County Project: Exploring Through Books AND MOVIES

Description: This project is for 4-Hers who enjoy reading and learning through books or watching movies and want to share this enjoyment with others.  See the “4-H Poster and Notebook Requirements” section for more information.

State Fair Entries: None

Project Guidelines:

Level A (grades 3-4):

  1. Read three (3) or more books, or watch three (3) or more movies.
  2. Give a book report or a movie summary at a local 4-H meeting or at school.
  3. Exhibit a poster or design a new cover as described below.
  4. Exhibit a poster about a favorite book or movie. On the poster, include a one-page summary of the book. The summary may be about the member’s favorite part of the book or movie, a description of a character, plot, or any other related concept. Text should be 12-point font and double spaced. Include the book or movie title and author or movie producer. The poster and summary do not have to be about the same topic. The summary should be included as a part of the poster and positioned on the front of the poster; or
  5. Design a new cover for a favorite book or create a new promotional billboard for a favorite movie. On the cover/billboard, the 4-Her should use their imagination to grab the attention of a potential reader. Ideas that may be used include, but are not limited to, a character, an important scene, or a prop used in the book. The 4-Her should be creative.

Level B (grades 5-6):

  1. Read six (6) or more books (at least two (2) must be non-fiction), or watch six (6) or more movies (at least two (2) must be documentaries).
  2. Give a short book report on a non-fiction book or a movie summary at a local 4-H meeting or at school.
  3. Exhibit a poster or a diorama/miniature structure as described below.
    1. Exhibit a poster about a favorite book or movie. On your poster include a one-page summary of the book or movie. Summary may be about the 4-Her’s favorite part of the book or movie, a description of a character, plot, etc. Text should be 12-point font and double spaced. Include the book or movie title and author or movie producer. The poster and summary do not have to be about the same topic. The summary should be included as a part of the poster, positioned on the front of the poster; or
    2. Assemble a diorama/ miniature structure, not to exceed 12”x18”, about some aspect of the book or movie, a description of a character, plot, or any other related concept. A summary should be included with the diorama. Text should be 12-point font and double spaced. Include the book or movie title and author or producer. Display the summary in a plastic sleeve attached to the diorama.

Level C (grades 7-9):

  1. Read nine (9) or more books (at least two (2) must be non-fiction), or watch nine (9) or more movies (at least two (2) must be documentaries).
  2. Read one (1) book or watch a movie on the U.S. government or U.S. history, and give a report at a local 4-H meeting, school, or book discussion group.
  3. Design a scrapbook of main characters in one of the books or movie. The 4-Her should use their imagination to depict what the characters look like, scenes they were in, or other important roles they play in the book/movie. A scrapbook should be at least two (2) pages (front and back) long.

Level D (grades 10 and above):

  1. Read twelve (12) or more books (at least two (2) must be non-fiction), or watch twelve (12) or more movies (at least two (2) must be documentaries).
  2. Read a book or watch a movie related to a career and give a book/movie report at a local 4-H meeting, school, or book discussion group.
  3. Exhibit a scrapbook or a skit based on a scene as described below.
    1. Design a scrapbook of main characters in one (1) of the books or movies. The 4-Her should use their imagination to depict what the characters look like, scenes they were in, or other important roles they play in the book/movie. A scrapbook should be at least two (2) pages, front and back; or
    2. Write a skit based on a scene in one (1) of the books or movies. (A skit is a small play or performance.) The skit script could be based around the talents of a specific actor or perhaps the 4-Her knows exactly how the plot should progress. The skit should be typed 12-point font, double spaced, and at least two (2) pages (front and back) long.
