complete at least one additional 4-H project.
  • Actively attend at least 50% of monthly club meetings (September-June).
  • Complete activities from the Activity List below:
    1. Members in grades 9-12 must complete at least 8 activities
    2. Members in grades 7-8 must complete at least 4 activities

Activity List:

Activity List

Hold a leadership position at the annual Project Fair

Hold a leadership role at the annual 1st Year Member Event

Hold a leadership role during Mini 4-H Workshops

Serve as a Junior Leader Officer

Serve as a 4-H Camp Counselor

Participate in fundraising efforts

Participate in service projects

Complete a demonstration at a monthly meeting

Participate in 4-H recruiting and promoting efforts

Assist with pre-fair judging

Assist with grandstand cleanup at the fair

Assist with the 4-H Council Pork Chop Supper

Serve as 4-H Building Host/Hostess during the fair

Attend State 4-H workshop or trip