Consumer clothing

Description: This project is designed to teach clothing selection, wardrobe planning, care of clothing and personal grooming.

State Fair Entries: 3 Notebooks per county, no clothing; one per level; 1 advanced level per county to model in state fair fashion revue 

Exhibit Guidelines:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) may be used, with parental permission, when creating this exhibit and is to be documented as a reference. A majority of the work to create this exhibit is to be the 4-H member’s original work. All posters, notebooks, and display boards must include a reference list indicating where information was obtained, giving credit to the original author, to complete the 4-H member’s exhibit.  This reference list should/might include web site links, people and professionals interviewed, books, magazines, etc. It is recommended this reference list be attached to the back of a poster or display board, be the last page of a notebook, or included as part of the display visible to the public. A judge is not to discredit an exhibit for the way references are listed.

The notebook is to include the following items and information:

  • Outside front cover – 4-H member name, county, club and level;
  • Photo of 4-H member wearing their purchased outfit;
  • Narrative describing decision making process when purchasing this outfit and accessories, and how they complement your existing wardrobe;
  • One page or section outlining each of the five manual activities completed. Information is to include a description of the activity, skills learned, challenges completing the activity and how you worked to overcome each challenge, problems that occurred and how that problem was solved, how this activity will help you later in life and any other information; and
  • Any additional information or documentation such as place of purchase, other vendors explored, how an adult mentor assisted and any other information. Receipts are not required, but if included be sure personally identifiable information such as mailing address, phone number, etc. are altered and not visible.
  • The notebook exhibit is not to include prior year(s) information.

Beginner (grades 3-5 suggested)

Complete five (5) activities in the manual and share your results or answers in a notebook using exhibit guidelines above, labeling each activity. With the help of a mentor or parent, purchase and accessorize an outfit of the 4-Hers choice. Accessories may be purchased or selected from what the 4-Her currently has.

Intermediate (grades 6-8 suggested)

Complete five (5) activities in the manual and share your results or answers in a notebook using exhibit guidelines above, labeling each activity. With the help of a mentor or parent, purchase and accessorize an outfit of the 4-Hers choice. Accessories may be purchased or selected from what the 4-Her currently has.

Advanced (grades 9-12)

Complete five (5) activities in the manual and share your results or answers in a notebook using exhibit guidelines above, labeling each activity. With the help of a mentor or parent, purchase and accessorize an outfit of the 4-Hers choice. Accessories may be purchased or selected from what the 4-Her currently has.


Consumer Clothing: Beginner (4-H-730-W)

Consumer Clothing: Intermediate (4-H-731-W)

Consumer Clothing: Advanced (4-H-732-W)