
Description: The 4-H Health project is designed for youth interested in basic first aid and healthy well-being, as well as those interested in pursuing a medical profession career.

State Fair Entries: 3 exhibits per county; one per level.

Exhibit Guidelines:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) may be used, with parental permission, when creating this exhibit and is to be documented as a reference. A majority of the work to create this exhibit is to be the 4-H member’s original work. All posters, notebooks, and display boards must include a reference list indicating where information was obtained, giving credit to the original author, to complete the 4-H member’s exhibit. This reference list should/might include web site links, people and professionals interviewed, books, magazines, etc. It is recommended this reference list be attached to the back of a poster or display board, be the last page of a notebook, or included as part of the display visible to the public. A judge is not to discredit an exhibit for the way references are listed. Posters are to be 22”x28”, displayed horizontally, and placed in a clear plastic sleeve or covered with clear plastic to protect contents. Display boards should be designed to sit on a table using no more than 36” of tabletop space. Space should be left in the lower right-hand corner to place an exhibit tag provided by Purdue Extension staff. Judges evaluating exhibits should recognize individual differences and creativity, therefore using information in this document as a guide rather than a requirement.

 Exhibit Class Guidelines:

Beginner (grades 3-5 suggested)

Create an educational poster, notebook or display about any manual activity or on any health topic of choice that is age/grade appropriate. Another option is to create a family first aid kit, emergency kit, an emergency kit to take on a hiking, biking, skiing or similar trip, or another similar kit.

 Intermediate (grades 6-8 suggested)

Create an educational poster, notebook or display about any manual activity or on any health topic of choice that is age/grade appropriate. Another option is to create a personal nutrition kit to use when doing physical activity like chores, working out at the gym, hiking, biking, skiing, or another similar kit.

 Advanced (grades 9-12 suggested)

Create an educational poster, notebook or display about any manual activity or on any health topic of choice that is age/grade appropriate. Another option is to create an activity or guide to help yourself or others become more aware of financial wellness, mental health, disease prevention, or other similar topic that promotes healthy habits. Youth can also design and complete an independent study activity.


Health 1: First Aid in Action (BU-8174)
Health 2: Staying Healthy (BU-8175)
Health 3: Keeping Fit (BU-8176)