Morgan County Indiana Food Pantries

In Indiana726,020 people are facing hunger - and of them 225,750 are children.  More Morgan County specific information can be found here: Feeding America Morgan County Facts 

Here are some local Morgan County Resources. 

Find local pantries,  food shelves, food banks, and other food help.

If we are missing a resource please let us know by contacting us! 

Contact Us

Purdue Extension Morgan County

180 S. Main Street, Suite 229

Martinsville, IN 46151



Food Pantries

FREE Community Compass APP to find food pantry locations/details -

Brooklyn Christian Church

Location: 7 South Church St., Brooklyn

Hours: Monthly; 1st Tuesday, 3rd Saturday 9-11 am

Information: 317-831-3741

Active Grace

Location: 10740 E. CR 700 S., Camby

Hours: Tuesday & Saturday 4-6 pm

Information: 317-830-8297

Eminence Christian Church

Location: 6597 N. Forrest St., Eminence

Hours: Monthly; 1st and 3rd Thursday 4-6pm

Information: 317-716-3295

Churches in Mission

Location: 60 W. Pike St., Martinsville
Hours: Monday/Wednesday/Friday 10-2 pm
Information: 765-341-6652
Gateway Tabernacle

Location: 809 S. Lincoln St., Martinsville

Hours: Monthly; 1st Tuesday 10-12 pm  5-7 pm

Information: 765-342-6913

 Little Free Food Pantry

Location: 1160 Cross St, Martinsville

Hours:  24/7 


Magdalene House

Location: 210 W. Morgan St., Martinsville

Information: 765-343-8030


Manna Mission

Location: 65 W. Morgan St., Martinsville

Information: 765-318-3212


Martinsville First Church of the Nazarene 

(M1 Food Pantry)

Location: 1609 John R. Wooden Dr., Martinsville

Hours: 1st & 3rd Thursdays each month 4-6PM

1st & 3rd Fridays each month 1-3PM

Information: 765-770-0259 (Pantry Office)


Mt. Olive United Methodist Church

Location: 3600 Wilbur Rd., Martinsville

Hours: 2-6 pm 1st & 3rd Wednesday of each month

Information: 317-509-1248


Red Barn

Location: 146 E. Morgan St. Martinsville

Information: 765-342-9063


 Wellspring- Gunner James Burnam Food Pantry

Location: 301 West Harrison Street, Martinsville

Hours: Mon - Thurs 10-4 pm, Fri 10-2 pm

Information: 765-342-6661


Wooden/Bell Family Food Pantry

Location: John R. Wooden Middle School, 109 E. Garfield Ave., Martinsville

Hours: Monthly; 2nd Thursday of each month 3-4:15 pm (August-May)

Eligibility: MSD Martinsville school families

Information: 812-320-3137


Zion's Hill Baptist Church Martinsville
Little Free Food Pantry
Location: 5050 Turkey Track Rd., Martinsville,  
Hours: 24/7


Bulldog Blessings Pantry

Location: Monrovia High School, 205 S. Chestnut St., Monrovia

Hours: 1st Wednesday of each month 4-6 pm & 3rd Saturday of each month 9-11 am

Eligibility: Students, families, and faculty within Monroe-Gregg School District

Information: 812-841-3033 


Monrovia Christian Church

Location: 710 Gordon Rd., Monrovia

Hours: 8:30am -4:30 pm M-F (Please call ahead to arrange a pickup time.)

Information:  317-996-2812

Churches in Mission

Location: 27 S. Indiana St., Mooresville

Hours: Monday/Wednesday/Friday 9-12 pm and Thursday 6-8 pm 

Thursday 6-7:45 pm

Information: 317-831-3987


Gasburg Baptist Church

Location: 11564 N.Gasburg Rd., Mooresville

Hours: Monthly; 2nd Tuesday 4-6 pm

Information: 317-996-2112


Mooresville Senior Citizens Center

Location: 4305 E. SR 144, Mooresville

Hours: Monday & Friday 9-1 PM

Eligibility: 55 and older

Information: 317-831-7510


Paul Hadley Middle School

Location: 200 W. Carlisle St., Mooresville

Hours: Monthly; 1st Tuesday 5-6:15 pm

Eligibility: Paul Hadley families

Information: 317-831-9208


Morgantown Community Food Pantry

 Location: 120 W. Washington St., Morgantown

Hours: Monthly; 4th Friday 12:30-3 pm

Information: 317-709-491


Gleaners Mobile Pantry

Location: 180 W. Washington St., Morgantown (First Merchants Bank)

Hours: 1st Saturday of each month 10-12 pm


New Life Christian Church

Location: 2450 Guy Road, Paragon

Hours: 11:30-1:30 pm 1st and 3rd Sunday 



Paragon Food Pantry

Location: 100 Union St, Paragon

Hours: Monthly; 2nd and last Saturday 10-noon

Information: 765-318-4579


Paragon Chrisitan Church Pantry




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