Construction and Architectural Replica
Description: Allows youth to learn life skills and grow in project knowledge while expressing creativity when designing replicas.
State Fair Entries: 1 entry per county as determined by the county 4-H educator and fair officials.
Exhibit Guidelines:
Exhibits can include farm scenes, town models, building replicas, or similar items and can be constructed from building blocks (Lego), erector sets, or other materials. The product should be constructed to scale as much as possible. Consider adding a clear cover to protect the exhibit while being displayed to the public. This exhibit will most likely be displayed on an 8’ long table top with two or three exhibits per table. Exhibitors should be considerate of space. Exhibits too large to safely move or requiring lots of space should be exhibited using photographs and a description of work in a notebook.
All arts and craft exhibits must include a 4-H Craft Information Card, 4-H 618A. This information card is to describe work completed so the judge can more accurately evaluate the exhibit. Craft information cards are for judging purposes only and will not be returned to the exhibitor. If an exhibitor is concerned about their creation being damaged while on display, they should consider constructing a clear plastic cover to encase the exhibit. Judges evaluating exhibits should recognize individual differences and creativity, therefore using information in this document as a guide rather than a requirement.
Exhibit Class Guidelines:
Beginner (grades 3-5 suggested)
Create and exhibit one age/grade appropriate artistic scene or replica.
Intermediate (grades 6-8 suggested)
Create and exhibit one age/grade appropriate artistic scene or replica.
Advanced (grades 9-12 suggested)
Create and exhibit one age/grade appropriate artistic scene or replica.